Holy furnace

Chapter 476 Resurrection of the God Furnace

From the beginning of this four-person battle, Li Haoxuan had a premonition that the ending of this battle would be unknown!Because these four people are too strong, each of them is so powerful that it is suffocating, especially the flawless girl, if there is no Duan Tianlong's seal at the beginning to help her resist the other party's pressure, I am afraid he He died at that time.

Yuanhuajing is the existence closest to the high energy level, and each one has unimaginable terrifying power. With his current combat power, with full firepower, he may be able to defeat the strong in the later stage of Bigu, but against the heart-moving realm The strong will definitely die, and they don't even have the ability to strike in front of the strong in the heart-beating state. The opponent can dissipate all the mana in his body with a single thought, and he can't even escape.

And if he meets a strong person in Yuanhua Realm, just like Chong Yang's evaluation of Mr. Da at the beginning, if the other party takes a look at him, he will die.The same is true for Li Haoxuan, if a strong Yuanhua really wants to attack him, he will probably die if he takes one look at him.Ordinary yuanhua powerhouses have such extreme abilities, let alone these four strongmen who have already stood at the pinnacle of yuanhua?

The physical body that Li Haoxuan was so proud of was really nothing in front of them, a random sound wave could rip him apart, and even annihilate his body and spirit, turning him into nothingness on the spot!He can't get involved in this kind of series of battles, and he doesn't even have the ability to save his life.However, he has experienced countless impossibilities when he grew from a useless body that could not cultivate to the existence that can fight against the bigu strongman, so even if he is really facing a desperate situation, he will fight desperately!

From the moment Duan Tianlong shot, Li Haoxuan flew to the ground and brought Qian Feng to his side.The strong Yuan Hua who was thrown here by Duan Tianlong had already left. For him, Duan Tianlong's casual defense may not be stronger than himself. They have always given their lives to themselves, not others.

After saving Qian Feng, Li Haoxuan kept retreating from ten miles away to twenty miles away, and then retreated from twenty miles away to the edge of the seal of Tao.He didn't dare to get too close to the seal of Dao, because that seal was too weird, and he even had the ability to absorb Duan Tianlong's defensive seal from a distance, once he got too close to the seal, he would be drawn by it.

After Li Haoxuan retreated to the edge, he hid directly in a big mountain, because there were countless runes shining in the light and rain on that big mountain, and they were not absorbed by the seal of Tao at the first time. When it comes to the powerful aura, this re-seal should also come from the strong man at the peak of Yuanhua.

However, the mountain collapsed quickly, because a piece of fairy light fell, which directly disintegrated the defensive pattern and shattered the entire mountain.From the beginning to the end, it took only a short time. When Li Haoxuan reappeared, the entire Dandao Pavilion was already in dilapidated condition. Mountains were cut off, and even a corner of the island of God was broken, floating alone in the void. .

Facing a battle of this level, all Li Haoxuan can do is escape!He could feel that the power above the white halo around him was rapidly weakening, because this halo was under tremendous pressure all the time.Without this white halo, he would have collapsed into a blood mist long ago.The power of howling mountains and rivers made him terrified. It was really only a loud roar, and the mountains in the distance were completely shattered. One after another, huge mountains were uprooted and directly collapsed into the sky.

The Dao sound resounding in the void can't be described with howls of ghosts and gods. Even with the protection of the white halo, Li Haoxuan still felt exhausted. The mana in his body was being consumed rapidly, and it was even about to run out!Because he was using the Om word Tianyin uninterruptedly, not to counter that kind of Taoist sound, but to save Qian Feng's life!

Even with Li Haoxuan's ability, he felt extremely strenuous at this time, let alone Qian Feng whose cultivation was vulnerable?At this time, the blood in Li Haoxuan's body was flowing rapidly involuntarily, and an inexplicable burning sensation spread throughout his body, as if his entire physical body would explode in the next moment.

