Holy furnace

Chapter 489

At this time, the flawless girl is like the resurrection of the god of war, and every inch of her skin is projected with a faint radiance. Although it is not dazzling, it is full of divine radiance. At this moment, she is no longer the carrier of the Dao, but Truly transformed into the avenue of heaven and earth, at this moment she finally leaped over the dragon gate and crossed the fairy gate that blocked all mortals.

The powerful realm coercion swept through the nine heavens and ten places. At this moment, everyone's complexion changed. Whether it was Duan Tianlong, a strong man at the peak of Yuanhua, or some other monks in the Heartbeating Realm and even the Bigu Realm, they all felt that there was something wrong with them. A big mountain is slowly falling from the sky, and the strong sense of oppression is almost suffocating.

Up to now, all monks below the level of the law have retreated, at least thousands of miles away, and the responsibility is simply unable to bear the pressure of such a lack of power!And some monks who are below the half-step discipline must hide in the Nine Palaces, and use the Nine Palaces to block the terrifying power of the flawless girl, otherwise their lives will be in danger!At this time, except for the Nine Palaces and those mysterious and unknowable places, the entire Qingxu Temple is shrouded in the coercion of the lack of power everywhere, and the Dao lines are flying on countless buildings, trying their best to dissolve the threat of the lack of crime. pressure!

The lack of crime is called a legend. The willpower of each lack of crime is enough to shatter the starry sky. The powerful will of the lack of crime can even crush time and space. A random thought can kill the enemy thousands of miles away. The law of space is at your fingertips. It can run through thousands of miles in an instant.Although the flawless girl can reach the realm of lack of crime, but the pervasive spiritual coercion can make everyone collapse, and no one will be able to contend with it.

In the view of Qingxu, it is not that there is no lack of power in the realm of crime. In fact, there are not a few such powers. The two envoys, the master of the nine palaces, and the guardian of the soldier mound are all powers in the realm of lack of crime, but At this time, these great powers were all indifferent, sitting cross-legged in their guarded place silently, as if they had no sense of the turbulent aura of injustice from the outside world. Around their bodies, a mysterious spatial fluctuation was emanating, revealing Through the endless space, it is conveyed to the mysterious world far away.

When the flawless girl finally became a dragon, everyone was retreating. Even people as strong as Duan Tianlong and others had to do their best to protect themselves. By Duan Tianlong's side, at some point, a body appeared... The cultivator wearing the purple dragon-pattern robe is teaming up with him to create a seal to protect Li Haoxuan and Qian Feng in it. The power of the Taoist pattern on this seal is flowing rapidly, and the mental pressure from the bombardment of the flawless girl is exhausted. Pass it to the two of them, so as to make Li Haoxuan and Qian Feng safe.

boom!boom!boom!One after another powerful aura rises from the crowd. It is the powerhouse of the law ring hidden in the crowd. Among them, there are many peak powerhouses comparable to Duan Tianlong and others. Under the circumstances, these people have nothing to hide, can no longer hide their own strength, and have to explode with all their strength to resist this coercion that surpasses everything.Law precepts and deficient offenders are two different levels of life forms, not on the same level at all.

"En? Suzaku God Armor? Liu Zhisheng from the Elite Pavilion is also here?" In the distance, while resisting the coercion of the lack of criminals, the monks in the Yuanhua realm noticed a red bird soaring into the sky from the crowd, rippling out a powerful spell The aura of the spirit permeates the surrounding fields, and the powerful mana fluctuations are shocking.

"Liu Zhisheng? Why is he here? Isn't it said that he left the Elite Pavilion 200 years ago and entered the Temple of War? How did he get out? Could it be that he broke through?"

"Impossible! If it breaks the realm, how could it be possible to use the Suzaku Divine Armor under the coercion of the missing criminal level?" Someone shook his head and said with difficulty, "Judging from the combat power he has shown, he should still be at the peak of Yuanhua, maybe Half a step has been taken, but certainly not really in that area."

"Look! The Suzaku Divine Armor is nearly half awakened now! An elder once said that if the Suzaku Divine Armor is fully revived, it can withstand a powerful blow! Does this mean that he is not far from your gap now? "

"It's not just Liu Zhisheng, Yang Yongwang is here too!" Someone exclaimed, staring at a void in the distance. In that void, there stood a golden tiger with golden brilliance flowing from its golden hair. The huge body of a hundred feet covered the sky and covered the sun, and its limbs were as stable as rocks. It was rooted in the void and blocked the flawless pressure of the flawless girl.

"Yang Yongwang is here too? He was one of the best figures in the Elite Pavilion 300 years ago. Some people even said that he could enter the realm of supreme power within a hundred years. Unfortunately, the battle with Duan Tianlong completely made him lose his Dao heart. Since then After a setback, he was expelled from the Elite Pavilion in the end!"

"Yang Yongwang did lose to Duan Tianlong, but if he had been undefeated back then, he might not have the Yang Yongwang he is today." Someone interjected, obviously familiar with the allusion back then, and said, "The Elite Pavilion is the leader of the Supreme Master." What kind of vision does the head teacher have? How can he recruit ordinary disciples? It is true that Yang Yongwang was expelled from the elite pavilion, but everything is just an appearance. In fact, there are rumors that Yang Yongwang was thrown into the demon cave by the head teacher and ordered Only after a hundred years of experience in the Demon God's Cave can he see the light of day again, and he is not allowed to carry the reincarnation stone!"

"What? He has experienced a full hundred years in the Demon God's Cave? He has also taken away his reincarnation stone?" Someone exclaimed, it is hard to imagine what kind of catastrophe it was. , is an extremely dangerous place of trial in Qingxu Temple. It is said that the Demon God Cave is transformed from the body of the ancient Demon God who died for millions of years, and it is filled with endless and terrifying power of God and Demon. Moreover, There is even a powerful will to kill brewing inside the God and Demon Cave, and a little carelessness can cause fatal disasters.

The Devil's Cave is a forbidden place, one cannot enter until a certain level, and every place has a fixed route, once one deviates from the route, one will almost die!Of course, it is impossible for the disciples to die in the Qingxu Temple. Every disciple who enters can carry a reincarnation stone. There is a god-sealing technique that the elder personally sealed in the reincarnation stone. I avoided a death in the cave!Of course, there is only one chance, if you continue to move forward, then life and death will be irrelevant.

Few people can survive for too long in the Demon God's Cave without the reincarnation stone. They are already outstanding in October and August, and they are already elites in three to five years. However, Yang Yongwang can survive in it for a hundred years. The evildoer who wants to show up for it in person.

"So what if it's against the sky? Didn't he lose to Senior Brother Duan? 300 years ago Senior Brother Duan was able to break his iron bones, and today he can also destroy his magical powers!" At this moment, someone spoke provocatively.

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