Holy furnace

Chapter 499 Daotron Universe

"The original world is back to heaven! It's really the original world back to the sky!" After hearing the four voices in unison, the expressions of Tan Tian and others changed immediately. They were extremely excited and excited, and they looked into the distance and pointed. Mr. Da who stood above the flawless girl's brows was filled with endless admiration.

"Unexpectedly, nearly 800 years have passed, and the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven from the Original Realm has really reappeared in the world!" Shangguan Yun also showed emotion on his face, and said in disbelief, looking at Mister Da with eyes full of endless awe He knew that he would never be able to catch up with the other party in this life, and he might not be able to find another one with that detached state in the entire universe.

"What is the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven?" Fang Han asked. Apart from Baqianliu and Li Haoxuan, he has the least experience here. , It's only been more than 300 years. When Duan Tianlong was invincible, he was just a monk in the realm of law.

"The Great Formation of Returning to Heaven in the Original Realm is the shocking array left by the Supreme Headmaster!" Duan Tianlong opened his mouth, explaining to Fang Han, "It is said that a complete Returning to Heaven in the Original Realm was built in a fixed area. After the formation, the area can be restored to its original state at any time in the future."

"I don't quite understand." Nie Xiaorou shook her head, her realm was almost the same as Fang Han's, and she couldn't understand this amazing magic formation.

"To put it simply, the Great Formation of Returning to the Original Realm can allow a certain area to return to the original point that was set before at any time." Duan Tianlong glanced at Nie Xiaorou, and then pointed to the Dange God Island in the distance Explained, "It's like the Dange God Island you see at this time!"

"Dange God Island was indeed completely shattered before. We were all present at that time, so there is no doubt about it. But now, Dange God Island has reappeared in the world. Why? It is because the original world returned to the sky and the great formation made the The area where Dangeshen Island is located has returned to the original point that has been recorded before."

"For example, the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven in the Original Realm imprinted the region within a hundred miles of the Dange God Island 30 years ago. Then, the 30-year-old Dange God Island can be called the Original Realm! Once the original realm If the world is established, then at any time after that, the great supernatural powers can restore the hundred-mile area to the state 30 years ago through the original world back to the sky, that is, to restore the state of the original world, even if the island of God collapses. , all things withered can also restore them to their original state!"

"Hiss!" Fang Han and Nie Xiaorou couldn't help gasping, such a big formation is really a miracle.

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be immortal?"

"Return everything to the original point? It sounds similar to going back in time. If it is true, can it be used to live longer?" Fang Han and Nie Xiaorou asked, if this method of returning everything to the original point can be applied to the human body, then It may not be a method of longevity, maybe you can walk on the road to immortality.

"Time is ruthless, how can there be true eternity?" The strong man in the white armor shook his head and said, "Although the Great Formation of Returning to the Original Realm can bring a small world back to the original realm, it also has imperfections. For example, any living body with autonomous consciousness among them will not be able to reproduce. Even if the most ordinary jackal dies, it is impossible for the original world to return to the sky! Because the primordial spirit is the foundation of life, if The self-consciousness dissipates, and the flesh and bones are meaningless, and the way of the primordial spirit is a real taboo field, and once it is involved, there will be catastrophe."

"So this is not the God of Time, but a very high God of Space." Yang Yongwang continued, "It is said that the God of Time belongs to the gods, has a strong uncontrollability, and is a taboo among taboos! Although I don't know How does the real original world return to the sky work, but if my guess is correct, the principle boils down to only four words, Dao Chuang Universe."

"Everything in the world is made up of the Dao! Once the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven in the Original Realm is in operation, it should have the ability to evolve the invisible Dao of Heaven and Earth into tangible things in the world!" Yang Yongwang narrowed his eyes slightly, guessing.

The invisible avenue is inextricably linked with all tangible things, and a certain rule is always followed between the two, such as balance!When the Dao is abundant, it will evolve into mountains and rivers, into good lands, and even into the sun, moon and stars. When the stars fall and the blessings dry up, the Dao contained in them will return to the universe. Conservation between species and things.Cultivators can move mountains and seas, and can shatter stars. In essence, these processes are all processes of transforming things into Tao!

They use the Great Way of Heaven and Earth to display their peerless combat power, smash the starry sky, and pinch the stars, all of which are using the power of the Great Way to create more Taos!What the original realm Huitian formation did was exactly the opposite. It used the power of the Dao to convert the power of the Dao into the entities of all things. Originally, this would be a long-lasting evolution, but the Yuanjie Huitian formation changed This reversal process is greatly shortened!If the Dao is allowed to run autonomously, it may take millions of years to create a star, but if someone with great supernatural powers creates a star by returning to the original world, then it may only take a few years or even a few months!

There has been a legend in the secular world that a little stone can be turned into gold, which is called the method of the fairy family!However, for practitioners, they have already understood the particle combination structure between various substances. Whether it is alchemy or weapon refining, it is necessary to change the original particle structure to synthesize another new particle structure. , Turning stone into gold is no longer a legend, and it is not difficult to understand. What's more, it can turn a whole mountain into a golden mountain!

