Holy furnace

Chapter 483 Exposure

Boom!A huge sonic boom resounded throughout the world, and countless chaotic powders and dust rolled violently at this time, as if a peerless murderer was about to be born from it, and a terrifying aura rippling out of it made people frightened.

Then, a figure flew out with a bang, with golden blood flowing from the corner of its mouth.At this time, she was seriously injured by the three strong men, and there was a three-inch-deep sword mark on her arm, from which trickled blood gushed out, dripping into the void with a crackling sound.

On her flawless left shoulder, there was a dark bruise, and more than half of her long blond hair was cut off, making her look extremely distressed.However, her expression was still as indifferent as before, as if she didn't care about her injury. The next moment, the starlight in the sky was attracted by her from the seal of Tao, and quickly repaired the sword mark on her hand and the wound on her left shoulder. The blood stasis has returned to the peak state, and the body is flawless.

Booming, the space tumbling, three figures came together and charged in front of the flawless girl.At the previous moment, Duan Tianlong was fighting alone, while the other two used their strongest supernatural powers without hesitation, and finally seized the opportunity to severely injure the flawless girl!After all, they are the three peak masters, and even a flawless girl who really bursts out with all her strength has to avoid the edge for the time being!

However, the power of the flawless girl is frightening, that kind of injury was actually suppressed by her!This made Duan Tianlong and the others feel cold. It was not an ordinary sword wound, but a Dao wound. Generally, the strong would not be able to suppress it so quickly, but looking at the performance of the flawless girl, it was no longer as simple as suppressing, even It may have resolved that kind of avenue injury.

"How will it end now?" Blood dripped from the corner of Duan Tianlong's mouth. Earlier, he fought against the flawless girl alone, even his physical body couldn't take it anymore. He felt as if he was fighting against an extreme magic weapon. No matter how you attack, you can't hurt the opponent a single bit.

"What else can I do? Keep killing!" Shangguan Yun yelled, a long black stick with gold appeared in his hand, and directly pointed at the flawless girl in front of him.

"It is necessary to cut off her connection with the seal of Dao, otherwise she will be invincible with the infinite power of the Dao!" Tan Tian roared, and the explosion of the sword field directly enveloped the flawless girl, wanting to use the sword field to isolate Fang from Dao However, the comprehension of the sword is useless, the sword is also one of the avenues, and it cannot stop the most original power of the avenue.

"Boom!" The flawless girl in the Sword Domain suddenly screamed, and the whole space was shaken suddenly. A large piece of sword glow was annihilated in this howling sound, and this fluctuation instantly surpassed the range of the Sword Domain. At the limit of what he could bear, there was a sound of clicking, and the domain of the sword was shattered, and even the iron sword in Tan Tian's hand was screaming.

Tan Tian roared loudly, and his whole body flew upside down. The flawless girl shot again at this time, and the seven-color divine light turned into a glazed tower and suppressed it on top of his head!The light above the glazed tower surged, and behind the seven-color divine light contained a powerful power of Tao, rippling with the strongest pressure and slowly suppressing it.

Roar!Duan Tianlong and Shangguan Yun shot at the same time at this time, the blazing light tore through the sky and the earth, an ancient giant elephant charged forward and deflected the glazed pagoda to the side with a bang, and suddenly, the endless divine light inside seemed to surge like chaos , washed out violently, even the space seemed to be unable to bear it!The brilliant divine light flew everywhere, ravaging the world, Duan Tianlong let out a loud roar, and dozens of heavenly dragons shot out, each uttering the truth, endless sound waves exploded in the divine light, blasting all the divine light into nothingness .

This made everyone change color. Tan Tian's strength is so powerful. He stepped into the gate of the missing criminal with one foot, but now he is injured, and there is blood left from his arm, dripping on the iron sword , A corner of his arm was swept by the seven-colored divine light earlier!

boom!Afterwards, the glazed pagoda suddenly shook, and it magnified dozens of times in an instant, turning into a lofty mountain!Then, this glazed pagoda collided in the void and crushed towards Tan Tian and the three of them. This was an unimaginable force, and it really gave people a feeling of overwhelming strength.

At this moment, Duan Tianlong took a step forward, and a big brown flag appeared in his hand at some point!Eight supreme heavenly dragons are reflected on the banner's surface, each of these heavenly dragons has a different look, and even a faint dragon's power radiates from them!

Facing the glazed pagoda above his head, Duan Tianlong stood holding a big flag, and the flag flapped under such coercion.Then, Duan Tianlong roared, condensing his life's magic power on the battle flag, and violently shook it in the void.

Boom!The eight heavenly dragons on the flag suddenly opened their eyes, and the lights of destruction swept out from the eyes, which dimmed the glazed pagoda!

Crashing, the flag was fluttering in the wind, and large areas of space fluctuated violently under the waving of the flag, as if it would be broken at any moment.At the same time, the flagpole of the big flag continued to soar, and in the end it was like a pillar reaching the sky, exceeding ten thousand feet high. On the flag, eight dragons stretched their teeth and danced their claws, and the sound of dragon chant came out, like the raging sea roaring, the huge The flag swept across half of the sky.

"This... is this the legendary True Dragon Battle Flag?"

"It is said that if the True Dragon Battle Banner can unleash all its combat power, it can even shatter a piece of starry sky!" Someone uttered a voice in the distance, who did not expect this legendary weapon to be in Duan Tianlong's hands all along.

The real dragon battle flag shook violently, and finally blocked it under the falling glazed tower with a bang, and forcibly fixed it in the air.

open!Shangguan Yun yelled loudly, and in the next moment, a black and gold iron rod gushed out of nothingness, smashed on the glazed tower with a bang, and sent it flying far away.However, the glazed pagoda was indestructible, nothing could be broken, and it was backed by powerful divine power. It turned around in an instant and ran straight towards the three of them again.

The flawless girl quietly stood on the sidelines from a distance. She suppressed the powerhouses of the three peaks of Yuanhua just with a glazed pagoda made of the Dao of Shenguang. If this kind of record is spread, it will really scare a lot of people to death!On the top of her head, a green hairpin exudes a misty green light, which looks extremely sacred and mysterious, and behind her, a bridge made of avenues is connected to it, continuously sealing the Dao The power of the avenue was sealed in her body.

Suddenly, the flawless girl with indifferent expression frowned slightly, as if she was in deep thought. Then, the flawless girl raised her head, her golden pupils glowed, and swept inch by inch to all the space in all directions.And at this moment, Li Haoxuan's transformation finally came to an end. When he opened his eyes, he immediately saw the pair of golden pupils staring at him. The golden pupils were full of contempt and ridicule, as if from ancient times god!

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