Holy furnace

Chapter 486 The Name of Mr. Big

The strength of the flawless girl really surpassed everyone's imagination, not to mention those meta-powers who were forced to watch the battle, even Duan Tianlong, who was once invincible and pure and empty, felt deeply for it. Deep shock.

Even if they are like this, let alone Li Haoxuan?When that flawless finger pierced the void and pointed towards his brow, Li Haoxuan found that he could do nothing but calmly wait for death. At this moment, even his soul was frozen, and he wanted to turn a Thoughts have become extremely difficult, the only thing he can think about is when will that golden finger touch his eyebrows, and how will his life end?

Thirty miles behind the flawless girl, the fiercely burning real dragon battle flag was shooting towards the sky, and it was ten miles away in an instant. However, in front of the flawless girl, such a speed was meaningless. Because the speed of her finger is faster than that of Zhenlong Zhanqi, ten times faster!

Therefore, when her finger was ten feet in front of Li Haoxuan, the real dragon battle flag was still roaring thirty miles away, no matter how powerful the magic power was, as long as it didn't come down, it would have no power at all. Holy, looking at Li Haoxuan's eyes is like looking down on a shameless thief.

In the eyes of the flawless girl, Li Haoxuan must die without any suspense. Once Li Haoxuan dies, the avenue of heaven and earth in his body will naturally belong to her, and there will be no less.However, in the next instant, the flawless girl's golden pupils shrank suddenly.

Because when the Zhenlong Zhanqi was about to penetrate her flawless body, her fingers still did not touch Li Haoxuan's eyebrows, because she was still a foot away from Li Haoxuan, because there was a person standing in front of Li Haoxuan, a man in a dilapidated Young man in padded jacket.

The flawless girl showed a tinge of surprise, because she could feel the space receding, so she knew that her footsteps had not stopped, but at this moment, she felt as if time stood still, no matter what No matter how fast her speed was, she was always one foot behind the smiling young man in front of her, unable to make any progress.

"It's so close!" Duan Tianlong, who was rushing towards him in the distance, changed his face and said in a startled voice.So close to the world is not a magical power, but a law, the law of space!Once you control the law of space, you can cut off the space. Although I am standing in front of you, there is an endless space between you and me. Even if you fly to death, you will not be able to touch the corner of my clothes.

"May I ask which elder is here?" Duan Tianlong was overjoyed when he saw this, and asked loudly.If there are elders who control the laws of space, then the flawless girl will be fearless. For them, the flawless girl is really strong, but for that kind of existence, they can be suppressed with just a lift of their hands.

"Mr. Big?" Tan Tian, ​​who was holding the iron sword, was taken aback for a moment, as if he didn't see it clearly, and then he opened his mouth in surprise and said in disbelief.Controlling the laws of space is a means of lacking the power of the realm, and everyone knows that Mr. Da is only at the peak of Yuanhua, so how can he comprehend the laws of space?

The young man in a padded jacket is holding a book in one hand and carrying it in the other, looking like the most ordinary scholar in the world.But it was such a young scholar with no mana fluctuations all over his body that made the flawless girl's complexion change again and again, because the other party's methods were beyond her comprehension.Although she has carried out the Dao into the body at this time, and has used the Dao of Heaven and Earth almost to the extreme, the Dao she can control will also correspond to her realm. She is only in the Yuanhua realm now, and the Dao of Heaven and Earth, which lacks the realm of crime, will not be able to do it at all. Under its control.

In the end, Flawless Girl stopped, because she also knew that it was pointless to continue like this.

The golden pupils of the flawless girl fell on the young scholar, her face was solemn.

"It's me." Looking at Duan Tianlong flying towards him in the distance, the young scholar smiled and said to him.

"Mr. Big?" Duan Tianlong was shocked, and shouted excitedly in the distance, and immediately bowed in the void and said, "I have seen Mr. Big."

"Long time no see." Mr. Da returned the salute, not caring that standing in front of him was a supremely strong man whose combat power had completely surpassed the Yuanhua Realm.

"Yeah, it's been 300 years." Since Mr. Da is here, Li Haoxuan must be fine. Thinking of this, Duan Tianlong is not in a hurry, and said to Mr. Da with emotion.

"I haven't seen you in 300 years, Mr. Da has already broken the boundary?" After Duan Tianlong finished speaking, he thought of the previous distance, and couldn't help asking in surprise.

"Not broken yet." The scholar shook his head and said.

"Hasn't broken the realm yet?" Duan Tianlong's expression changed suddenly, and he asked in horror, "But I clearly felt the fluctuation of space, there can be no mistake."

"Hehe." Mr. Da shook his head and said with a smile, "Seeing is not necessarily believing. It's not the law of space."

"I've met Mr. Da." At this moment, Shangguan Yun and Tan Tian also arrived, forming corners with Duan Tianlong, surrounded the flawless girl, and saluted the scholar at the same time.

The scholar nodded, returned the gift meticulously, and then said to Shangguan Yun with admiration, "Shangguan has great perseverance, which is admirable."

"I don't know what Mr. Da is referring to?" Shangguan Yun's expression changed immediately after hearing this, and he said afterwards.

Mr. Da was not annoyed when he heard the words, but smiled casually, and said no more.

"I remember that he is from your Kun Palace. If he really fell today because of this, Tianlong will be to blame for you." Then, the scholar waved his right hand lightly, and handed Li Haoxuan, who was covered in blood, into Duan Tianlong's hands, taking him seriously. Said.

"Thank you, Mr. Da." Feeling the fluctuation of life in Li Haoxuan's body, Duan Tianlong finally let go of his hanging heart.

"Mr. Da, are you here alone?" Tan Tian asked Mr. Da while staring at the flawless girl in the distance vigilantly.

"It's just me." Mr. Da replied with a nod.

"Okay. I would like to ask you a few questions as the head of the Law Enforcement Hall!" Tan Tian slowly put away the iron sword in his hand. Although he was very unwilling, he had to admit that as long as Mr. Da was here, he would have no time The girl will no longer have the power to make trouble.

Looking at Mr. Da's clear eyes, Tan Tian said, "I don't know if Mr. Da knows the real identity of this person? Is she the legendary god fetus? Is the Shocking Array still intact? She is here today Breaking down the mountain gate and massacring disciples would have been wiped out instantly by the Shocking God Formation if she had done such things in normal times, but why did she not attract the Shocking God Formation for her endless murder here? Not even an elder showed up? "

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