Holy furnace

Chapter 500

Under the influence of the flawless girl and the original world return to the sky, the aura of the world here has become more chaotic, even enough to make the space slightly distorted!In the center of the current hundreds of miles is a majestic god island, like a continent suspended in the void, and on the other side, where the heaven and earth road is the most dense and chaotic, there are two figures standing in it, one of them has The glazed body exudes a gorgeous divine light, like an ancient god of war.The other person is gentle and elegant, like an ordinary scholar in the ordinary world.

Now, the scholar stood in front of the flawless girl, stretched out a finger, and touched it on the center of the flawless girl's eyebrows. At the same time, the green hairpin above the flawless girl was glowing, and one after another of the source of the gods continuously emerged. Spread out in all directions.

The mana of the flawless girl surged, the space around her exploded inch by inch, the powerful aura of law permeated the whole field, the roaring sound continued, and there were even bursts of evil spirits leaking out. However, everything was useless. One after another intertwined on her body, forming a series of mysterious runes, like the supreme seal inherited from ancient times.

hum!At this moment, Dange God Island in the distance suddenly shook violently, and a series of fluctuations rolled over in the void, like ripples on the sea, layer by layer, spreading into the void, as the fluctuations of this layer of space swept across, All the riots in the space have been quelled. This is a kind of supreme power, which comes from the four elders in the island of God. The will of the lack of crime is enough to erase all elements in the space.

At the same time, Mr. Da took another step forward, directly passing through the God Island that the flawless girl appeared in the distance!

On Mr. Da's right hand is a golden divine rainbow, and the other end of this divine rainbow is connected to the eyebrows of the flawless girl.Mr. Da, who appeared on the island of God, shot the golden rainbow directly into the interior of God Island of Dange with a flick of his finger.

Boom!The next moment, the golden divine light suddenly magnified a hundred times and turned into a golden divine bridge!It wasn't until this time that everyone discovered that this golden bridge was completely composed of the power of the Great Dao, and there were countless talisman gods jumping and flashing inside, and some complete Dao diagrams were decomposed into the purest power of the Great Dao at this time !

And when these pure avenue powers entered the island of God through the golden divine bridge, the original world returned to the heavens and the great formation operated, once again transforming these avenues of heaven and earth into the original seals and dao patterns that contained the aura of Dange God Island!

When the golden bridge between the eyebrows of the flawless girl and the island of God penetrated each other, the terrifying aura on her body began to slide down sharply. In just a few breaths, the peerless aura on her body had already fallen from the state of lack of crime to the After reaching Yuanhua Realm, and then fell from Yuanhua Realm to Heartbeat Realm.However, the glazed divine body on her body has not changed much, it is still operating like glazed glass, exuding a mysterious aura, even if the realm is no longer, this physical body of hers is still a supreme treasure.

With the fall of the realm of the flawless girl, densely packed Dao pattern divine maps appeared on the Dange God Island, and the ancient breath began to recover from the God Island, making everyone truly feel that the Dange God Island is returning.

"It's not that Mr. Big is invincible, but that he is waiting for the right time to feed back!"

"The power of the Dao in the body of the god comes from this space. Although it has been decomposed and reduced to pure Dao by the seal of Dao, the Great Formation of Returning to Heaven in the Original Realm can be regarded as another kind of seal of Dao, which can convert the previous The process is reversed!"

"The name of Mr. Big is really unfathomable!" The strong man in white armor couldn't help sighing, and said with a wry smile, "After the battle with him, I thought that there might be no chance to surpass him, but now it seems that this kind of thinking is really too much for me. Innocent."

"Are you Aotian?" At this moment, Shangguan Yun suddenly opened his mouth, looked at the other party in surprise, and asked in disbelief.

"I didn't expect brother Shangguan to recognize me." The strong man smiled and cupped his hands at Shangguan Yun.

"If you don't say that you had a fight with Mr. Da, I really can't remember it. After all, I was too far away from you at that time." Shangguan Yun replied, and then asked, "You fought Mr. Da nearly a hundred years ago. Didn’t there be rumors that you disappeared after the First World War? There has been no news for nearly a hundred years, and many people think that something has happened to you, because someone saw you entering the depths of Shiwanda Mountain.”

"You are Aotian?" Duan Tianlong was a little surprised when he heard the words, his eyes flashed with fighting spirit, he looked at Aotian and said, "I heard your reputation more than 300 years ago, but unfortunately when I rose up, you were no longer Watching."

"It's a pity for me too." Aotian smiled a little, and then nodded seriously, "I have heard about your legend after I came back, and even felt the imprint of your combat power in the free war zone. I haven't fought the last battle, but frankly speaking, I may not be able to beat you back then, as for now, hehe, I don't know, I'm afraid I have to find a time in the future to do a battle to see the result."

"Okay, I have a chance to come and learn from you in the future!" Duan Tianlong immediately agreed. He and Aotian lived in a time staggered by nearly a hundred years. Both of them are tyrannical and messy existences. If they met back then, it would definitely be a fight between dragons and tigers. , although hundreds of years have passed, if there is no offense for a day, the battle between the same level will never end, because their time is running out, and a battle with the peak of the same level may allow them to enter enlightenment realm.

"After the battle with Mr. Da, I thought that Mr. Da was just amazingly fast, so I went to the Shiwan Dashan to practice a book of magic formulas alone, but something went wrong halfway, and I was trapped in the Shiwan Dashan for hundreds of years. But it is precisely because of this that I was able to break through again in my realm, and my supernatural powers tended to be perfected." Aotian nodded, and then explained to Shangguan Yun.

"So that's how it is." Yang Yongwang paused and nodded slightly. He understood that the horror of the Hundred Thousand Mountains would definitely not be under the Devil's Cave. This person was able to rule the roost 400 years ago, and he should be in the same era as Mr. Da. Mister can't be compared, but it can definitely be called one of the strongest at the same level.

While they were talking, the aura of the flawless girl had declined to the limit. Up to now, she could only emit the mana fluctuations of the bigu state. The illusion that the girl in front of her is dead.But they didn't dare. Thinking of the girl's strength before, they couldn't help being frightened. After traveling five hundred miles, they didn't dare to move on, for fear that some kind of accident might happen.

On the body of the flawless girl, the green Yuantian divine network was densely covered, which evolved from the divine light hanging down from the green hairpin on her head. Gradually, the green Yuantian divine network became more and more Many times, it finally evolved into a green cocoon of Dao Ze Shen, sealing the flawless girl in it, exuding the mysterious aura of Dao, and quietly settled in the void.

Not far away, a young man with a cold face stood in the void, a faint fighting intent appeared around him, causing the void around his body to start to vibrate slightly, as if forming some kind of aura with his breathing. resonance.

Suddenly, a purple brilliance flashed, and a girl in purple appeared next to the man.

"Oh, it's too late, it's too late. Looking at this posture, I really missed a good show. What happened, why is the space blocked, and my divine light escape is useless!" The girl couldn't help but said to the man beside her, her words were full of annoyance and regret.

Hearing this, the cruel man didn't answer, but stretched out his finger, and a virtual mirror world evolved in the void, reflecting everything he saw before.

"En? Why was she born?" After seeing the appearance of the flawless girl among them, the girl in purple immediately frowned, and couldn't help but exclaimed.

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