Holy furnace

Chapter 472

No one knows the identity of the flawless girl, even Shangguan Yun and others have only heard some legends about her.

It is said that many years ago, someone in Qingxu Temple had obtained a Wuque Emperor Sutra, and after practicing it, he could slough out a divine fetus from a mortal body. It will be just as good!This is the only supreme magic formula known in the entire universe that can transform a mortal body into a divine body through practice, and only the perfect scriptures of the Great Emperor have this ability!

Such a scripture of the great emperor naturally attracted the attention of all the great religions. Although there is only a legend circulating in the world, no one can prove whether the news is true or not, but the heroes are still afraid. It is the birth of several Dao bodies!

However, it turns out that this situation is really worrying!After all, it is the ancient scriptures of the great emperor, so how can it be so easy to practice them?Even if the entire Ziwei Starfield is poor, no one may be able to practice it!What's more, Qingxu Temple is also one of the giants of the immortal way, and it is impossible for many holy places to really turn against him.Unless the extreme magic weapon is used to instantly smash the entire Qingxu Temple into dust, what they will face is a quasi-emperor weapon that will crazily retaliate all the time, and even the extreme magic weapon will not be able to protect everyone.

Now this era is different from ancient times, there aren't even many saints, and the Ziwei Starfield is even more talented, it really can't stand such consumption.Some people think that the scriptures of the ancient great emperors cannot be understood unless they reach a certain level, and even a saint may not be able to understand one out of ten of them, let alone this most heaven-defying emperor's scriptures?Fortunately, since the legend came out, there has never been a divine body in Qingxu Temple. Over time, this kind of legend has been forgotten!

Not to mention the outside world, not many people even in Qingxu Temple know this legend. Only some core disciples with high status are qualified to come into contact with some legends of the year, such as Tan Tian and others, but still no one knows this kind of legend Where did it come from, and no one knows whether this legend is true or not.

More than 300 years ago, Duan Tianlong and Shangguan Yun had already guessed, and then they kept trying to prove that the woman they knew was the legendary god fetus. However, everything was a mystery, and they did not find the slightest clue. There are clues, because no one has ever seen what is a real divine fetus!Although it is said that after the birth of the divine fetus, it is said that it is a Taoist body, but who has actually seen it?The first time Tan Tian saw the flawless girl, he thought she was the legendary god fetus because he felt the shocking power of the great way from her.

Although there has never been a divine fetus in the world, there has been a Taoist body!Entering the body of the Dao is the most critical step on the way forward. Once successful, your body will be transformed into a real god body by the power of the Dao. Some people say that the Dao body after experiencing the Dao is truly invincible. The existence of God, because it represents the approval of God, it is the affirmation of the will of heaven and earth, except for the ancient emperor, who can compete with Dao?

"If she is really the legendary fetus, then disturbing her way into the body is a death penalty!" Seeing Duan Tianlong and Shangguan Yun attacking towards the flawless girl, Tan Tian stood in front of them with an iron sword in his hand. Tie Jian said to them, "Entering the Dao into the body is a step that must be experienced to reach the peak of the Tao. Once I succeed, my view of the emptiness will be greatly promoted. Instead of protecting the Dharma, you will kill him. What is your intention?"

"Go away!" Duan Tianlong looked at the large dao pattern being absorbed into the body by the flawless girl, and he was so anxious that he directly straddled the void with a loud shout, wanting to blast forward.However, with the iron sword flying across the sky, Tan Tian's strength was not inferior to him, and a shock of the sword blocked his way again.

"Don't you see something wrong with her practice? If she really takes that step, we will all die!" Shangguan Yun's face was cold, and a huge statue of a god rose from behind him, with its head raised to the sky, neighing continuously .He has already felt the abnormality of the divine fetus, because it is more like a body without thinking, it can only act instinctively without its own will, such a body without self-will, the stronger it is, the more terrifying it is, not to mention other things , if she really succeeds, I am afraid that the Dandao Pavilion will collapse immediately, and even the powerful talisman will not be able to hold it.

At this moment, the girl's eyes opened leisurely, and a touch of gold appeared in her pupils, cold and sacred.

As the flawless girl opened her eyes, a horrifying and powerful pressure suddenly rose from Wuxia's body, her whole body was glowing, and a golden light radiated from Wuxia's body. The entire body seems to be made of divine material and dao robbing gold, bursts of extreme power permeate the void, in all directions of her, there are pieces of dao patterns, and strong killing power appears on each of them, she seems to be Becoming the daughter of the Heaven and Earth Dao, every inch of her body contains unimaginable power of the Dao!

"Boom!" There were constant explosions. In her body, the sound of blood flowing was like a thunderous tsunami, and many powerful people who had just entered the Yuanhua realm were sent flying out on the spot!This kind of strength is horrifying. Many spectators who have just experienced the killing of Dao Ze are all trembling, roaring and retreating quickly. They can feel a sense of murderous intent from the flawless girl. I couldn't help being terrified, and even had the illusion that I was going to die at any moment.

"Get out!" Seeing that the aura of Dao on the flawless girl became more and more intense, Duan Tianlong finally couldn't help but make a move, and spoke directly with the eight notes of Tianlong. As soon as the words fell, a real dragon flew across the sky, the real dragon was extremely strong, and his long beard fluttered , The sound of the rolling dragon chant shook the whole field.

Zheng!The iron sword shined, and a clear light swayed from the iron sword, strangling the real dragon in the void in an instant.However, at this moment, Duan Tianlong had already crossed tens of miles, and appeared directly in front of the flawless girl.

"Don't get out of the way!" Shangguan Yunyi yelled. It can be said that all of today's events were caused by him. Moreover, he really knows some things better than anyone else. He knows that the flawless girl must not be successful today. Otherwise, catastrophe is imminent!The idol roared and leaped into the air. Its two huge legs crushed the void and landed directly on the top of the flawless girl's head, wanting to trample her into bloody mud!

boom!The coercion on the flawless girl's body became stronger, her long golden hair flew up in the wind, each strand of hair possessed the power of the avenue of ghosts and gods, and it seemed to be able to split the void when it was floating casually. , She seemed to turn into a day, and then, facing the huge idol above her head and the mighty Duan Tianlong in front of her, the flawless girl finally made a move, pointing to the sky with one hand and pointing to the ground with the other!

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