Holy furnace

Chapter 468 The Seal of Dao

Shangguan Yun Shenwei!

The previous method of lifting weights with such lightness shocked everyone on the scene, even Li Haoxuan was fascinated by it. I don't know when he will have such peerless power in the future!It's just a finger, but it looks like a supreme weapon in his hand. Judging from the fact that Song Haiming and the Sea God Battle Armor seemed to be easily suppressed before, even the supreme magic weapon may be easily suppressed by him. This method is really shocking!

Everyone can feel the supreme power from the divine aura of the flawless girl. The divine aura that uses heaven and earth as the cauldron and the avenue as the flame is really terrifying, even the void can't bear the power. This coercion seems to be about to collapse!However, such a divine aura was shattered under Shangguan Yun's finger, completely turning into nothingness.

"Good... so strong! No wonder you are not afraid of Duan Tianlong, this kind of method is really shocking, enough to compete with Duan Tianlong!"

"Is this really Yuanhuajing's means? How do I feel that an elder can fight here? I seem to feel the fluctuation of the law of space. Is this the most critical step to be taken?"

"Who is that flawless girl? Walking down from the upper space of our Dan Pavilion, is it a senior sister who has been in seclusion for many years? How come no one has ever heard of it!"

"You can burn the Dao God Principle with a wave of your hand. If it is not the innate Taoism, it must be the Taoism. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such power by means of Yuanhuajing."

"It's impossible. If it's a divine body, how could it not be able to restrain Shangguan Yun in the Yuanhua realm?" The onlookers discussed and expressed their opinions from time to time. However, no one could explain everything clearly. All of this exceeded everyone's imagination. The ability to watch this battle is enough to benefit a lot.

"Boom!" At this moment, the divine bridge of vitality that connected to the sky above the Pill Pavilion suddenly oscillated violently, and the crystal-clear, heaven-earth vitality that had almost transformed into strength spread out layer by layer, covering it in an instant The entire Dange Continent!

The Dandao Pavilion is located on a huge floating island of the gods, in which the supreme pattern is engraved, which can make it embedded in the void forever!At this moment, the divine bridge of vitality exploded with a bang, countless vitality poured in one after another, and surrounded the entire island of gods, and countless divine chains of Taoism and order formed by the avenue of heaven and earth came from the divine bridge of vitality. Get out and merge into the vitality that surrounds the entire island of God.

hum!In the end, the void trembled slightly, and the entire Dange God Island was sealed, and countless Dao patterns appeared on that layer of seal from the inside out, completely isolating the Dange God Island!

"Not good! The Dandao Pavilion has been sealed!" A monk yelled, because he was retreating rapidly before and wanted to escape from the Dandao Pavilion, but at this time he found that the Dandao Pavilion was sealed, and even the original exit It has been blocked, and it is impossible to enter for the first time. A layer of invisible avenue power has enveloped the entire space, making this space almost an independent world, which can be called a Jedi.

When this layer of seal appeared, the entire Dandao Pavilion was completely isolated, and large tracts of dao patterns were suspended in all directions of the island of God, completely separating the inner and outer worlds, and even the line of sight could not pass through.

"What's going on!" The cultivators who were forced to withdraw from the Dan Dao Pavilion before were also shouting, because the Dan Dao Pavilion disappeared from their eyes, and what appeared in front of them was a vitality seal constructed of endless Dao patterns. Everything that happened in it is unknown.

Boom!Someone made a move, using the divine power of Yuanhua Realm to hit the strongest blow on this seal, trying to break it, but the result was shocking.Because there was no change in this layer of seal, that supreme divine power was actually absorbed by the vitality seal!

"Let's take action together and break the seal!" A powerful man shouted, wanting to mobilize all the monks for a peerless blow!Because the battles taking place in the Alchemy Pavilion today are really too embarrassing, and it may not be possible to see them for hundreds or even thousands of years. This kind of series of battles is of great benefit to monks above the Heartbeat Realm, and can even Find your own future path from the opponent's manipulation of the Tao.This is an opportunity that no one wants to miss, or they will regret it for the rest of their lives.

Then, everyone made a move together, and countless powerful magic powers were gathered in one place and slammed heavily on that layer of seal. This is to break the surface with a point, and it is the best way to break such a large-scale seal. However, This attack is still useless, and some monks have even sacrificed divine weapons and used magic weapons to exert extreme coercion, but it is really useless, all attacks have been absorbed.

In the end, everyone discovered a shocking fact. All the attacks they blasted before were absorbed by the seal of vitality, and then fed back to this seal, which means that what they did before was not breaking the seal, but The fact of strengthening the seal made everyone feel extremely sad, but some people left calmly after seeing the status quo. There is nothing to regret, and as long as I can go on this road, I will have that day eventually.

boom!In the distance, three tyrannical pressures crossed the void, arrived from a very far distance, and flew in front of the vitality seal of Dandao Pavilion.

"We are late." Chongyang, dressed in fine clothes, said regretfully after feeling the supreme power of the seal in front of him. The vitality seal was almost unsolvable, even the three of them couldn't do anything about it.

"I knew I should have come here when the Devil's Falling Map appeared!" The hulking Niu Li waved his fist and lightly hammered the seal twice and sighed. It's really out of a certain category, and it's not accessible to monks like them.At that moment before, they were not in Dandao Pavilion, but in the wilderness of Qingxuguan. They didn't come at the fastest speed until the moment when Duan Tianlong exploded with extreme power and directly shattered the Demon Conquering Map. However, After all, it was too late to witness the strongest scene.

Meng Jun, who was dressed in black, was magnificent, powerful mana fluctuated and rumbled in the void, he was hesitating, whether he should sublimate himself and send out his strongest blow to break the seal in front of him, he is Meng Jun , can be called the invincible powerhouse of the same level, after the ultimate sublimation, he can even kill a powerful ray of divine sense, but now, looking at the seal in front of him, he is hesitating, and finally, all the mana fluctuations dissipate No, Meng Jun didn't make a move.

"The seal of Dao!" In the independent Dao Dao Pavilion, Shangguan Yun saw the power of Dao patterns densely packed in all directions and finally changed his color suddenly. Looking at the flawless girl in front of him, he exclaimed, "Stop!"

When Shangguan Yun opened his mouth, the flawless girl took a step forward.

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