Holy furnace

Chapter 498

After absorbing countless avenues of heaven and earth, the huge phantom has gradually begun to stare at it, and even a glazed body that is the same as that of a flawless girl appeared. Within a radius of hundreds of miles, countless avenues were swallowed up by it. Even Mr. Da The starry sky world was also completely destroyed, almost shattered.

However, at this moment, when everyone thought that Mr. Da would be defeated, Mr. Da took another step and appeared directly in the phantom of Qianzhang, in front of the flawless girl.

The pupils of the flawless girl were shining brightly, and when Mr. Da appeared in front of her eyes, the flawless girl suddenly raised her right hand, and punched Mr. Da in the face with a straight punch, a powerful and indescribable blow The power erupted at this moment, as if the world was about to collapse under this punch. This is the combat power of the lack of crime. It directly shattered the void, and forcibly opened up a space channel to sweep out. In terms of speed and strength alone In other words, this has already reached its peak, and the general lack of criminals may not be able to achieve this step.

This is the benefit of the Dao entering the body. Whether it is to perceive the Dao or to sway the Dao, it is all like flowing water, very natural.

However, although the Flawless Girl's Divine Fist is fast, there is someone who is faster than her.At this time, here, at this moment, there is only one person who can be faster than her, and that person is undoubtedly Mr. Da.

Just when the flawless girl's arm moved slightly, Mr. Da's finger had already touched an inch in front of the flawless girl's eyebrow. At this moment, the white and slender finger seemed to have turned into a hosta. Although it exuded a bright blue light, it did not There is the most powerful power manifested.

The flawless girl retreated. At this time, she was almost standing in the taboo field, and all the avenues of heaven and earth gathered around her, making the most perfect response according to her will.At this moment, if she has the help of God, she doesn't need any mind perception or primordial glance, because she has truly transformed into this world, but everything that happens in this world is irrelevant. It is impossible to hide it from his eyes, Mr. Da is in this space, his finger is naturally not immune, it is clearly reflected in the pupils of the flawless girl.

"Huh?" Looking at the flawless girl who had retreated suddenly, Mr. Da frowned, and said, a soft "huh" came out, as if he was a little surprised that the other party could escape his finger.

The flawless girl's face was cold and her pupils were silent. During the burst retreat, the phantoms emanating from her body suddenly began to restrain themselves, and all of them returned to her body!With the return of Wanzhang phantom, the imposing manner of the flawless girl rose again, and it seemed that she was about to break through her own limit. Finally, when all the phantoms of Wanzhang returned to her body, the flawless girl couldn't help but roared loudly, and the rolling sound waves spread Go, let the space around your body explode!

At this time, if Mr. Da's starlight world was not suppressing, there might not be many spectators thousands of miles away.

Rumble!At this moment, the starry sky world began to tremble, wisps of blue-purple electric light manifested from the depths of the universe, and a terrifying coercion descended, as if it would destroy everything in the world!

"It's Heavenly Tribulation!" Someone shouted, trembling all over.The aura of Heavenly Tribulation is no stranger to those in Yuanhua Realm.At their level, at least they have experienced two catastrophes, and the oppressive feeling of being suffocated is something they will never forget.

"Is this a great calamity? Why do I have the feeling that this is a saint calamity?"

"Such a powerful tribulation...is there anyone in the world who can resist the past? If I encounter such a catastrophe in the future, I am afraid that the first thunder will smash me into ashes." Quite a few The monks were all exclaiming, and many people with lower realms could no longer stand upright, and they almost collapsed on the verge of falling.

"How could there be a catastrophe? Didn't she just use her utmost sublimation to make her combat power reach the level of a criminal, and step into that field for a short time? How could there be a catastrophe? Could it be that she has even broken through the realm and really stepped into the realm?" Entry into the country?"

Duan Tianlong's body shook violently, and the aura of catastrophe from the depths of the universe made them unbearable, and they kept retreating!However, it is useless to retreat, because the area covered by this catastrophe is too wide, and surrounded by starry worlds, they have nowhere to escape.

"It doesn't matter! This is the Qingxu Temple, guarded by the Patriarch Shocking God Formation and the Sky Observation Mirror. It is absolutely impossible for such a huge catastrophe to come down! At most, she left this space and entered the real universe to overcome the catastrophe!" Some people still remained calm, thinking that this series of catastrophes could not really come, otherwise the casualties would be too great. I don't know how many people will fall in this huge catastrophe covering hundreds of miles.

Boom!As soon as the man finished speaking, a divine thunder exploded in everyone's ears. Then, the starry world collapsed, and endless light flooded in. Everyone instantly returned from the cosmic starry sky to the real world in the Qingxu Temple, still in the place where they left before. When I went to the location, it seemed that nothing had changed at all.

"Heavenly Tribulation!" After returning to the real world, everyone saw the huge Heavenly Tribulation manifested in the sky for the first time, and the breath of that kind of Heavenly Tribulation fell down amidst the roar, shaking countless mainland god islands At this time, everyone felt the power of this piece of heavenly tribulation, and it was shocking to be able to break through the defense of the Shocking God Formation.

"It's unreasonable!" Someone shook his head. You must know that the Shocking God Formation is the Quasi-Emperor Formation. Even if the Quasi-Emperor came, he would not be able to please him, and the junior saints could be beheaded at will. , To be able to break through the quasi-emperor formation, no matter how you say it, it can't be justified.

"Dandao Pavilion!" The next moment, someone shouted immediately, and it was recognized that the island of the gods seen earlier was indeed Dandao Pavilion. It is exactly the same, even the plants and trees in it are the same. At this time, how can the Dandao Pavilion still be a dilapidated island of God?It is clearly a paradise like a fairyland, every fairy grass exudes amazing vitality, and everyone even has a feeling that the divine power of life and the aura of heaven and earth on the island of God are stronger than those of the previous Dandao Pavilion purely.

"Ah!" Suddenly, someone woke up from the excitement and wailed, "Why can't I feel the power of the Dao on the Dandao Pavilion?"

"I feel it too. How could this be? Could it be that this god island is fake and not real?" Everyone was stunned, unable to understand the scene in front of them.Everything in the world contains the Dao of Heaven and Earth, even the most common piece of gravel has more or less traces of the Dao, but now, there is no trace of the Dao on the entire island of God, then there is only one reason, this The God Island is a fake, not a real God Island, not even an ordinary mountain, because no matter how ordinary a mountain is, it also contains the power of the Dao.

The flawless girl was so powerful and suffocating at this moment, she even pulled away inch by inch from Mr. Da's fingertips, as if she was about to escape from Mr. Da's control. It is the mansion of a mortal god, and even Mister Da cannot escape.

However, Mr. Da is telling a truth with his actions. Sometimes, even if you can clearly see my finger pointing, you still can't stop it.

Because, when the flawless girl was getting farther and farther away from Mr. Da, Mr. Da's finger seemed to penetrate the void at this moment, and directly touched the center of her eyebrows under the horrified eyes of the flawless girl.

As Mr. Da's fingers touched the center of the opponent's eyebrows, the jade hairpin on the flawless girl's head suddenly shone brightly, and countless lines of origin and sky surged out from it, spreading all over the void.

"The original world returns to heaven!" At this moment, four slightly old voices suddenly came from the distant God Island, like thunder descending into the world, suppressing all the catastrophes in the sky!

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