Holy furnace

Chapter 490 Facing the Elite Court

"So what if it's against the sky? Didn't you lose to Senior Brother Duan?" Standing beside Duan Tianlong, the cultivator in a purple-black Taoist robe spoke, his tone was full of provocation, as if he hadn't even touched him dozens of miles away. Yang Yongwang saw it in his eyes.

"Who dares to challenge Senior Brother Yang's divine power?" There was a sigh of relief from the crowd, and then the crowd automatically gave way to a passage, only to see a beautiful girl walking from a distance with a frosty face, beside him, a A layer of cyan mask emerged, with strands of Dao patterns, completely isolating the coercion of the flawless girl. She has not been greatly affected, and even has the strength to explode her aura under the coercion of this realm.

The beautiful girl stared directly at the cultivator as soon as she came out, with a cold look on her face, murderous intent in her eyes, she asked with a gloomy face, there was a light flowing between her fingers, as if she was about to make a move in the next moment, and she would never die with the other party .

"Hmph! Throw away your ancient god's shield, and I will suppress you with one hand!" The monk in the purple-black Taoist robe took a step forward, standing between Duan Tianlong and the beautiful girl, and said with a sneer.

"Fang Han!" After seeing the other person's face clearly, the beautiful girl's complexion suddenly became more gloomy, and she said through gritted teeth.

"How?" the monk called Fang Han didn't care, he didn't care about the other party's gaze as if he was going to cut him into pieces, and asked calmly.

"You're looking for death!" In front of everyone, the beautiful girl spoke slowly, uttering three words.

"Come here!" Fang Leng smiled, sneered at such remarks, and said disdainfully, his words were full of strong provocation.

"Tomorrow at noon, there will be a duel at the Gate of Life and Death. The winner will live, and the loser will die!" the beautiful girl said, with a look of determination in her eyes. It's hard to say whether the Shield of God can withstand the coercion of the lack of crime, let alone fight against a strong man at the peak of Yuanhua?

"As long as you throw away the ancient god's shield, you can fight me whenever you want!" Fang Han said bluntly.

"Hmph!" At this moment, the girl began to sneer, mockingly said, "The ancient god's shield is my magic weapon, why can't I use it?"

"Okay, it makes sense!" Fang Han was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and said casually, "Then see you at noon tomorrow! It just so happens that the master left the Nine-Shang Spear before Yunyou. It has not been used before, and it will be tomorrow." Use him Lianlian!"

"You!" The girl's eyes turned black when she heard the words, and Xianxian died of anger on the spot. Although the ancient god's shield is extremely powerful and can be called a quasi-dao weapon, it is the only one in the elite pavilion, but the entire Qingxu concept Who doesn't know that the Jiushang Spear is the supreme divine weapon of the master of Palace Kun, Zhuge, and one of the nine divine weapons of Qingxu Guan. , Waiting for the idle power to dare not take it lightly!

Moreover, the Nine Shang Spear is a sharp weapon for attacking. In the hands of Palace Master Zhuge, it can even pierce a hole in the sky. Ordinary Dao weapons are no match for him at all, let alone the Ancient God Shield is just a quasi-Dao weapon?There is really no comparison between Fang Han's Jiushang Spear and the Ancient God's Shield. No magic formula can turn the tide of the battle.

"You can fight my long-sky whip with the ancient god's shield, but I can't fight your ancient god's shield with the Jiushang gun? What's the reason for this? Is it the reason for your elite pavilion?" Fang Leng laughed, unceremoniously. asked rhetorically.

"The ancient god's shield is my own divine weapon! The Jiushang Spear is the supreme divine weapon of the master Zhuge, and it's not yours. How can it be the same? If so, why don't I borrow the sky-gazing mirror of the Supreme Master?" How about using it once? Wouldn't it be better?" The girl said angrily, and the aura surged at her fingertips became more intense, as if she had life, jumping continuously, as if she was about to explode.

"If you can borrow the sky-gazing mirror, I'd rather admit defeat." Fang Han shook his head and said with a smile.This is indeed the case, if it is really possible to borrow the sky mirror, is there still a need to continue fighting?Turning the sky-gazing mirror, even Da Neng will be turned into fly ash. In front of Emperor Zhunwei, the laws of space are useless.

"Okay, Fang Han, more than 300 years have passed, why are you angry with a little girl?" At this moment, Tan Tian, ​​who was standing not far away, frowned and couldn't help but speak.

After all, the Elite Pavilion belongs to the headmaster's lineage, and everyone has to give some face. Although they all know what Fang Han means, they also feel that it should stop when it is suitable and should not continue. Commander, although he is not involved in the affairs of the elite pavilion, he has a lot of information. He knows that the identity of this girl is not simple. If there is a conflict, Duan Tianlong will have to step into the level of criminals, so naturally he has no fear, but Fang Han is not necessarily so.

"Hmph, I just can't understand the rules of the Elite Pavilion. It was the same way more than 300 years ago, and it will be the same way after more than 300 years. Do you really think that you can be lawless if you belong to the head teacher?" Fang Han stopped talking to the girl when he heard the words, and turned He turned his head and muttered to himself.

"What's wrong with my Elite Pavilion?" The girl's face became gloomy again after hearing Fang Han's words. Regardless of Tan Tian's presence, she walked up to Fang Han, stared straight into Fang Han's eyes and asked angrily, "Fang Han , you have repeatedly opposed my Elite Pavilion, what is your intention? Do you really think we will retreat again and again?"

"Fang Han, although you can get away with it all when you fight against the Elite Pavilion again and again, it's not because your strength is really strong, but that many brothers and sisters in my Elite Pavilion don't want to use the strong to defeat the weak. Our Elite Pavilion represents not only We are only in the line of teachers, but also in the line of elites, we are tolerant but that doesn’t mean we can let others bully us!”

"Fang Han, I, Nie Xiaorou, warn you that no one can ride on top of the Elite Pavilion. You can't, and neither can Duan Tianlong! Don't say that Duan Tianlong is alive and dead today, so what if he reappears in the world? I, Senior Brother Yang Can't wait for him to appear immediately, so that he can be suppressed on the spot, and see who is the number one powerhouse 300 years ago! Among the core disciples of Qingxu Temple, there are no one who can evaluate my Senior Brother Yang, he Tan Tian can , you Duan Tianlong from Kun Palace 300 years ago can do it, but you Fang Han can't, you don't have that qualification!"

Nie Xiaorong's face was solemn, and a strong murderous aura came out of her body, pressing towards Fang Han. On her body surface, a layer of faint orange-yellow mana began to surge, and the divine light on her fingertips suddenly restrained at this moment It was mixed in her eyes, making her eyes seem to become an invincible abyss at this moment, breathtaking!

"You have such a big temper at such a young age!" At this moment, Duan Tianlong, who was standing beside Fang Han, suddenly spoke casually, and sighed, "Since you said that Junior Brother Fang is not qualified to speak, then let me talk about it." .Yang Yongwang 300 years ago can at least fight me, but Yang Yongwang 300 years later is not even qualified to fight me!"

Roar!As soon as Duan Tianlong finished speaking, the hundred-foot-long divine tiger in the distance roared suddenly, and its frightening eyes pierced the sky in an instant, and landed on Duan Tianlong.

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