Holy furnace

Chapter 467 Shangguan Shenwei

Looking at the girl in front of him who was flowing with the power of the Dao, Li Haoxuan couldn't help but exclaimed, although he had only met Senior Sister Sang a few times, and the temperament of this person in front of him was quite similar to Senior Sister Sang, But he believes that he will never admit his mistake, because they really have exactly the same face.

"You know her too?" At this time, even a strong man like Duan Tianlong frowned, as if he felt that what happened here was somewhat out of his control. After hearing Li Haoxuan's words, Duan Tianlong Turning his head, he asked with a solemn face.

"Well, she is a seventh-level alchemist in the alchemy pavilion." Li Haoxuan nodded, pointing to the bridge of vitality that soared upwards, as if connecting the two realms of immortality and mortal world, and said, "I just met her today, and she is here. The space behind that vitality bridge."

"Oh." Duan Tianlong nodded, then shook his head, and said firmly, "She is not the Senior Sister Sang you mentioned."

"What?" Li Haoxuan was surprised.At his level, as long as he meets a person once, he will basically never forget it. Photographic memory is one of the abilities that can be controlled by the enlightened state. If someone tells him that he has misidentified the person, he will never believe it. , but this sentence came from Duan Tianlong, but he had no choice but to believe it.

"Or, she is not human at all." Duan Tianlong paused, as if he felt that he could say more, so he continued to explain.

"Not a human? What is that? Is it a demon or a demon?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback. After reading "The Outline of the World", Li Haoxuan already had a general understanding of the current universe. There are thousands of creatures in the universe. Ten thousand, there are so many types that it is difficult to count, and as far as the Ziwei Starfield is concerned, the most living beings are humans, demons, and demons. Moreover, there are some heaven-defying techniques in the world that can hide one's true form. For example, Li Haoxuan once used The great supernatural power of changing the world.

Even so, Li Haoxuan knew he was wrong as soon as he finished speaking. First of all, not to mention that there are strong men like Shangguan Yun and Duan Tianlong sitting here. It is impossible for demons to get involved in Qingxu Temple. He still remembers that the first thing he did when he first entered the inner sect was to kneel down and worship the statue of the patriarch. If he wants to hide the statue of the patriarch, it is only possible if he is above the quasi-emperor level. .

"It's really not right to make this kind of mistake." Seeing Li Haoxuan's wry smile, Duan Tianlong knew that Li Haoxuan had understood it in his heart, so he continued, "I said she is not human, but I just mean that she is not like a human being in some aspects! At the very least, the power of the Great Dao exuded from her is no longer like a person."

"I heard that there was a divine body in the temple a few years ago. Could she be the Taoist body of our Qingxu temple?" Li Haoxuan thought for a while, and then asked.

"Hey, how could she have a divine body?" Duan Tianlong sneered suddenly, and said disdainfully, "If she had a divine body, she would have had it 400 years ago! What's more, how could a divine body be such a virtue?"

"Isn't that good?" Li Haoxuan couldn't help asking, looking at Senior Sister Sang, who was bursting with seven-colored divine light all over her body, and the power of Taoist surged from time to time, as if shrouded in a layer of fairy light.Everyone knows that this kind of performance is a manifestation of profound Taoism, just like those monks in the Western Desert, all those who have advanced cultivation will manifest a huge golden halo behind their heads. This is a manifestation of a realm, not what a bad thing.

"Heretic!" Duan Tianlong snorted when he heard the words, stopped talking, but concentrated on looking at the flawless girl and Shangguan Yun who were not far away.

In the distance, a flawless girl with a brilliant body like a god stood in front of Shangguan Yun with a blank expression on her face, and there were pieces of mysterious Taoism flying in her pupils, making her eyes seem to be enveloped by a real world. world.

Shangguan Yun's expression was complicated, and he felt inexplicably sad when he saw this old friend in front of him.He shook his head, drove away the emotions in his mind, and was imprisoned for 300 years. He thought he could cut off all emotions, but in the end some things couldn't be cut off after all.

Looking at Shangguan Yun in front of her, the endless Tao in the pupils of the flawless girl rotated faster and faster, and finally they all connected together, as if they had truly formed a world of their own.

"Damn it!" Suddenly, the world in the pupils of the flawless girl shattered in an instant, and a trace of confusion flashed in her eyes. However, in just an instant, the confusion disappeared, and she returned to a state of innocence. While speaking, the flawless girl leisurely raised her right hand and pressed it towards Shangguan Yun's chest.

"It really succeeded?" Duan Tianlong murmured to himself, looking at the flawless girl who attacked Shangguan Yun blatantly.Li Haoxuan glanced at Duan Tianlong beside him, and remained silent. There were some things he didn't understand, but he couldn't ask.

Seeing the colorful palm gently pressed in front of him, Shangguan Yun remained motionless, still standing there quietly, until the palm was printed on his chest, then he slowly opened his mouth and said, "400 years ago I As I said, your way..."

Speaking of this, Shangguan Yun's face suddenly changed drastically, and then, with a bang, a brilliant light erupted from his chest and made a loud noise, and the next moment, Shangguan Yun's figure appeared from thirty miles away And then, a jet-black handprint appeared on the gray sackcloth on his chest.

Until this time, that brilliant divine light was still burning in place, as if it was going to burn a hole in the sky!

Looking at the divine light that seemed to last forever, Shangguan Yun's face also became serious, and the original ease and comfort had disappeared.

Boom!The next moment, the group of divine lights suddenly exploded in the void, shattered into several pieces and dotted in the void, and then, the split divine lights leisurely reorganized and turned into a mysterious formation, which instantly appeared in Shangguan The sky above the clouds.

hum!The moment the divine aura map appeared, Shangguan Yun's right hand suddenly raised, and he stretched out an index finger to point towards the sky.

Following Shangguan Yun's strike, this finger suddenly turned into the color of jasper, and instantly grew to a length of a thousand feet and a thickness of a hundred feet. With a bang, it directly blasted into the depths of the sky, as if turning into a pillar of support , shattered the divine aura map in the void on the spot, and then, a wisp of extinction power manifested, turning all those fragments of the divine aura into nothingness.

In the next moment, the jade-colored fingers, which were thousands of feet tall, suddenly disappeared, as if they had never appeared before. Shangguan Yun, dressed in linen and gray, stood in the void with his hands behind his back, his clothes fluttering.

Seeing Shangguan Yun raising his hand to suppress the sky and the earth, with supernatural power, Duan Tianlong's aura also began to rise slowly, as if he was about to rush into the battle at any time.However, at this moment, the Yuanqi Shenqiao not far away suddenly shook violently!

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