Holy furnace

Chapter 461 The legend of 3 years ago

A slender figure wearing a golden robe suddenly appeared in the boundless sky. With the appearance of this figure, an inexplicable change seemed to have taken place in the whole world. At this time, it suddenly became peaceful, and countless heaven and earth vitality gathered from a distance, blowing away the killing power and the power of Dao that were left here before, and in an instant, the tense atmosphere here was gone. There was nothing left, and everyone felt a kind of relaxation like a spring breeze.

Almost everyone is looking up!Whether it is a strong man in the Yuanhua realm or a monk in the mortal realm, they all opened their eyes wide, wanting to see the figure who is walking down from the sky step by step. At this moment, everyone involuntarily emerged in their hearts Feeling pious, they seemed to see a divine mansion slowly descending from the altar, suppressing the world with supreme divine power.At the same time, the broken map of subduing demons suddenly shrunk, rushed into the sky with a low humming sound, and finally turned into a compass-sized dao map, fell into the opponent's hand and disappeared.

"Huh!" Suddenly, a heavy voice sounded, resounding through the world.

Rumble!When the heavy Tao sounded, the killing power that had dissipated before reappeared in the world, stronger than before, and all the monks suddenly woke up at this time!Until now, everyone realized that the environment around them hadn't changed at all, the power of killing was still surging, and the power of Dao was still pervasive. The only difference was that almost everyone's chest was stained with sticky Blood, that is from his own blood!When recalling the previous feeling of being in a fairyland, everyone's hairs couldn't help but explode, and they were sweating instantly!

When all the monks backed out for another hundred miles, they were horrified to find that there was only a young man in gray cloth and linen in the void.

"Duan Tianlong! It turned out to be Duan Tianlong!" After the silence, another exclamation broke out from the crowd, and the words revealed unparalleled excitement.

"It's him, the mighty dragon, upright, it's him, it's definitely him!" Someone said again, and said with incomparable certainty, his eyes pierced the sky and looked at the man in white, showing infinite admiration.

"Duan Tianlong, the legendary person has actually appeared!" But almost all those who spoke were monks in the Yuanhua realm, and they were the only ones who had heard of the past events back then. Now, that kind of deeds can already be called It is a legend that although hundreds of years have passed and many deeds have been annihilated, people in that era will never forget it.

"Who is Duan Tianlong? Why do the senior brothers call him a legendary person?" The monk who was in the state of heartbeat asked boldly. Now that the situation is like this, almost everyone has eliminated the gap in realm, and let him immediately The sharing of information was probably done deliberately by all Yuanhuajing monks, in order to let the name of Duan Tianlong spread in the Qingxu Temple again.

"This is a strong man who was almost invincible in the Nine Palaces!" Everyone spoke, telling part of the history they knew one after another, restoring it to one place, and wanting to reproduce the real history.

"Duan Tianlong was born in the Kun Palace. After his cultivation reached a high level, he was called Duan Tianlong, the god of extermination. Duan Tianlong is famous for his Tianlong octave. More than 300 years ago, he reached the realm of transcendence. He is almost invincible in the Nine Palaces!"

"At that time, only a very small number of people were qualified to be challenged by him. It is said that after entering the Bigu Realm at the beginning of the year, he fought against people in the battle hall. After the battle went crazy, he directly collapsed the reincarnation battlefield with a roar! After Huajing, he even entered the free war zone alone, killing all directions, invincible!"

"When Yu Yu was almost invincible in the free battle zone, the owner of the Elite Pavilion personally issued an invitation, willing to accept Duan Tianlong to enter the country. As long as he nodded and agreed, he could directly enter the Elite Pavilion for cultivation! Exit the customs and rush directly to the Elite Pavilion."

"After rushing to the Elite Pavilion, Duan Tianlong broke in with the eight notes of Tianlong and challenged the strong players of the same level in the Elite Pavilion! Needless to say the ending, the Elite Pavilion has stood for many years, everyone is the strongest person, Duan Tianlong finally lost, It is said that the ending was very tragic, he was shaken and broke dozens of bones. But the other party was also uncomfortable. His heart was shattered by Duan Tianlong's Tianlong octave. If it weren't for the celestial genius of the elite pavilion to continue his life, he might die that day Already!"

"There are legends that Duan Tianlong entered the reincarnation formation again after his defeat, and became stronger as he fought, and finally broke into the front of the leader of the reincarnation formation! No one knows the outcome of that battle, but Duan Tianlong has not become a new Everyone knows that he has lost! However, Duan Tianlong was not discouraged, and resolutely broke into the Elite Pavilion again! That time, Duan Tianlong Shenwei, forcibly defeated the number one powerhouse of the same level at that time with Tianlong Bayin, and then raised his strength After leaving, I have never stepped into the Elite Pavilion again."

"At that time, Duan Tianlong was surrounded by a dazzling halo, even surpassing the disciples of the Elite Pavilion! Even the elders of merit had issued a decree, and they meant to take him with him to practice, but I don't know why this matter did not happen in the end. It's over. Some people say that Zhuge Palace Master has other arrangements, and some people say that Duan Tianlong is arrogant and wants to use his body to improve the lack of crime."

"His greatest achievements and achievements are not these!" A strong man was moved, and said after a long memory, "About 320 years ago, a powerful person from Lingxiao Temple visited, and with him came Wang Peng, known as the little saint! That time, while all the palace masters were discussing important matters with the outside world, Wang Peng fought in the audience, and swept the Qingxu Temple with the Dapeng King Fist. realm."

"It is said that the Dapeng King Fist in the Lingxiao Temple was created by an ancient sage. It is like the resurrection of the Peng King with one punch, and it has the power of ghosts and gods! And Wang Peng himself is known as the little saint. The Dapeng King Fist, my one hundred thousand disciples from the Nine Palaces can't stop it!"

"In the end, Wang Peng met Duan Tianlong in front of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Central Continent. It is said that the battle was almost a catastrophe. It’s just a little monk who has just entered the Enlightenment Realm, and I saw the two of them fighting in the Qingxu Temple, the power of law is everywhere, if it is not protected by the lack of law, the Nine Palaces Continent will be collapsed.”

"No one knows the outcome of that battle, but Wang Peng just disappeared and never appeared in the Qingxu Temple again. It was the powerful man from Lingxiao Temple who specifically named Duan Tianlong before leaving. What was specifically said, except for the elders who were present at the time, no one should know."

"Such a strong man should have an incomparably brilliant future, but about 300 years ago, Duan Tianlong suddenly disappeared." Someone spoke up, mentioning the most mysterious past of Duan Tianlong.

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