And for a higher level of realm, when he has realized that there is a smaller and more original existence than particles, and he has that kind of existence that can be manipulated, he no longer needs to turn stone into gold, but can turn Tao into gold.For them, it is completely possible to evolve the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth into real gold. This is the principle of the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven in the Original Realm.

"So that's the case. No wonder I always feel that there is something missing on the current Dange God Island. It turns out that there are no living things!" Fang Han nodded, only then did he realize that there is indeed no life on the current Dange God Island. exist.

"Since the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven in the original world is so heaven-defying, why have we never heard of the name of this Great Formation before? Even if such a shocking God Formation is not as good as the Great Formation of Reincarnation, it should be almost the same as the Great Formation of Shocking Gods. Right? How can you be so mediocre?" Nie Xiaorou asked suddenly, frowning.

"It is said that the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven in the Original Realm was deduced by the supreme teacher in those days based on the corner of the Great Emperor Formation pattern he obtained! The Supreme Being back then went a long way along the formation, and the corner of the Great Emperor Formation pattern he obtained was the same as the Great Emperor Formation Pattern. It is the Wuque formation pattern, so although he himself has not achieved the Quasi-Emperor Dao Fruit, and the horn formation pattern has only comprehended seven or eight out of ten, but the original world return to the sky formation he created is still owned by everyone. Into the ranks of quasi-emperor formation."

"Thousands of years ago, the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven in the Original Realm has a great reputation in the entire Ziwei Starfield. It can be regarded as one of the strongest divine formations, and even made many holy places jealous. I hope I can understand this To restore some ancient relics and Taoist platforms." Tan Tianwen explained, "It's a pity that there was a problem with the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven in the original world thousands of years ago, and it could not be used again.

"The Great Formation of Returning to Heaven in the Original Realm can be called the Quasi-Emperor Formation, how could something go wrong when it was going well?" Fang Han asked in amazement.

"We were not born a thousand years ago, so we don't know much, we just heard some rumors." As the head of the Law Enforcement Hall, Tan Tian has extremely high authority to look up some major events of the year, and he knows a lot, so he said "It is said that the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven in the Original Realm was shattered by a strong man thousands of years ago!"

"What? Was it shattered by life? How is that possible? It's the Quasi-Emperor Formation! Who can shatter it if the Zhundi doesn't come out? Even the strongest of the Ninth Level of Immortal Records can't do it?" Nie Xiaorou was shocked, Said, "Moreover, there are guarded by the Sky Observation Mirror and the Shocking God Array in the temple. The Shocking God Array is known as the mighty spirit, and the Sky Observation Mirror can observe the sky and see the earth. They are both the strongest Quasi-Emperor Array and Quasi-Emperor Weapon. If a strong man has malicious intentions, how could he pass through the Shocking God Formation silently? Did he hide it from the sky-gazing mirror? Could it be that he came here with the ultimate magic weapon?"

"The specific situation is probably unknown except for those elders back then." Tan Tian shook his head and said, "According to the truth, this kind of situation is indeed impossible, but there will always be a hole in the air, and there may be something hidden in it." possible."

"When I was young, I once heard a senior brother mention a few words to me. I can't remember the specific situation, but I vaguely remember that traitors and demons were mentioned. It seems that there are disciples in our view. Becoming a demon, or being conceived by a demon, it is too far away from now, no one should know the truth except those elders." Duan Tianlong recalled carefully for a moment, and then said slowly.

"I once saw a seal in the Demon God's Cave. There was a huge stone tablet outside the seal, which said Demon Suppressing Stone, and there was a line of small words below it, which mentioned the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven from the Original Realm. Unfortunately, the seal there is too strong. , I can’t read all the text clearly, and I guess at the very least, it takes a strong person to see the whole picture.” Yang Yongwang spoke, telling his experience in the Demon God’s Cave for a hundred years.

"Now that the original realm has reappeared, could it be that this great formation has been successfully repaired?" The man in white armor frowned, showing a puzzled expression, "But why do I always have something that seems to be missing?" It feels like something, the power of the Great Dao is obviously very strong, but why do I always feel so empty?"

"Not only is it empty, but it's also very uncoordinated. If it's a truly intact original realm returning to the sky, there shouldn't be such a problem." Shangguan Yun shook his head, and also felt the situation on the distant God Island.

"According to the records from thousands of years ago, four elders should be able to move at the same time to operate the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven, which only covers a radius of a hundred miles! At this time, the aura of the Dao is disordered, which should be because the Great Formation has not been fully repaired, but it can be restored. At this point, it can be said to be against the sky, at least some precious immortal medicines in the Pill Pavilion have been saved!" Tan Tian said.It can be known from the four voices that came from before that at this time, there are a total of four great powers in the lack of offenders who are maintaining the operation of the return to heaven formation in the original realm.

"En?" At this moment, everyone's expressions suddenly changed, and they turned their heads suddenly, looking at Mr. Big and the flawless girl, and immediately saw pieces of brilliant Dao pattern divine light continuously flying out of the flawless girl, One after another, the source of the gods was woven, spreading out from under their feet.

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