Holy furnace

Chapter 465 The Flawless Girl

"You can also be regarded as his elder?" Duan Tianlong couldn't help but sneered and asked back after hearing Shangguan Yun's explanation.

"Why not?" Shangguan Yun asked back.

"You said that some people can be touched, and some people cannot be touched. I really want to know who these people are!" Duan Tianlong snorted, and stopped entangled in this question, but asked road.

Just like Shangguan Yun understands Duan Tianlong, Duan Tianlong also understands Shangguan Yun very thoroughly, knowing that the other party will not be indiscriminate in some matters. Since the other party mentioned such a person in front of him, he even mentioned the name of his mentor, but I think what the other party said must be true.

"It can't be said." Shangguan Yun shook his head inscrutablely, and said, "Although your life may be better than mine in the past 300 years, in some aspects, I have to be one step ahead. For example, your 300 years Doomed to be alone and completely isolated from the outside world, and although my 300 years were a little painful, I was not lonely at all. After 300 years, there are too many things you don’t know.”

"Really unwilling to say?" Duan Tianlong asked again, ready to move.

"It's not that you don't want to say it, but you can't say it." Shangguan Yun shook his head and said, "Even if you use forbidden techniques."

Hearing Shangguan Yun's statement, Duan Tianlong could only stop. He knew that there might be something serious about it, so he couldn't help turning his head to look at Li Haoxuan beside him. For 300 years, his body has been bearing the seal personally placed by his mentor Zhuge Dianzhu. Although he can see everyone in the Sutra Pavilion, he cannot communicate with any of them, nor can he leave the Sutra Pavilion for half a step.The day Li Haoxuan entered the Sutra Pavilion was the moment when the seal on him was finally released. Although he still couldn't step out of the Sutra Pavilion, he was able to manifest his real body.

"May I ask Senior Brother Shangguan that the person you are talking about is Xu?" Li Haoxuan asked suddenly, facing Shangguan Yun, with Duan Tianlong's blessing beside him, he has the qualification to talk directly with Shangguan Yun.

"No." Shangguan Yun looked at Li Haoxuan in surprise, and replied, "Isn't your surname Xu?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback, then frowned and said to himself.Among the people in contact with him, only Xu Ziyue has a mysterious identity. He thought that the person the other party mentioned would be Xu Ziyue, but now it seems that it is not her. Since it is not Xu Ziyue, Li Haoxuan is also in trouble. Everyone, but they still couldn't think of who would have such a big background for Shangguan Yun, who was at the peak of Yuanhua, to come forward.

"After knowing my strength, you still dare to speak in front of me. Although your strength is not very good, but your heart is excellent, no wonder Duan Tianlong wants to protect you like this." After answering Li Haoxuan, Shangguan Yun couldn't help admiring.

"Thank you brother for your praise." Li Haoxuan bowed and thanked.For some reason, he always felt that the Shangguan Yun in front of him didn't really seem to have murderous intentions towards him, and his relationship with Senior Brother Duan beside him was also very complicated. Feeling the slightest intention of killing, this is more like an opponent, rather than an opponent who really stands at the two ends of life and death, so he still respects Shangguan Yun.

"You don't need to be polite to him." Duan Tianlong raised his hand slightly, helped Li Haoxuan up, and said to Li Haoxuan with a smile.

"Hehe." Shangguan Yun didn't care about this, and said, "I have already given the explanation that should be given. Your junior brother didn't suffer any harm. Instead, you shattered most of my demon-conquering map. Anyway, you took advantage of it." , if there is nothing else, I will go first."

"I'm afraid you won't be able to leave." Duan Tianlong's expression changed slightly, and then he led Li Haoxuan back with a light smile.

"The tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop." Shangguan Yun's face also changed slightly at the same time, frowning and sighing, shaking his head and talking to himself.

Boom!As soon as Shangguan Yun finished speaking, a powerful aura erupted from the sky above the Dan Pavilion. At the same time, intense heaven and earth vitality gathered from all directions, connected with each other by the gods of order, and turned into a vitality bridge, leading directly to the sky !

The next moment, a huge roar sounded, and infinite light appeared from the sky above the Dan Pavilion. A girl in a goose-yellow gown walked down from the bridge of vitality, bathed in colorful brilliance, and surrounded by the void. Dao is densely covered, and even accompanied by ancient beasts transformed by Dao, there are Suzaku soaring into the sky, Xuanwu protectors, white tigers roaring, and green dragons circling.

This is a kind of supreme power, and it is the aura and coercion that one can only have after one's own Taoism has reached a certain level.The real way is strands of light, rays of light, and the whole sky is full of light and rain. She seems to be a luminous body, and she seems to be the real carrier of the way of heaven and earth. At this moment, she seems to be in harmony. The real one is different from the Dao of Heaven and Earth, as long as the Dao of Heaven and Earth is immortal, she will last forever.

The roar continued, and the dazzling brilliance sprinkled down from time to time, lining the entire vitality bridge with colorful colors, and it looked extremely holy in the void, like a fairy from the legendary fairyland, manifesting in the mortal world middle.In the sky above her head, a green hairpin was shining, and it was slowly rotating, and the mellow breath of law emanated from it, as if it could crush the ages and push the heavens and worlds across.

This is a powerful woman who can be called astonishing. Now that she has manifested in the world, she immediately attracts everyone's attention, and everyone can't help but stare at her, even the strong in the Yuanhua realm. Moved, the strong aura of the avenue makes people feel close, as if standing by her side can get the blessing of the avenue of heaven and earth!

Up to now, all the monks below the heart-beating state have withdrawn from the power of Dandao Pavilion, and with their cultivation base, they can't stand in the environment where several pressures coexist. , once entering it, I am afraid that it will be crushed into powder immediately.Especially for the girl who appeared at the end, the powerful power of the Dao was circulating all over her body, and each aura of heaven and earth weighed more than ten thousand catties, which was unbearable even for the strong in the heartbeat state.

In the end, the girl walked down the Yuanqi Shenqiao, and walked in front of Shangguan Yun with a calm expression, her eyes were full of indifference, and there was no expression at all.

"I haven't seen you in 300 years. I never thought you would really succeed." Shangguan Yun looked at the flawless girl in front of him with a complicated expression, and then sighed after a long while, and said regretfully to her.

When the flawless girl walked off the bridge of vitality, everyone was shocked. The extremely pure Taoist fluctuations deeply shocked everyone's hearts. I have felt such a pure power of the Dao in my body, even Duan Tianlong, who was so powerful before that everyone couldn't help shaking, didn't have such a pure power of the Dao, this is simply a body born for the Dao, people can hardly imagine Is there still flesh and blood in this body, or in other words, everything in this body has become the way.

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