Holy furnace

Chapter 471: Divine Embryo?

Zheng!Just when Shangguan Yun was about to blast the seal of Dao with his ultimate blow, a shocking sword intent suddenly appeared from the sky above his head, and it passed through the seal of Dao, which can be called absolute defense, to the Dandao Pavilion .

"What a strong sword intent!" Shangguan Yun's face was serious. He didn't feel the fluctuation of the law of space from this sword intent. It's just a metamorphic realm powerhouse!He thinks that Yuanhuajing's combat power should have reached its peak at his level, and even the entire Qingxu Temple may not be able to find a few people who can stand shoulder to shoulder with him and Duan Tianlong, but now, the sword intent that appeared in the sky But it is showing the fact that the opponent definitely has the ability to compete with it!

"It's the Grand Commander! The Grand Commander has arrived!" Song Haiming, who was struggling to support himself, suddenly yelled in surprise after feeling the sword intent, and even the Seagod Armor on his body became even more blue at this time !

"The commander-in-chief of the law enforcement hall?" Duan Tianlong nodded slightly after hearing the words. Among the Yuanhua powerhouses of the Qingxu Temple, there are not none who can stand shoulder to shoulder with them, but there are very few, at least the Yuanhua in the Elite Pavilion The strong have enough qualifications to attack and fight with them, and the commander of the law enforcement hall also has such qualifications. Since the opponent is the commander of the law enforcement hall, there is no surprise. It is a matter of course to have such combat power thing.

"The commander-in-chief is powerful and unparalleled in the world. He will surely break the seal!" Song Haiming roared in surprise. Confidence, in his mind, the Grand Commander can be called the God of Yuanhua, he has never seen a strong Yuanhua who can be as stunning as him, and the belief in winning has given him even greater strength. The power of his body actually shattered the killing principles one after another in the rumbling sound.

Boom!The Supreme Sword Intent finally fell, and it slammed heavily on the seal of Dao!Duan Tianlong and Shangguan Yun looked up, and saw that the seal of Dao was being crushed by a strong sword intent and became extremely distorted, as if it would break at any time!However, the seal of Dao is a seal made of the Dao of Heaven and Earth, which is far from being comparable to ordinary seals. Even with the power of a great commander, it failed to work in one blow. It was stalemate with the seal of Dao in the void, unable to enter half an inch.

"I'm coming!" Shangguan Yun yelled when he saw this, the void collapsed between two steps, and he appeared directly at the critical point between the Supreme Dao Sword and the Dao Seal. Press go.

boom!Following Shangguan Yun's handprint, an ancient idol suddenly appeared in the void!The idol raised its head to the sky and roared, its long trunk twitched violently in the void, collapsing a corner of the void on the spot, then, the idol struggled forward amidst the roar, colliding with the power of the ancient idol and the endless Dao pattern. To the seal of Tao in front of you!

"Woo ba huh!" At the same time as Shangguan Yun made a move, Duan Tianlong also made a move. At this moment, Duan Tianlong no longer hides his clumsiness, and directly roared out the first five tones of Tianlong eight notes in one go. Suddenly, the world trembled. Five real dragons were condensed from the void, with different postures. Each real dragon was filled with strong dragon breath, as if it really came from the fairyland.As soon as the five real dragons appeared, they began to roar endlessly. The sound of the dragon's chant shook the sky, and with the power of the ancient gods, they blasted on the seal of Tao.

"When will there be three strong men like this in the temple!" Outside the seal of Dao, Tan Tian, ​​the commander in black, stood upside down in the void, and the ancient iron sword in his hand swung out a peerless sword that was eighty miles deep. It pierced deeply into the seal of Tao. However, this blow didn't work and was blocked by the seal of Tao. At this moment, when he sensed the two supernatural powers transmitted from it, Tan Tiancai exerted his strength again. All the mana that has been refined into a sword-like shape pours into the iron sword, making it shine brightly in an instant.

Click!There was a slight cracking sound, and under the joint bombardment of Duan Tianlong, Shangguan Yun and Tan Tian, ​​the three peerless powerhouses, the incomparably tough seal of Dao was finally broken, and was broken by the iron sword in Tan Tian's hand A hole of ten feet.

"This can only break a hole?" Duan Tianlong and Shangguan Yun couldn't help but be surprised. They thought that such a peerless blow was enough to break the seal of Tao, but they didn't expect that it could only break a small hole!

"It's such a strong seal of the Tao. I'm afraid it's invincible if you don't make any mistakes." Duan Tianlong said silently, which was very different from the high-spirited temperament before. At this moment, even he felt powerless.That woman is really too mysterious. No one knows who she is. Hundreds of years ago, there was a huge commotion. Although it was quelled later, some people paid a heavy price for the war at that time. Some even died because of it.

Looking at the flawless girl bathed in divine light, Shangguan Yun's expression became extremely ugly. He thought that she had reached her peak 300 years ago, but she never expected that this woman would become even stronger and more powerful after 300 years. It's mysterious. According to what was said back then, she may have really taken a crucial step.This time he really miscalculated, what happened at this time was far from what he expected, and he alone had no ability to control the overall situation.

boom!The moment the seal of Tao was broken, a figure suddenly appeared beside Duan Tianlong and Shangguan Yun. It was Tan Tian, ​​the leader of the Law Enforcement Hall dressed in black.

Commander Tan Tian, ​​dressed in black, came to Dandao Pavilion and nodded calmly to Duan Tianlong and Shangguan Yun in front of him. These are two strong men who can fight against him, and they are qualified enough to be respected by him .However, before he could open his mouth in the future, Tan Tian's complexion changed drastically, because his eyes had passed Duan Tianlong and the two at this time, and landed on the flawless girl.

"It's her!" Looking at the flawless girl, Tan Tian couldn't help exclaiming, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"You know her too?" Shangguan Yun looked at Tan Tian and said to him.To him, although Tan Tian's strength is powerful, he may not be able to surpass him. Moreover, this is a veritable junior, because when he was at the peak, he did not have such a person in front of him in his memory.

"Is it the legendary god fetus?" Tan Tian's face was solemn, and after careful observation with Daoyuan's divine eyes, he couldn't help gasping, and said in horror, "It's really cast with the Dao!"

"She is taking the most critical step. If she succeeds, it will be unpredictable." Shangguan Yun said with a heavy tone of self-mockery, "I didn't expect to encounter such a thing just a day after I was born, so I must have been cheated." Bar?"

"The matter is very important. We should ask the elders to take action on this kind of matter. We should not act rashly!" Tan Tian said hesitantly. He knew something about the divine fetus, so he didn't know whether he should really take action at this time.

"Hmph! If you have to consult the elders to make a decision on everything, what do you need the Law Enforcement Hall to do?" Although the other party is a strong man comparable to himself, and is the leader of the Law Enforcement Hall, Duan Tianlong said But he was not polite, he was sealed for 300 years, and now he was born with great difficulty and immediately encountered such a thing, if he didn't handle it well, he might have to be sealed for another 300 years. For him, although longevity is not a problem, But those days are really suffocating.

"Boom!" At this moment, the seal of Tao suddenly exploded, and countless light rains rolled back at this time, and all of them returned to the seal of Tao. Then, the infinite Tao manifested in the void, constructing a Dao patterns of different shapes flocked to the flawless girl.

"Not good!" Shangguan Yun and Duan Tianlong's expressions changed drastically at the same time, and a bang sound directly cut through the void, gathering supreme divine power to attack the flawless girl.

"Zheng!" Just as the two of them were attacking at the same time, an iron sword suddenly fell from the sky, and with a clang sound, endless sword lights swayed across the two of them.

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