Holy furnace

Chapter 475

"Golden blood?" Shangguan Yun couldn't help but exclaimed as he looked at the golden blood that was burning violently in the void.

In the entire universe, the blood of no one in the mortal race is golden, even the blood of a god is still bright red!Although the universe is vast and there are thousands of races of creatures, there are not many races with golden blood. As far as the world knows, there are only two or three races with golden blood in the entire universe. Legend has it that these are the ancient gods. Blood, no one among mortal creatures can enjoy this glory.

"Could it be that she really has the blood of the ancient gods?" Tan Tian's expression was uncertain. The ancient gods are an extremely old legend, and even many emperors have heard of the legends of the ancient gods. Years ago, this race seemed to have ceased to exist, and even some ancient emperors could not find their traces, at least in the current universe, there are no traces of their existence.

"Impossible." Duan Tianlong said bluntly, "There are at least 50 years from the ancient times to the present. What else can be left of that period except for the supernatural weapons? After 50 years of continuation, even The emperor's bloodline will also become mediocre, and no one can escape the scour of time except immortals who do not exist in this world!"

"But the golden blood is a fact." Tan Tian shook his head and said, "This is the fundamental. How many races have golden blood in the world?"

"Boom!" Suddenly, amidst everyone's astonishment, three Dao Ze Shenhuan with radiant radiance flew out from the flawless girl's body!As soon as the three divine rings appeared, a dazzling golden light erupted immediately, as if burning with the power of the Great Dao. Then, the divine rings flew, piercing through the void and heading towards the seals of Duan Tianlong and the other three.

Zheng!The Sword Domain erupted, and the endless sword light reappeared. However, this time the Sword Domain did not work. There was really a way burning around the divine ring, which made it temporarily isolated from the supreme divine power of the Sword Domain, and directly descended on the above Tan Tian's head.

Although they don't know what kind of supernatural power this kind of divine ring is, all three of them understand that it must be a powerful secret technique, because they have sensed the powerful power above the divine ring and not under the seal of Dao Ze's divine light.

Facing this divine ring, Duan Tianlong threw his fist directly, and a sound of Tianlong erupted from the joints of his hands. The eight sounds of Tianlong combined with the body of the God of War, which was strong and strong, Duan Tianlong showed great power, and directly punched The divine ring was blasted into pieces.

"Zheng!" The sword energy was powerful for thirty miles. Tan Tian appeared in front of the flawless girl with an iron sword in his hand. A strong man who is lacking in power is not inferior to the flawless girl in terms of perception of the Dao. Although he cannot control the power of the Dao as freely as the other party, he can drop ten times with one force at this time, and directly use it The sword ruled the way!

The huge iron sword thirty miles in length descended from the sky with a silvery light shining, and it struck straight away. The huge momentum made all the heroes in the distance tremble.It's just a sword strike, the sun and the moon are dark, the mountains and rivers are pale, the entire Dange Continent seems to be turned into chaos at this moment, the sky and the earth don't exist, only an iron sword exists in the world , cut through the earth!

"Boom!" At the same time as the sword was swayed, six heavenly dragons jumped up from the chaos. The six tones, the six heavenly dragons seemed to have truly transformed into a vacuum in the fairyland at this moment, and rushed towards the flawless girl at the same time as the fairy sword in the sky.

The iron sword roared, the real dragon roared, and an ancient giant elephant appeared among them. The giant front hoof of hundreds of feet raised and fell while the sky and the earth trembled!

Boom!The strongest blow of the three-dimensional peak powerhouse was unimaginably powerful. The world was really torn apart, and a dark space crack appeared under them. Both the god ring and the god ring were shattered!

The flawless girl's hair fluttered, and the entire starry sky was reflected in her golden pupils. Facing such a breakthrough blow, she raised her two hands abruptly, and chose to catch it with her bare hands!

"Dang!" The flawless girl yelled lightly, her fist as pure as glass directly hit the huge sword glow!Immediately, the roar of the piercing gold cracking stone exploded, and the Tianlong Bayin attacked each other, causing many yuanhua powerhouses in the distance to scream on the spot. It's useless, because this is the embodiment of Tao, and this Tao sound will directly appear in everyone's mind.

"Boom!" The flawless girl Wuhai actually blocked the peerless blow with both fists. The ancient giant elephant was wiped out on the spot, and collapsed into the void together with the sword light. Duan Tianlong was full of blood, his body The whole body is exploding, and the sound of dragon chant is endless.

In the end, everything dissipated. After such a blow, even the seal of Tao could not completely protect the entire Dange God Island. Becomes dull and unable to withstand a few such shocks.

tick!The flawless girl's tiger's mouth burst open, and several streaks of golden blood flowed out, burning the void, resisting the three most powerful men with one person's power, even the flawless girl was wounded in the end, it is impossible to be truly perfect.But even so, everyone was terrified. This kind of power deeply shocked everyone. Even Tan Tian and the others couldn't calm down. At least [-]% of their strength was released from the previous blow, but they still couldn't get rid of it. It blasted out from the realm where the Dao entered the body.

The flawless girl is truly a peerless beauty, becoming stronger and stronger in the realm of the Dao entering the body, and finally, with a clear whistle, the entire Dange God Island collapsed!The next moment, she took a step forward and used all kinds of magic to attack the three of them. The void was trembling, and the battle between the four became more intense, almost exploding the sky.

"Boom!" At this time, there were powders after the mountains collapsed everywhere in the world. The battle between the four seemed to be moving forward in chaos, blasting large pieces of powder into nothingness!All the monks watching the battle had retreated to the end of the seal of Tao at this time, but even so, they were still screaming in horror, unable to suppress the fear in their hearts.

boom!Suddenly, a ray of fairy light fell from the sky, shattering a strong man at the third level of Yuanhua on the spot, turning it into a blood mist!This is the No.1 strong man who fell here. The dense blood mist that filled the surroundings made everyone's scalp numb. As a strong man in Yuanhua Realm, how many years has it been since he didn't know the taste of fear?But now, they are like ants, all they can do is squat aside and shiver.

On the lowest level of the seal of Tao, Li Haoxuan with a pale face was sitting cross-legged, his chest was stained with blood, and beside him was Qian Feng who had fainted.Around their bodies, the white halo left by Duan Tianlong has become almost transparent, and it can't stop the current waves of divine power at all.At this time, the golden energy and blood of his body had long been dormant, manifesting his real body. However, no one paid attention to him at this time, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the battlefield at the highest place. .

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