Holy furnace

Chapter 477

The Flawless Girl, Duan Tianlong, Shangguan Yun, Tan Tian, ​​each of them is a powerhouse at the peak of Yuanhua, any one of them can destroy everything in the world with a single blow!There is no doubt about the power of the flawless girl, even the talismans left by the powers of the lack of criminals cannot last forever under her attack. In fact, with her current strength, she can almost be called a lack of criminal Under No.1, even a few strong players in the Elite Pavilion may not be able to remain undefeated in her hands.

Duan Tianlong and Shangguan Yun are equally powerful. They were almost invincible 300 years ago. Although they can't compare with the flawless girl after 300 years of precipitation, no one dares to underestimate their combat power!Duan Tianlong was famous for attacking Wushuang 300 years ago, and Shangguan Yun even cultivated a rare and supreme supernatural power. With his cultivation base of Yuanhua Realm, it is not difficult to live for 1000 years. This is a kind of almost miraculous A rare adventure!

The same is true for Tan Tian. Without certain strength, he would not dare to challenge Mr. Da of the Invincible Hall. Even if he hadn't taken that half step, he would not even have the idea of ​​challenging Mr. Da. Mr. Da is a Monument, when he stood at the peak of Yuanhua, Duan Tianlong was not even born, even for Shangguan Yun and his ilk, it was a legend, but now 400 years have passed, no one knows how strong Mr. Da is, Da The name of Mr. is not just a code name.

Such a battle between four strong men, if they were not in the seal of Dao, they would have been smashed by heaven and earth. If they were put into battle in the secular world, they could destroy an entire dynasty in this battle, and their battlefields are all around thousands of miles away!

The Almighty of the Deficient Realm already possesses the ability to pick up the stars and catch the moon. He can pull the stars and meteorites from the sky with his hand, watch the mountains and landslides, and watch the sea and the sea dry up. Such descriptions are not empty words, but they really have this ability. ability.As for the Saints of Xianlu, their battlefield is the entire universe, and the Ziwei Continent simply does not allow strong men who are beyond the realm of deprivation to take action, because the current Ziwei Starfield really cannot bear that kind of great power.

The three of them are the existence closest to that series. Although they don't have the combat power of the lack of criminals, it is really easy to wipe out a thousand-foot-high mountain. At a glance, they can see through time and space thousands of miles away. , now, all their combat power fluctuations are sealed in a space within a radius of a thousand miles, which is equivalent to multiplying all combat power fluctuations by ten times!

What kind of concept is this?In such an environment, the powerhouses of the Heartbeat Realm are enduring the peak blow of the Heartbeat Realm almost all the time, and there are only two pairs. However, under this kind of combat power, it is really nothing. It can make him disappear!

When the white halo shattered and the sound of Om became invalid, Li Haoxuan couldn't help but roared, all the mana in his body was surging, golden light burst out from his body, wanting to use this to fight against the injustice of fate, however, in In this environment, even if Li Haoxuan broke out with all his strength, he was still like a solitary boat in the sea, unable to reverse the fact that it was about to come true.

Later, Li Haoxuan imagined the current situation countless times. If Li Vulcan Furnace did not recover at this time, then would he have a future?He has thought about this question countless times in the future, but the answer he gets every time is the same, because no matter how high his realm is, in the face of this kind of power, the cultivation base of the ordinary school is really unable to compete, even if it is cultivation There is the most powerful Emperor Sutra, and it cannot rewrite the ending of death.

Li Vulcan Furnace saved him twice, the first time was Yao Likong's time, and the second time was this time.It is precisely because of Li Vulcano's two rescue efforts that Li Haoxuan's future brilliant but bumpy road to immortality is possible, and it is precisely because of these two rescue operations that the future Li Haoxuan will not hesitate For it, he embarked on a road that he could not even imagine.

When the faint red light around his body lit up, Li Haoxuan knew that he would not die.Because no one knows Li Vulcan Furnace better than him, and understands the power and heaven-defying nature of Li Vulcan Furnace.Although Li Vulcan Furnace didn't make many shots, each time he showed amazing strength. He once resisted the power of the most powerful man, he once resisted the supreme divine material Xianlei Green Gold, Even taking it into his own body, he is even a ray of divine sense that has resisted the power of the monster race!

Only the lack of criminals will be called a great power, that is a state that reaches heaven and earth!Moreover, spiritual thoughts and phantoms are different concepts, and spiritual thoughts are part of the deity, possessing more than [-]% of the deity's strength!The phantom is a Dao body condensed by the aura of heaven and earth according to a certain order. Although it has the same breath and realm as the deity, it is less than one percent of the deity in terms of strength. He didn't dare to rush out of the territory to kill the Almighty Phantom.

Although Meng Jun is strong in battle, his realm is insufficient, and he has not even comprehended what Yuanhua is. If he encounters a powerful ray of divine sense, he may not even be able to run away!Maybe Tan Tian and the others can escape from the hands of the low-level power, but facing the power that once attacked Li Haoxuan back then, there is absolutely no turning back.That is a master of great power, almost cultivated to the peak, only [-]% of the power sentence can make the unrecovered Li Vulcan furnace hit loudly, and in the end it almost tore apart the universe and lowered the real body to subdue Li Vulcan furnace.

Although Li Haoxuan didn't know what level of tyranny Li Vulcan Stove had reached, but he knew that once Li Vulcan Stove automatically protected the lord, even if he was lacking in power, he might not be able to kill him personally!Sure enough, whether it was the sound wave, the killing array, or the fairy light, any vitality that swept towards him was completely disintegrated by this layer of red light, and even the spiritual pressure of the four powerhouses was separated. At this moment, he My real body seems to have escaped from this space, and there are thousands of mana in the world, none of which can contaminate my body.

Integrating yourself into the space is equivalent to opening a subspace in the space. This kind of realm has already involved the law of space, and only great power can be used.

One of Li Haoxuan's hands held onto Qian Feng, allowing him and Qian Feng to escape into the subspace to avoid the impact of the war.However, Li Haoxuan's face did not show the slightest joy, but was full of worry.Because this is the view of the pure and empty, when the battle between the four powerhouses is over, his Lihuoshen furnace will be completely exposed to everyone's eyes. At that time, what should he do?

Li Haoxuan's face was a little gloomy, he was thinking about what kind of retreat he should prepare for himself!Li Vulcan Stove is at least a Taoist artifact, which fairy sect would think that they have too many Taoist artifacts?At that time, in the face of big right and wrong, even Kun Gong might not be able to stand behind him anymore, right?

Suddenly, Li Haoxuan's face changed drastically, and his eyes were filled with horror.

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