Holy furnace

Chapter 485 1 people

Looking at the pair of golden pupils in front of him, Li Haoxuan suddenly remembered a sentence that Chongyang had said to him back then. This sentence was once used by Chongyang to describe Mr. Da, but now, Li Haoxuan deeply understood the meaning of this sentence, because this The same sentence applies to the flawless girl in front of him.

He looked at me and I died.When Li Haoxuan heard this sentence for the first time, he couldn't understand it. No matter how strong a person is, how could he kill someone at a glance without causing fluctuations in vitality?Therefore, although he nodded at the time, he still thought in his heart that this was just an exaggerated statement, no matter how powerful a person is, he cannot kill with his eyes. supernatural powers.

However, this idea changed completely with the appearance of this pair of golden pupils.Only those who have truly faced this frightening power will understand how appropriate Chongyang's words are.He could clearly see that, except for the finger of the broken subspace, the flawless girl really didn't use any divine channeling skills.Because the opponent's pupils are full of mockery and contempt, who would use magical powers on a person who is inferior to an ant in his own eyes?

That is blasphemy!

Therefore, the flawless girl really just glanced at him, the only difference is that she looked at him very seriously and carefully.At this time, the flawless girl who is the carrier of the Dao not only has the combat power to compete against the peak of the three metamorphosis, but also has the will of the Dao. The Dao is omnipotent, so she is almost omnipotent.When her eyes fell on Li Haoxuan's body, the entire void was filled, and the ubiquitous Heaven and Earth Avenue immediately rioted, rushing into Li Haoxuan's Purple Mansion to completely annihilate it.

It wasn't that the flawless girl was making a move, but Da Dao was making a move for her. There were only two things she did, the first was to have an idea, and the second was to take a look at Li Haoxuan.

Duan Tianlong and others are the strongest in Yuanhua, standing at the peak of Yuanhua in terms of realm and combat power. They clearly know what "Yuan" is in the world when they first enter Yuanhua, and then they know how to "Yuanhua" ", and after setting foot on the peak, they have already reached the realm of "ten thousand yuan into one". They still couldn't win much in the war.

But Li Haoxuan is only in the Lingxu realm, this kind of realm is not even as good as an ant in her eyes.But now, a person who is inferior to an ant in her eyes is actually competing with her for Dao resources. This discovery made her angry, so Dao also became angry, and wanted to kill him quickly.

"Boom!" Li Haoxuan's purple mansion was shaking, and countless avenues full of killing power were roaring, almost shattering his purple mansion!At this moment, Li Haoxuan's powerful primordial spirit was like a candle in the wind, swaying violently in this kind of shock, and even lost his mind!

Om!Finally, Li Haoxuan took advantage of the moment of clarity to roar out the word Om Tianyin, and the resonant and majestic fairy voice echoed loudly in his purple mansion. At the same time, the same dilapidated mansion in the kingdom of endless gods also spoke at the same time. All the gods tried their best to drink the word Om Tianyin, which is a fairy sound with unknowable mysterious power. Li Haoxuan wanted to use this power to counterbalance the Dao of Killing.

However, any god-defying formula is useless in the face of absolute strength, and the same is true for the Om word Tianyin, which is instantly scattered, unable to exert its real power, let alone resist the killing intent from Dao.

The mana in Li Haoxuan's dantian violently surged, and then all roared and poured into the golden golden elixir of supernatural power. In an instant, the golden elixir of supernatural power flourished, and countless lines of divine passages rose up, on top of Li Haoxuan's dantian. A huge grand road map was constructed in it!Then, this dao map flashed with light, and instantly submerged into Li Haoxuan's physical body.

hum!With the recovery of the supernatural golden elixir, a layer of golden mask suddenly appeared from Li Haoxuan's body surface, densely packed with Dao runes on the mask, it actually really blocked those Dao of killing in the mask Outside!

Admiralty has great supernatural powers!After several months, this powerful defensive supernatural power has finally reappeared in the world, and its power is even more powerful, more than ten times stronger than that in Yao Likong's hand!There are countless Dao patterns on the golden bell cover body, and these Dao patterns are shining, colliding fiercely with the Great Dao of Killing. ingest.

"En?" Looking at the golden mask around Li Haoxuan's body, the flawless girl frowned slightly and murmured to herself in doubt.

Click!With the opening of the flawless girl, the golden bell body's supernatural power collapsed immediately, and it was shattered in an instant, turning into a golden rain and dissipating in the void.And in his dantian, a tiny crack appeared on the golden elixir. It was just a word without any mana fluctuations, which caused the Dao of Killing to blast directly into Li Haoxuan's dantian, and even The flawless divine passage pattern was completely shattered.

puff!Li Haoxuan coughed up blood again, and then, his nose, eyes, ears, every orifice began to bleed, his glass-like body was cracked like porcelain, the cracks were densely covered, and red blood flowed down and sprinkled sky.

Boom!At this moment, a loud noise came from a distance, but it was Duan Tianlong and others who finally shattered the glazed pagoda at this moment!The glazed pagoda shattered, and the seven-color rays of light splashed, and finally returned to the seal of Tao without any damage.

After the glazed pagoda collapsed, Duan Tianlong swept in all directions holding the real dragon battle flag. The next moment, he saw Li Haoxuan bleeding profusely in front of the flawless girl.

"Kill!" Duan Tianlong roared sadly, and directly threw the battle flag in his hand towards the flawless girl!Fighting to the point where he is now, he has already been unable to care about him, and even he himself is bleeding.Li Haoxuan is a disciple of Kun Palace, and he is the best disciple of Kun Palace that he has seen for hundreds of years. If Li Haoxuan really falls because of this today, he will be restless for the rest of his life, and even completely cut off the way to enter the gate of lack of crime.

Boom!The True Dragon Battle Banner began to burn, and the divine mansion within it began to recover under Duan Tianlong's mana, truly showing the power of the True Dragon Battle Banner, almost directly passing through the space.At the same time, when the true dragon battle flag tore through the void, the flawless girl had already made a move, pointing a flawless finger at the center of Li Haoxuan's eyebrows.

At this moment, even Li Haoxuan believed that he was bound to die, because Li Vulcan Furnace in his dantian did not respond at all, because when the opponent's fingers were less than ten feet away from his eyebrows, Tianlong's true dragon battle flag was still several miles away. In addition, because the strength of the flawless girl is stronger than Duan Tianlong, much stronger.

Although his primordial spirit almost collapsed under the pressure of this finger, he was not dead after all, because there was a person standing in front of him at some point.

A young man in a shabby cotton jacket.

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