Qian Feng was even worse. Bright red blood had already flowed out of the seven orifices, and there was a constant sound of splashing in the body. It was the blood rushing. If there was no Xeon's physical body, it would not be able to withstand such a speed, not just the blood. , even the bones became abnormal at this time, Li Haoxuan could even clearly sense that the bone marrow in the love bones was growing in large quantities, almost boiling!

Li Haoxuan finally realized what it meant to be truly pained to the marrow!The severe pain coming from the bone marrow made him turn pale. He had suffered from hair cutting and marrow washing in the early years, but thinking about it now, that kind of hair cutting and washing marrow is different from the current one It's really nothing compared to this kind of excruciating pain.Dao sounds reverberate in the mind, blood rushes in the body, bone marrow surges in the bones, and there is pain everywhere in the whole body. Under such pain, it is a kind of great courage to persist in living .

Qian Feng is no better than Li Haoxuan, he has already fainted at this point, and has almost fallen into a state of suspended animation!The consequence of the bone marrow riot was a massive explosion of blood in his body. His physical body was originally not strong, but now under the stimulation of bone marrow and blood, it was even more blood-stained. Some extremely small blood vessels and skin had burst open, becoming a A veritable blood man.Juanjuan's blood flowed continuously from his seven orifices, which looked extremely ferocious.

Faced with this situation, Li Haoxuan could only choose to continue his life with the word Om Tianyin!The om word Tianyin is the supreme fairy sound, it is learned from the mysterious stone inscription, accompanied by the green gold of fairy tears, it is very likely that it is the method on the road to immortality. At this time, Li Haoxuan's realm is low, although he can't use it to communicate with the flawless girl, etc. People resist, but it can help him regulate the blood in the body at this most difficult moment. Every sound of the word "Om" will make the blood in the body shake once, and the coercion from the invisible will be weakened. many.

The battle between the flawless girl and Duan Tianlong and the others broke out extremely abruptly and quickly. Every move was made in the blink of an eye, and every step could span a distance of tens of miles. From the beginning of the battle to the present, it has only just passed It was only a few breaths, but to Li Haoxuan, he felt that he had lived in hell for hundreds of years.This is a kind of torment, but also a kind of tempering. It is a great challenge to both his Dao heart and his physical body.

From the beginning to the end, Li Haoxuan has been fleeing, but the speed of his escape is far less than the speed of the destruction of the Dange God Island. As he moves forward, the God Island is also cracked. At the bottom, the entire God Island has been completely blasted into pieces, even the Pill Pavilion is shattered. After all, it is just a powerful talisman, which does not represent the combat power of the powerful level. Under the joint efforts of the four powerhouses, After all, it was shattered and could not continue to protect the important place of Dan Pavilion.

At this time, his face was already pale, and the blood in his body had declined to the lowest point in his life. After persisting for so long, he had reached his limit. If it hadn't been for the Om Tianyin effect, even if he and Qian Feng had ten lives, they would have died. is dead.

However, no matter whether it is the white halo or the Om Tianyin, all of them are useless when the four flawless girls finally perform their peak strike.The white halo broke instantly, and the Om Tianyin also failed at this time, and powerful sound waves rolled in, directly bursting the void.

Li Haoxuan looked grimly at the ever-disappearing void in the distance, his heart was filled with extreme unwillingness, he had spent too much effort to get to where he is now, but everything is going to be empty at this moment, this kind of The feeling drove him crazy. However, in the face of such power, what can he change with his strength, which is not considered an ant?

The space is constantly oscillating, from far to near, if it is really swept, Li Haoxuan will be reduced to dust within one ten-thousandth of a breath.

Facing such power, Li Haoxuan felt deeply powerless.

However, Li Haoxuan's inability to face this kind of power does not mean that he cannot survive in this kind of power, because when the space fluctuation is about to approach his body, a red halo suddenly emanates from his dantian, covering the world in an instant. his whole body.

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