Holy furnace

Chapter 497

In the entire universe, some legends have always existed but have never been confirmed, such as the existence of immortals and the road to immortality that has been passed down from millions of years ago.Needless to say, the existence of immortals, not to mention immortal cultivators, even ordinary people in the secular world have great yearning and desire for them.Cultivating immortals, cultivating immortals is the way to become immortals, and what you walk is the way to become immortals.

No one can truly live forever except immortals, and the stunning ancient emperor will eventually become a robbery, and it is impossible to exist forever.Although the road to immortality has appeared several times in history, no one has been able to break into it after all. According to legend, some invincible emperors and gods have stepped on the road to immortality, but no one knows how they will end up. I firmly believe that the Great Emperor is invincible and will surely enter the road to immortality, but there are also people in this world who can feel the strong aura of transformation.

The Great Emperor is the strongest in ancient and modern times. He never met an opponent in his life. Only by walking on the road of immortality can he meet an enemy worthy of a battle with him!There is a legend circulating in the world, saying that if the King of Kings back then had set foot on the road to immortality at the peak, it was really possible to use his own powerful strength to force his way into the immortal realm. You know, That is the Unrivaled Emperor who pushes the invincible hand in the three thousand worlds. What is the most in the sky and on the earth, invincible in the past, present and future?

It's a pity that the road to immortality was not opened when the King of Kings was at his peak. Even if he had a good fortune, as an innate Taoist body, he couldn't really subvert the entire universe. His final whereabouts became a mystery. He may die, even if he is also enlightened, he must be stronger than others, but some people think that the emperor is dead, because his immortality pill has been handed down, and after 5 years someone proved it, this is the biggest evidence.

Just like becoming a fairy, some legends are also illusory and unimaginable, such as the most powerful race in history, the protoss, and the lineage of the Holy Spirit with the bloodline against the sky!Legend has it that the holy spirit is a stone body that rises by absorbing the avenue of heaven and earth and the essence of the sun and the moon. It takes tens of thousands of years to develop spiritual wisdom, and it takes tens of thousands of years to have spiritual consciousness, and it takes tens of thousands of years to act, so as to embark on the path practice road.Every holy spirit needs to go through nearly 10 years of terror from awakening to practice. It is a kind of creature that is not recognized by heaven and earth, because heaven and earth believe that this kind of creature is created by stealing the way and should be punished.

The accumulation of terror for nearly 10 years is naturally impossible to have no effect. Once the Holy Spirit really steps on the road of cultivation, it will be a disaster for the entire universe!This kind of creature is born to devour the heavens, and even the divine body may not be able to compete with it. Once it grows to the saint level, unless there is a quasi-emperor or a supernatural soldier, it is difficult for anyone to shake the opponent. This is a kind of world-defying blood. , like the Protoss being taught, has left many traces in the universe, but unfortunately no one can tell the truth from the fake.

It is said that achieving the Holy Spirit is not as simple as devouring the Dao, it requires a once-in-a-thousand-year opportunity.Throughout the ages, no matter how great the good fortune is, it is impossible to turn the dead into living things. Even the Taoist platform used by the ancient emperor can only leave the emperor's pattern at most, and it is impossible to become a living stone. However, the universe is vast, There was also a powerful Holy Spirit!Legend has it that in the ancient times, an invincible holy spirit was born, invincible in all directions, and in the end he almost proved the truth, which made the whole universe tremble!

"I know!" At this moment, a middle-aged monk shouted excitedly in the distance, pulling their thoughts back from the legend, and saw that the monk looked crazy, as if he had a demon, He shouted incoherently, as if he had discovered some shocking secret.

"Who is that?" Someone asked, showing suspicion. He could feel the other party's realm, and he was definitely a high-ranking Yuanhua powerhouse, otherwise he would not be qualified to stand here.

"It's from the Dan Pavilion!" Someone next to him judged his identity through the other party's clothing, because there was a purple pill furnace printed on the sleeve of the other party, no doubt it was a high-level person in the Dan Pavilion. At this time, the island of the Dan Pavilion burst , even the mighty talisman was broken, and all the experts in the Pill Pavilion have escaped, and some of them have not even accepted the fact that the Pill Pavilion is broken.Even Fazu Rokel showed surprise.

"It's Dan Dao Pavilion! That's Dan Pavilion Shendao!" Under the horrified eyes of everyone, the strong man in the Yuanhua realm of Dan Pavilion confided the truth, and said very firmly, with a firm tone.

"What? Is the Dan Pavilion God Island? Impossible! I clearly saw that the Dan Dao Pavilion collapsed. It was shattered into pieces during the battle between the flawless girl and the three strong men, and finally turned into pieces in the light rain of the Great Dao. Fan, what I saw with my own eyes can’t be wrong!” Some people retorted loudly, scoffing at this kind of remarks, and most of them echoed, thinking that what the former said was too outrageous, and everyone was blind?

"It's really Dan Dao Pavilion!" After the commotion, some monks quickly changed their positions, because the supreme divine body showed its power again at this time, and the powerful power of Dao shattered the starry sky world again, making the original The field of vision became clearer, so far, everyone can clearly see the entire appearance of the Supreme God Island outside!

