Holy furnace

Chapter 479 Fusion

The divine language of Emperor Wen, which is said to be used only by emperors and ancient gods, even quasi-emperors could not comprehend it.No matter how strong the Zhundi's combat power is, as long as the realm is not enough, he will not be able to comprehend the divine language of the emperor. No matter whether it is Qingxu or Haoran back then, although they are only one step away from the emperor, they still cannot touch such divine language. The avenue, can be called the ruthless avenue.

Every divine language imperial script contains the unfathomable supernatural power, as long as the information contained in it can be deciphered, everything will be different.If they can be obtained by the sages or even the quasi-emperors in the Immortal Records Realm, or if they take a few glances, their future practice will undergo earth-shaking changes. Although they cannot achieve enlightenment, they can take the last half step at a critical moment.

But this time, in front of Li Haoxuan were innumerable mysterious runes, and there were dozens of Shenyu Emperor Wen formed by the continuous arrangement and combination of these runes!Every divine language and imperial script is frighteningly huge, a single character is as high as a thousand feet, even the smallest imperial script is a full three hundred feet, shining amidst the endless dust and dust Brilliant, like the most dazzling star in the universe.

In Li Haoxuan's eyes, these imperial scripts have already surpassed everything. Whether it is the flawless girl or Duan Tianlong and others, no matter how violent and powerful the mana fluctuations are exuding from their bodies, they are like fireflies in front of these imperial scripts. A real bright moon is comparable to a firefly.However, the appearance of such a huge Divine Language Emperor Wen in the void did not attract the attention of any powerhouse present. Everyone seemed to have no such Divine Language Emperor Wen. Then he was still fleeing quickly as before, lest he would die if he was a step too late.

At this moment, Li Haoxuan couldn't help wondering if everything he saw was real, because he saw with his own eyes a flawless girl who was covered in glass rushing through an imperial script, and also saw several monks shivering. Trembling through the emperor's text, he flew to a distant place to take refuge. This was an extremely strange situation, which made people feel creepy, as if he was the only one who could see the emperor's text that belonged to the ancient emperor.

Li Haoxuan didn't know that what he saw was not illusory until dozens of imperial scripts formed a divine company of order and flew towards him in the void.

This is an incomparably huge order god chain, which is bigger than any order god chain seen before. It is hundreds of feet high and nearly fifty miles long. Outside of the emperor's text are densely packed Dao pattern talismans, all of which surround the emperor's side, as if the stars are supporting the starry sky emperor!

When this divine chain of order broke through the void and appeared directly in front of Li Haoxuan, the Lihuo furnace in Li Haoxuan's dantian trembled again, and immediately, another wave shot out, directly compatible with that divine chain of order, and then, The divine chain of order became smaller in an instant, rushing into Li Haoxuan's dantian in an instant.

When this divine chain of order rushed to Li Haoxuan's dantian, the countless runes and imperial scripts in it suddenly shone brightly and exploded!With the explosion of this divine chain of order, Li Haoxuan's entire dantian began to vibrate violently. Countless runes reverberated in his dantian, almost bursting the entire dantian!

Rumble!The emperor's text manifested, the runes roared, and Li Haoxuan's vast and boundless dantian continued to emit rumbling explosions!With the sound of these explosions, Li Haoxuan's already extremely huge dantian was once again opened up a large area of ​​territory, and the edges of the originally chaotic and unshakable dantian burst at this time, evolving into pure lands everywhere, filling the world First breath.

When Li Haoxuan's dantian was opened up to a wider space by countless runes, a massive amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered from all directions, pouring into Li Haoxuan's body through layers of space to generate infinite magic power!When he was trapped in the [-] mountains, Li Haoxuan had already cultivated the condensed energy to the eighth level. At that time, his mana quality was already extremely high, and it was many times thicker than those of the same level of powerhouses.

A large amount of mana is continuously derived from the almost endless aura of heaven and earth!However, the speed at which mana is generated is far less than the speed at which runes erupt. Almost instantly, Li Haoxuan's dantian has been filled with countless runes. When it reaches the limit, if it continues, his entire dantian will be destroyed within two breaths. It will explode completely!

The dantian is the starting point of the road to immortality, once the dantian is damaged, the road to immortality will stop here!Six years ago, although Li Haoxuan was born with a stone barrier and was unable to cultivate, his dantian was intact, so he could use the foundation building pill refined from the Vulcan Furnace to cut hair and wash his marrow.If he had a problem with his dantian instead of a meridian at that time, it would be a thousand times more difficult to embark on the road to immortality than it is now!

hum!At this moment, Li Vulcan Furnace trembled slightly, freezing a universe in an instant!At this moment, time in Li Haoxuan's dantian seemed to stand still, the raging runes were forcibly fixed in the void, and the endless stream of spiritual energy from heaven and earth also stayed quietly in Li Haoxuan's meridians, even half of his mana was derived. It was also forcibly interrupted, showing a state of half mana and half aura.

The only ones who are not restricted by Li Vulcan Furnace are those dozens of divine language imperial scripts!After all, it is the script of the ancient great emperor, and no one can really control any emperor script except the real body of the emperor.Li Vulcan Furnace didn't care about the existence of those Divine Language Emperor Wen, but jumped directly to the sky above Li Haoxuan's dantian.

In this almost static dantian world, the lid of Li Vulcan Furnace, which was engraved with countless mysterious divine words and imperial characters, trembled slightly, and then slowly opened a tiny gap.

Boom!With the opening of this gap, a blue flame suddenly floated out of it, and exploded in the dantian, instantly turning the entire dantian world into a blue sea!

Crackling!In this blue sea of ​​flames, except for the five drops of blood essence and the divine language of the emperor, everything is burning, whether it is the brilliant chariot or the supernatural seed golden elixir, all of them are burning in this blue sea of ​​flames. Crackling under the blue flames, even the mysterious runes that filled the entire dantian began to disintegrate under this blue flame, and were decomposed into the most primitive power of the Dao. In the end, Li Haoxuan's mana also began to It burned violently, and under the control of a mysterious force, it blended with the mysterious runes that had been decomposed, and merged into one.

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