Holy furnace

Chapter 495

When the lotus flower under Mr. Da's feet dissipated and stopped in the same place, Mr. Da, who was holding a book in one hand and carrying it on his back in the other, took another step. A piece of snow-white cotton wool came out from the gap in the slightly worn-out padded jacket and swayed slightly in the starry sky. , as if about to fall.

Then, the cotton wadding trembled slightly, and two pieces of cotton wadding that were exactly the same appeared ten feet away and twenty feet away. Outside the cotton wool was a quilted jacket, and inside the quilted jacket was Mr. Big, a calm and unhurried Mr. Big.

When three identical cotton wools appeared in the void at the same time, the starry sky suddenly oscillated, and countless galaxies flowed back at this time, and the chaotic mist surged in the starry sky. In the mist, two huge The ray of light is transmitted to the world through the mist!

Boom!There was a loud noise in the space, and when everyone hadn't seen clearly what the mist was, two bright stars fell from the sky and appeared in front of the flawless girl at the same time. The sky-reaching beam of light enveloped her, as if it would drown her in the next moment.


At this time, the flawless girl really went crazy, two golden lights shot out from her pupils, and they actually shot through the void and directly towards Mr. Da!As the two golden rays of light move forward, the void is retreating, as if a space channel has been opened up by it. This is the combat power and law of the high-energy level. It is possible to achieve such an effect, because it involves the most basic laws of space.

The golden divine light was flying across the sky, although it was far inferior to those two dazzling divine pillars, it was equally shocking. A monk with a strong spiritual sense couldn't help trembling thousands of miles away, even the remaining power could not bear it. It was only then that everyone understood why the powers lacking in the border had to fly outside the territory to fight, because this level of combat power was too terrifying, and a battle could really shatter several corners of the continent!

The golden eyes were extremely powerful and palpitating, but such a peerless attack seemed nothing to Mr. Da, he never even took a look at it!In fact, from the beginning to the end, Mr. Da kept his gaze on the distant sky, as if he was observing something seriously. Some monks followed the gaze of the other party and looked away, but nothing was found. To the extreme, I still can only see a piece of darkness, and I can't even see through this starry world that I don't know how to appear.

In the end, the golden aura dissipated without touching Mr. Da's body. When it was three feet away from his body, it instantly turned into nothingness. In an instant, it completed a process from existence to nothingness. how it works.Some people speculate that this is a power of law that involves space, while others think that this is Mr. Da's natal supernatural power, because anyone who knows Mr. Da's name knows that Mr. Da has not broken through.

The flawless girl didn't have any extra time to observe those two out-of-body eyes, and maybe she didn't have the extravagant hope to rely on those two eyes to surround Wei and save Zhao!Because at this time she was really fighting to the point of madness, the seal of Dao was broken, and she could no longer draw the power of Dao from the void, which meant that her peak could not last long.

Rumble!The space around the flawless girl began to riot, and she was about to be shattered by it. She was making the last attempt, trying to escape by breaking the space. However, this method was useless. Possibly through space.

The impatience and fury on the face of the flawless girl grew stronger, and she was no longer the indifference and indifference before. She began to feel danger and anxiety. There is no other way!

At this moment, her long blond hair was dancing wildly, and the aura on her body soared again at this moment. The horror was so extreme that Duan Tianlong and others had to retreat two hundred miles again!When that peak aura erupted, even Yang Yongwang's phantom of the god tiger almost collapsed, one can imagine how powerful this coercion is!

Boom!In the end, the flawless girl's body completely turned into the color of glazed glass, and everyone could even see through her skin the golden blood and vascular bones that were constantly rushing hidden under her skin!When her body completely morphed into a glazed divine body, a phantom in the shape of a person with a height of one hundred feet suddenly manifested into the void!

This humanoid phantom, which is hundreds of feet tall, is rippling with the extremely strong power of the Great Dao, and the whole body is full of Dao pattern gods, and under the phantom's feet, there are a series of source heaven gods scattered in all directions, which can move the world Trend!At this moment, the stars all over the sky were dimmed, and countless avenues of heaven and earth seemed to have received some kind of summon at this moment, and they emerged one after another and poured towards that phantom!

The phantom in human form is like a bottomless pit, and the arrival of the two heavenly divine lights did not cause any damage to it, but was swallowed up by it continuously!With the dissipation of the two heavenly divine lights, the aura of that phantom figure became extremely powerful. Just the aura of coercion made the entire starry sky tremble. Countless stars were shining brightly in the dark starry sky. bright.

However, the endless light is the brilliance before the curtain ends. The phantom of the human form suddenly made a move at this time, and swept across the starry sky when she raised her hand. Meteors and meteorites rushed from beyond infinite time and space, but they still walked on the tragic road of collapse.

This is a great fear, a great devastation!It seemed that the entire universe was about to collapse under her attack, and the starry sky that was originally full of stars became a silent and cold dead place in just a few breaths.In the vast darkness, only the blooming Dao pattern lotus is still shining, and the powerful power of the phantom of the human form can't hurt it in the slightest. Mr. Da stands on the white lotus, without saying a word, his expression peaceful.

Boom!At this moment, the phantom human figure roared up to the sky, devouring the power of all the shattered stars into its body, and the endless avenue of heaven and earth was absorbed away at this moment. At this moment, everyone had an illusion , It seems that the phantom transformed by the flawless girl is about to swallow the entire universe, it is so powerful that it makes people tremble!

In the end, the phantom's body soared to a height of nearly a thousand feet, and the strong breath of Tao almost crushed the void!The gigantic phantom of a thousand feet made a move at this time, and its big hand grabbed Mr. Da like a mountain of gods, scoffed, the powerful power of Dao overflowed, and tore a corner of this starry sky world on the spot!

"What is that!" After a corner of this starry sky world was forcibly torn apart by the human-shaped phantom with supreme power, countless exclamations came from the crowd, and only a corner of the starry sky was broken. , a huge island of gods floated in the void of endless light, majestic and grand!

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