Holy furnace

Chapter 478

In the subspace of the seal of Tao, Li Haoxuan was sitting upright with a solemn expression. At this time, in his dantian, the fiery red Li Vulcan furnace was rotating slightly, and on the side of Li Vulcan furnace were pieces of treasures , the spiritual weapon and the quasi-dharma weapon Brilliant Chariot obtained from the Yao Likong and the quasi-dharma weapon Tianyao Stone. The Tianyao Stone is originally a forbidden weapon, and it will become invalid after being used once, but it is in Li Vulcan Furnace. Its power has been restored, and now it has become a real quasi-dharma weapon. After cooperating with the brilliant battlefield, it can become a real magic weapon in one fell swoop, with great power!

Next to the glorious battlefield is the Great Golden Elixir, the supernatural seed of Yao Likong. On this golden pill, densely packed talismans are manifested. One, in the future, if you can survive the catastrophe of the monster race and integrate all the supernatural powers in the supernatural power golden elixir big seed, then you will have reached the realm of returning to nature, which is equivalent to buying a door to enter the missing criminals with one foot !And the remaining four weeks are followed by the supernatural power seed Great Golden Pill and the five extra blood essences from the beginning.

On the other side from the Vulcan furnace, it looked very empty, only five drops of red blood essence were slowly spinning, exuding bursts of dragon power.This is the essence of the dragon-bearded crocodile extracted by the mysterious strongman in Lihuoshen Furnace, and the fierceness in it has been completely wiped out. This is the purest blood purification, and there are real dragons in it. Bloodline has unimaginable benefits for transforming the body, so far Li Haoxuan has only refined a few strands, not even a drop has been consumed.

Before Li Haoxuan recovered from the Vulcan Furnace, the blood essence of the five dragon-bearded crocodile had already started to work, infusing a trace of real dragon blood into Li Haoxuan's body, thereby transforming his physical body.Facing that kind of coercion, if these few drops of blood essence were only the blood essence of the dragon-bearded crocodile, it would not be enough, because even if the dragon-bearded crocodile came here back then, it would be blown away by the flawless girl and others , there is no suspense.However, these few drops of blood are not that simple, but have been tempered by the mysterious strong man with the supreme fire, and part of his will has been integrated into it, so it is no longer the original blood.

Li Haoxuan can't refine them at all now, if one day he can refine all five drops of blood essence, his physical body may be so strong that even he himself can't believe it!At this moment, the sea in his dantian was calm, Li Vulcan furnace was spinning, many magic weapons were ups and downs, everything seemed incomparably peaceful.

hum!Suddenly, Li Vulcan Furnace in Li Haoxuan's dantian trembled slightly, a mysterious and mysterious fluctuation suddenly came out of Li Haoxuan's dantian, and spread far away.Sensing the movement of Li Vulcan Stove, Li Haoxuan's face suddenly changed drastically, showing an expression of extreme horror.

This is the battlefield of the four powerhouses, if there is the slightest mistake, it will be dead immediately!Faced with this situation, Li Vulcan Furnace still actively emits fluctuations. What is it trying to do?Although he knew the heaven-defying nature of Lihuo's divine power, Li Haoxuan still couldn't help but summoned him back.

However, Li Haoxuan found sadly that his divine sense was useless.Li Vulcan Stove's actions didn't seem to be based on his will at all. No matter how he communicated with Li Vulcan Stove, the other party completely ignored his intentions, and the mysterious fluctuations were still transmitted far away. After passing the monks in all directions, passing through the four strong men in the battle, until they merged with the seal of Tao that surrounded the entire Dange God Island.

What reassured Li Haoxuan was that the fluctuations emanating from Li Vulcan Furnace did not attract anyone's attention, even the four powerhouses seemed to be unaware of it, and they were still trying their best to attack each other.

However, this peace of mind didn't last long. When the fluctuations emitted by Li Vulcan Furnace merged with the seal of Tao, Li Haoxuan's whole body almost jumped up.Because at this moment, countless mysterious runes appeared in his eyes, and these runes jumped out of the seal of Tao one by one, and then arranged together in the void according to certain rules, One after another, strange patterns like ghostly drawn symbols were formed.

Looking at the runes all over the void and the strange patterns that were continuously gathered one after another, Li Haoxuan's heart suddenly beat violently, and even he himself heard the rumbling sound from his body!Although he didn't know these mysterious patterns like ghost symbols, he could be sure that these patterns were definitely not Dao rules, let alone Dao patterns, because he had seen similar patterns twice, the first time was six years ago, The second time was a few months ago.

The first time he saw this pattern was on the furnace body of Li Vulcan Furnace, and the second time he saw these patterns was in the mysterious stone carving!Vaguely, he had a premonition that these patterns were most likely to be a kind of characters inherited from ancient times, because every character here contains the avenue of heaven and earth, which makes people almost have the illusion of enlightenment at a glance.

Li Haoxuan couldn't help but stare dumbfounded as he watched the ancient scriptures constantly appearing in front of him, he almost thought he was in a dream.Because in this day and age, this kind of writing is almost extinct, and even many holy land families that have existed since ancient times may not recognize this kind of writing, because it is too old, it may come from the ancient times.

The ancient times were 80 years ago. During such a long period of time, anything can happen, and everything can be obliterated. Coupled with several outbreaks of darkness and turmoil, it is not easy for the ancient times to disappear in the eyes of the world. What kind of.More importantly, it is said that in the ancient times, an ancient emperor imprisoned this kind of script from the Dao. He once said to himself that this kind of script is the ancient divine language. Since then, this kind of script has become the emperor's script.

What is Diwen?The characters that only the ancient emperors can comprehend and use are imperial scripts, which are exclusive to the ancient emperors. Without the transcendent state of the ancient emperors, it is impossible to understand the true meaning of them.

For tens of thousands of years, Emperor Wen has been short-lived several times, but eventually dissipated. For example, tens of thousands of years ago, there was an engraving of Emperor Wen's divine language in the Xianzhen picture. The god here is not a protoss, but a legendary supernatural Above all things, second only to the existence of immortals.However, the ancient emperor has already stated that the real god does not exist. The so-called god in the legend is just the emperor of the age of mythology who has been mythological. Neither can the emperor.

It is said that the reason why every great emperor will naturally be proficient in this kind of imperial script is because the imperial script contains the secret of becoming an immortal. However, this kind of rumor is as vague as the fairyland, and no one knows whether it is true or not.

Just when Li Haoxuan thought he was in a dream and couldn't believe what he saw before his eyes, those divine language emperor texts suddenly shot towards his body.

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