Holy furnace

Chapter 484 Death Crisis

Li Haoxuan's transformation this time can be called the biggest transformation in his history, and it can even be said to be a great fortune!Although his current strength is too low, even with the help of Li Vulcan Furnace, he can't hold too much power of the great way, even less than one ten-thousandth of the flawless girl, but for him, this is enough, no matter from the demon The supernatural power seed Great Golden Pill obtained from Lie Kong is still the Brilliant Chariot and the Sky Demon Stone, which are really nothing compared to the power of these avenues.

In the eyes of Li Haoxuan at the time, Yao Likong's strength was considered extraordinary, and no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't shake a single hair of his opponent.However, now that he has seen the strength of the flawless girl and the others, he finally understands how huge the gap in the realm of the law ring is. If the flawless girl takes a shot at Yao Likong, I am afraid that one finger pointing out is enough to wipe it out. up.

Li Haoxuan's physical body became stronger and stronger under the transformation of Dao and blood essence, and the three thousand crystal kingdoms appeared brighter, and even the Zen singing in it was different. Temples appeared in the country, and the outlines of mountains and oceans appeared, as if they were changing towards a real world.

But his will is wandering in the ocean of the Dao, he seems to have seen what the law is, as if he understands what the Tao is.

Click!In this almost epiphany state, there was a slight click sound from Li Haoxuan's body, as if some shackles were broken.Then, the mana surged, and the power of the Dao that was slowly leaking back flowed back again, and it had already actively merged into the mana without leaving the Vulcan furnace, rushing towards Li Haoxuan's many meridians.

Lingxu fifth heaven!It is not surprising that he broke through the level at this time. He was already at the peak of the fourth level of Lingxu, and now he has endured the Dao into the body and reshaped his divine body.When he broke through to the fifth stage, the perception of the Chongxu Sutra suddenly deepened in his mind, and the running route of a mana suddenly changed, which immediately caused the mana in the dantian to surge violently, and a large amount of heaven and earth vitality was gathered. , evolved into mana to open up the dantian for it!

At this moment, Li Haoxuan seemed to understand the mystery of Chongxu Sutra.When it continues to run in the form of Chongxu Jing, after every big cycle of reincarnation, he can feel a deep will moving towards him, approaching him.That will is extremely ancient and brilliant, and it seems to be the carrier of the Dao.He can feel the existence of the other party, he can even feel the intimacy exuded by the other party, but he can't see it all the time, he can only try his best to feel that will, feel that will The reasoning above.

For Li Haoxuan, this process lasted for a long time, so long that he seemed to have forgotten the existence of time.When he regained control of his body again, Li Vulcan Furnace had already returned to calm, spinning in the center of his dantian, and the dozens of divine words and emperor texts had disappeared, and it was unknown where they went.

The size of the dantian has also undergone earth-shaking changes, almost twice as large as before!A large amount of mana roared and vibrated in it, as if it had turned into a golden ocean. Except for the surrounding area of ​​the Vulcan furnace, there was surging mana everywhere!Every ray of mana is filled with a strong aura of law, shining golden light, many times stronger than before.

On the left side of Lihuoshen Furnace, the supernatural power seed Great Golden Pill, which has soared several times, is exuding golden light. The divine channel pattern on it has become so complicated that it looks as if they are all connected. However, after magnifying it hundreds of times with Tianyantong, you can find that every line on it has unique characteristics. This is a qualitative leap. When it appears in the world next time, it will inevitably Can cause a great sensation.

Several divine weapons such as the brilliant chariot have all disappeared, leaving only a piece of four-color divine iron in his dantian.This piece of divine iron is about the size of a fist, mainly gold and black as a supplement, with white and gray inlays on both sides, hanging quietly next to the supernatural power golden elixir.Although this piece of four-color divine iron did not emit any mysterious fluctuations, nor did it manifest any avenue runes. It looked like just the most common piece of iron, but Li Haoxuan could feel its extraordinaryness. If one day he could Casting this iron into a magic weapon will be a great weapon for him!

The five drops of blood essence are still in the original place, as if nothing has changed, but Li Haoxuan can see the difference, because one of the drops of blood essence has been reduced by half, only two-thirds of the size of the other four drops of blood essence. Even now, there are still blood essence overflowing, as small as silk, mixed into Li Haoxuan's mana, and then enter Li Haoxuan's meridians and flesh.

Li Haoxuan looked at his own flesh and bones, and immediately found that every inch of flesh and blood became pure and flawless, as if made of colored glass.Those crystals hidden in the flesh and blood are shining, each light is full of divine brilliance, and all the bones in his body are also like this, crystal clear like jade, exuding powerful vitality, almost immortal.

Feeling the earth-shaking changes in his body, Li Haoxuan's heart was not too excited, because he knew what he had paid for all of this, the severe pain that was no less than a cramp almost made him unable to live, to die cannot.If he could do it all over again, Li Haoxuan would even be willing to give up his current fortune, just hoping not to experience that kind of pain again.However, Li Haoxuan himself also understood that when faced with such a situation, what choice would he have other than to grit his teeth and step forward?

The moment he opened his eyes, he felt that the whole world seemed to be different!The power of the Dao of Heaven and Earth is fused in his body. Although these powers of the Dao are incomplete and have been smelted into some incomplete fragments of the Dao by Li Vulcan Furnace, this breath can still arouse the resonance of the Dao everywhere.

The Dao is omnipresent and omniscient, and at this time, the carrier of the Dao is the flawless girl.If Li Vulcan Stove is still recovering at this time, neither Daoist nor the flawless girl will be able to find any clues, but now the Li Vulcan Stove has returned to calm, so when Li Haoxuan woke up, the golden color of the flawless girl The pupil has already stared at him through the space.

Looking at the pair of golden pupils full of contempt and sarcasm, there was a loud bang in Li Haoxuan's mind, as if a god suddenly broke into his purple mansion and wanted to strangle his primordial spirit generally!

With just one glance, Li Haoxuan's heart trembled, and all the crystal-like jade bones in his body made crackling sounds, as if pieces of jade were cracking.

puff!Li Haoxuan began to cough up blood, and the blood continued to spurt out of his mouth as if it couldn't stop, the roar that echoed in his purple mansion never stopped, every time there was a roar, blood coughed from Li Haoxuan's mouth Every time he roared, his primordial spirit weakened a little, and the powerful vitality in his body also weakened a little.

The next moment, the pair of distant golden pupils appeared three feet in front of him, and as soon as they pointed out, the subspace he was in collapsed. At this time, she was two feet away from him.

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