Holy furnace

Chapter 480

When he was enduring the aftermath of the four powerful men's mana before, Li Haoxuan knew what it means to be in pain, but at this moment, under the burning of the blue flames in his dantian, he knew what it means to live worse than death!

Even after the real success in the future, whenever he recalls the pain he endured today, he still can't help but frown, because this kind of pain is really unforgettable. If possible, he would even rather be killed by the four The mana of the strong directly shocked to death.Death is only a moment, but this kind of pain that is worse than death seems to have been endured for thousands of years.

When Li Haoxuan's dantian world was imprisoned, his physical body was also imprisoned at the same time, except that his primordial spirit still maintained its own consciousness, he was unable to do anything, even blinking his own eyes He couldn't do it. At this time, he was no different from a living dead, without any difference.

When that faint blue flame gushed out from Li Vulcan furnace, Li Haoxuan immediately felt the power of that divine fire. Under that divine fire, even the space was annihilated, not to mention this Dao Divine Fire appeared in Li Haoxuan's body?

If it wasn't for Li Vulcan Stove controlling this divine fire so that it couldn't really hurt Li Haoxuan's life, Li Haoxuan would have been directly turned into nothingness on the spot!However, even so, he still felt a heart-piercing pain. The dantian is the number one treasure of the human body and the most important thing for practitioners. It contains countless human treasures. Cutting off the road to immortality for a lifetime, Li Haoxuan's body was drenched in an instant, and a layer of water vapor radiated from his body to envelop him, like a dream!He was enduring severe pain that even he could not imagine, but unfortunately, under the confinement of Li Vulcan Stove, he didn't even have the ability to vent aloud, all he could do was bear silently!The meridians on his arm sprang up one by one, and blood flowed violently in each meridian, making a splashing sound.

Li Vulcan Furnace did not imprison the qi and blood flowing in Li Haoxuan's body, because in the whole process, the smooth flow of qi and blood is the prerequisite, if the qi and blood cannot flow, then everything he does will be meaningless.

Rumble!In Li Haoxuan's body, countless magic powers and mysterious Dao patterns were melted together by the blue divine fire, making the two of them completely fused together regardless of each other.With the incorporation of countless runes, the breath of law in Li Haoxuan's mana began to soar, reaching the level of a real half-step magic ring almost in an instant!

Li Haoxuan's current real cultivation is only at the peak of Lingxu Fourth Heaven, although he is not far from Fifth Heaven, he has not crossed that hurdle after all.As far as this state is concerned, no matter how strong the combat power is, it is impossible to have the pure breath of law, because the breath of law has nothing to do with combat power, it has nothing to do with the realm, if it is not for taking a Biluo Dan when crossing the catastrophe It is impossible for Li Haoxuan to comprehend the breath of law.

A Biluo Great Pill is almost a divine pill for monks in the mortal realm, and it belongs to the category of encountering but not seeking. Having one will greatly increase the success rate of entering the bigu gate in the future, and in the final analysis, what everyone values What's more is still the fragments of the law contained in the Biluo Shendan.

Law is one of the great ways, and even the purest law still belongs to the category of the great way!But now what blends with Li Haoxuan's mana is the real power of the Dao, the purest power of the Dao that has been tempered by the blue divine fire, without anyone's spiritual will, and without any impurities and filth. There is only one thing to have, and that is Tao, the real Tao!

Moreover, if he takes the Biluo Great Pill, a large part of the dharma fragments will dissipate and cannot be truly absorbed by him, because he does not have that state, even if he absorbs it forcibly, he can only absorb a small part. When Jie helped him refine his body, if he was not crossing Jie at that time, I am afraid that the breath of law in his mana would be even thinner.

But now, this kind of fusion without loss immediately caused the aura of law in Li Haoxuan's body to soar, and even made the aura of law in his body break through the road like a broken bamboo after reaching the peak of the half-step magic ring The biggest hurdle, stepping into the gate of Bigu Realm!

Of course, this is not to say that Li Haoxuan has stepped into the gate of the Bigu Realm, but that Li Haoxuan already possesses the aura of law comparable to that of a Bigu powerhouse at this moment, and already possesses the spiritual coercion possessed by a Bigu powerhouse, but his The realm is still not reached, the realm is an extremely mysterious existence, no matter how strong your aura of law and the power of the great way are, as long as you have not realized what you should understand, then you will never be able to enter that realm among.

In fact, this pure breath of law doesn't mean much to Li Haoxuan.Because he has the Tianyin of Om himself, this kind of fairy sound can be called the nemesis of spiritual coercion. Whether it is mana coercion or spiritual coercion, it can be broken by one word. It is definitely not under the Tianlong Bayin. He has this kind of The only advantage of the strong breath of law is that it can pretend to be a strong man in the law realm in front of those who don't know it!

However, although he can now release a spiritual coercion that can be called the Dharma Ring level, in terms of his current spiritual coercion, this kind of strength can only be regarded as low-level in the Dharma Ring, and it cannot deter those people at all. For a real strong man, this is tasteless!

The blue divine fire is still going on, and even has the tendency to intensify. At this moment, the faint blue flame seems to extend to Li Haoxuan's eight extraordinary meridians through the dantian!Simply leaving the Vulcan furnace did not allow this kind of thing to happen, but firmly imprisoned the flame within the range of the dantian, so that it could not go beyond the thunder pool.

Boom!But after all the mana in Li Haoxuan's dantian was labeled with mysterious runes, the Chongxu Sutra in his primordial spirit suddenly operated independently, and at this moment, the mana that had been imprisoned for a long time finally regained the freedom of action. With a bang, a huge wave surged into Li Haoxuan's many meridians according to the running route of the Chongxu meridian!

Click!When the mana started to circulate, there was a slight clicking sound in Li Haoxuan's body, as if something extremely hard broke at this moment.Then, there was another series of clicking sounds, which continued incessantly.

Li Haoxuan clearly heard what these constant clicking sounds were, and he also knew exactly what the constant roaring sound from his body was, but his expression remained calm without any change.It's not that he can really cut away the pain, but that Li Vulcan Furnace's imprisonment on him is still not released. At this moment, he is powerless to what is happening in his body, all he can do is try his best to endure the overwhelming pain. The great pain that people can't wait to die immediately!

After being tempered by the divine fire, the mana became more mellow, and now every ray of mana is infinitely stronger than before, even Li Haoxuan's physical body can't bear it.As long as these mana powers operating according to the method of Chongxu meridian are slightly crushed, the meridians in his body will be broken inch by inch, and the bones will be shattered root by root, and he cannot even run a complete cycle.Although he still seems to be sitting cross-legged in the same place, but at this time he is actually a cartilage worm, because there is no longer a complete bone in his body!

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