"How is it possible!" Duan Tianlong and the others were all shocked, and they were also stunned, because what they saw was really the Dange God Island, and a large number of mysterious Dao patterns appeared on the outside of the Dange God Island. In terms of shape, it is not the same as the previous Dandao Pavilion, and there is even a huge "Dan" character branded on the mountain, which shows that this island of God is indeed the God Island of Dan Pavilion!

"Didn't the Dange God Island collapse? Why did it appear intact again? If so, is everything I saw before true?" Yaqianliu asked, staring at the huge God Island, although he did not I saw the entire process of the collapse of the island of God, but there is no doubt that the island of God collapsed. When they arrived, the entire Dan Pavilion had become nothingness, and the power of the great way contained in every inch of the mountain was destroyed. Devoured by the flawless girl, it ceases to exist.

"The original Dandao Pavilion must collapse, absolutely no mistake! There is no illusion that can deceive so many of us, not to mention, Mr. Da is here, how could he still be confused by the illusion?" Tan Tian shook his head, He said solemnly, "Could it be that some elders have descended and moved a high mountain from the outside world with their supreme power to reshape the island of God?"

"Impossible! There has been no change in tens of thousands of years in Dange Shendao, and every inch of the mountain inside has been blessed by dozens of generations of disciples. How can it be compared to an ordinary mountain? What's more, even if the elders can reshape ordinary high mountains into divine islands with the power of lack of criminals, and then seal them with Dao patterns, but if so, where does the eternal ancient atmosphere come from?" Shangguan Yun shook his head, he was the most familiar with the ancient atmosphere of Dan Pavilion, because he was sealed inside Dan Pavilion for 300 years!

"That's right, there are time gods pervading among them, and ordinary mountains can't bear it." Yang Yongwang also said that he has the deepest feeling for the time gods, and he deeply knows how terrible that kind of gods are.

"This is indeed the real Dange God Island, but it is not the previous Dange God Island!" At this moment, a strong man not far away flew over, wearing a silver armor, exuding a powerful aura. Mana fluctuations.

"Look." Before Shangguan Yun and others could speak, the strong man reached out and waved his hand lightly, and actually manifested a mirror world in the void, which fully displayed the internal situation of Dange Shendao.

"Huh?" Duan Tianlong and the others were all surprised, because there is a God of Time outside Dange God Island to block everyone's peeping, even they can only see the outer outline of God Island and cannot peek into the inner space, but this person not only The ability to see the scene and also manifest it into the Void is horrifying.

"Natural supernatural power." The strong man in silver armor smiled slightly and explained to everyone.Everyone suddenly realized when they heard the words, and nodded in relief, because this is the case with natal supernatural powers. Some are powerful against the sky, and some are useless. The other party obviously has a powerful natal supernatural power, which can make it break through some seals for a short time. Seeing the real situation in it, it can be called a superb supernatural power among auxiliary supernatural powers!

"Time is going backwards!" After seeing the real situation in Dange Shendao clearly through the mirror world, Yaqianliu's face changed suddenly, as if he had seen a ghost, and said in horror.At this moment, an astonishing scene is manifesting in the mirror. Small green fragments suddenly appear from nothingness, and then fly quickly in all directions, merging with each other under the control of certain laws. Gathered into towering ancient trees, the ancient trees fell and took root on the mountain. After a few breaths, the lifeless island of God was already covered with ancient trees, full of vitality.

This is not only true of ancient trees, but also of mountains, rivers, medicinal fields, and fairy grasses. Pieces of powder suddenly appeared from the void, and quickly turned into plump fairy grasses, which took root in the medicinal fields independently. Then, a spring emerged from nothingness, poured into the medicine field, and trickled, it seemed as if time was really going backwards. Everything that was destroyed by the flawless girl before was quickly restored, and the entire building was destroyed in a short time. Most of the island of God has recovered.

tick!Suddenly, the mirror world burst and turned into a ball of water vapor, and then, a drop of bright red blood flowed out from the left eye of the strong man, obviously suffering from the backlash of the Dao, after all, it involved the law of great power, no matter how heaven-defying the natal supernatural power is The effect is limited.

"No!" Recalling the strong man's previous words, Yang Yongwang's face gradually showed doubts, he suddenly shook his head, and said firmly, "This kind of breath is different from the forbidden place I met in the Demon God's Cave. , from time to time, the gods of time. This kind of effect should be that someone with great supernatural powers is using the space gods to perfectly control the field, so that the field here returns to the origin that has been set before, rather than letting time return To the origin!"

"What do you mean?" Yaqianliu asked suspiciously.His realm is only at the third level of bigu, and he doesn't have much concept of the application of fields, so it is difficult to understand the meaning of Yang Yongwang's words.

"You will understand in the future." Yang Yongwang didn't explain much. For Yaqianliu of Bigu Third Heaven, knowing all this is not good, and everything will naturally become clear when the realm is high in the future.

"Let the field here return to the original point that has been set before..." Tan Tian repeated Yang Yongwang's words in a low voice, his face suddenly changed, and he raised his head, just in time to meet everyone's equally horrified eyes!

"Really... really it?" Tan Tianlian's tone trembled a little. As the chief commander of the Law Enforcement Hall, he knew too many things, and it was because he knew that he was horrified, puzzled, and excited. .

At this moment, there was a sudden exclamation in the distance, and everyone turned their heads to look, and immediately saw the figure of Mr. Da disappearing in a flash, and the lotus under his feet appeared in the phantom of the thousand feet without any hindrance. Inside, appeared in front of the flawless girl.

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