Holy furnace

Chapter 501 Meng Jun and Ziyue

Although the purple-clothed girl who suddenly appeared frowned slightly, showing a look of surprise and bewilderment, her body exuded an extremely agile aura, which even restored the space around her that was shaken by the man's fighting spirit. After the calmness, the sense of agility makes people unable to help being happy, like a lark.Although there may not be only one person in the world who wears purple clothes and possesses such an agile temperament, there is indeed only one person in Qingxu Temple, and it is naturally Xu Ziyue.

"You know her?" Meng Jun turned his head and asked Xu Ziyue in surprise.

"Isn't she a divine fetus? Haven't you heard of it?" Xu Ziyue replied with a half-smile.

"It's nonsense." Meng Jun shook his head, and continued to look at the Dange God Island in the distance.They come from mysterious unknowable lands, with untold secrets and histories!In the unknowable land, there are even ancestors of some families who have followed in the footsteps of Patriarch Qingxu. This is the foundation of the entire Qingxu concept, and it will not be revealed until the time of life and death.And as the inheritor of the unknowable land, it is naturally impossible for Meng Jun to believe in the words of the divine fetus. If he can cultivate the innate Taoist body in this way, where will the King of Kings be placed?

"Hehe, I've seen her shed her demon shell before." Xu Ziyue chuckled lightly when she heard this, and then said seriously.

"You mean Mo Sangsang of Dange?" Meng Jun asked.

"You also know Mo Sangsang? It's rare. When did you start paying attention to the Dandao Pavilion?" Xu Ziyue was a little surprised and asked.

"I once went to seek a pill with Chongyang." Meng Jun said bluntly, "Although her realm is not high, her attainments in alchemy are indeed outstanding, and the alchemy pavilion should respect her."

"Well, Mo Sangsang's attainments in alchemy are indeed extraordinary, even my little ancestor once praised him." Xu Ziyue nodded in praise.

"Xu Xiaozu even praised him?" This time, even Meng Jun couldn't help being shocked.He knew how great the little ancestor of the Xu family was in alchemy, he was able to refine heavenly alchemy, and even he praised it, so it is conceivable that Mo Sangsang really has extraordinary talent in alchemy.

"En." Xu Ziyue nodded, and then said, "But Mo Sangsang's demon shell is not perfect, it's different from the one I saw."

"En? Have you seen the Dacheng demon shell she shed? Could it be that she really has the Emperor Sutra? Otherwise, how could it be so?" Meng Jun was surprised. He could infer a lot from Xu Ziyue's words, and, for that girl Although what he knew was not as detailed as Ziyue, he was by no means ignorant.

"It can't be the emperor's scripture." Xu Ziyue shook her head and continued, "Actually, I don't know much. Most of the things I learned from my little ancestor. According to what my little ancestor said, this should be a kind of supreme skill, similar to breaking She becomes a butterfly from a cocoon, sheds her demonic shell for sublimation, and every time she sheds her demonic shell, there will be a qualitative leap in her origin. However, Mosangsang is far from perfect, and logically, she shouldn’t have been born so early.”

"Have you ever seen her real body?" Meng Jun asked.

"No. Not to mention me, even my little ancestor has never seen him, but I heard that someone from Huangfu's family has seen the real body of the other party. As for the specific things, no one knows." Xu Ziyue shook her head, and she didn't understand it. inside story.

"According to what you said, wouldn't she be able to live forever?" Meng Jun's eyes flashed, and he asked in a deep voice.

"How can longevity be so easy?" Xu Ziyue sighed, "Three Patriarchs once said that although this is indeed one of the methods of longevity, the end of reincarnation is hell, and if you continue to walk, you will be covered with dust one day. The power of time is unmatched. contend."

"My fate is up to me, even if I am destined to die, I have to live a period of glory first!" Meng Jun said boldly, high-spirited, and then asked, "Have you ever seen that Dacheng demon shell, does she still have sanity? Strength how?"

"Her state is very strange, as if constantly wandering between awake and deep sleep, ignorant." Xu Ziyue recalled carefully for a moment, and then said, "As for the strength, I can't say well, after all, there are too many differences, but according to my It is estimated that it should be about the same as Mosangsang at the previous peak."

"Mosangsang at the peak? You mean after the Dao enters the body?" Meng Jun was moved, looking at the big green cocoon and asked.

"It should be only strong but not weak." Xu Ziyue nodded. "After all, this magic fetus was born too early, and its origin is not pure. Forcibly allowing Dao into its body, its strength should be greatly affected."

"It's really strong!" Meng Jun was silent, and then said proudly, "But the stronger she is, the better. When I enter Yuanhua and reach the peak, I will fight against her sooner or later!"

"Have you decided to enter Yuanhua early?" Xu Ziyue asked in surprise.She knew that Meng Jun had already reached the pinnacle of excitement, and she didn't take the last step just to squeeze out more of her potential.

"What a blessing to be born in this great world! The legends of 300 years ago have reappeared in the world. If I am a few steps later, how can I be worthy of God's love for me?" Meng Jun said boldly, turning his head and glanced at Duan Tianlong and others said to themselves with a glance.The lack of crime and the law are different levels. The law uses mana, and the lack of law uses the law. It is impossible for the lack of crime and the law to suppress the same level of strength!

If Meng Jun wants to fight against Duan Tianlong who has entered the underworld, the only way is to enter the underworld himself. However, entering the underworld is too difficult, and even a hero like Duan Tianlong has been trapped for more than 300 years. The same is true for Shangguan Yun and others. Even if Meng Jun's heart is higher than the sky, he doesn't think that he can really enter the realm of lack of criminals in just a hundred years. There will be no such opportunity.

"Then don't you wait for Li Haoxuan?" Xu Ziyue nodded silently. She knew Meng Jun's temperament. In the past, no matter whether he was at the same level or not, there was no one who could compete with him. But now, Duan Tianlong and others were born one after another. These people All of them stimulated Meng Jun's boiling fighting spirit.

"I'll give him another year." Meng Jun was silent, and then said, "If he can't step into the realm of law within a year, then I don't need to wait for him!"

"This may not be a good thing." Xu Ziyue was stunned for a while, and suddenly said inexplicably.Even she herself didn't know why she said such words, because her heart was full of all kinds of extremely complicated emotions at this moment!

On the one hand, Xu Ziyue's heart felt like a boulder fell to the ground at this moment, and she could finally stop worrying about Li Haoxuan.Because no one knows Li Haoxuan's true realm better than her. It's just Lingxu's fourth heaven. It's almost a fantasy to step into the Dharma ring within a year, and it's impossible to come true. The battle will also be cancelled, so naturally Li Haoxuan will not have to worry about his life.

On the other hand, Xu Ziyue also felt extremely lost because of this. She had seen the human yuan robbery that Li Haoxuan experienced when he broke through the realm, and the oppressive feeling brought by the human yuan robbery made her terrified, but , even such a catastrophe can't stop Li Haoxuan's road to break through. From this point alone, it can be confirmed that Li Haoxuan is definitely not something in the pool. If he is really fighting at the same level, his combat power may not be the same. Not as good as Meng Jun, but so what?After all, it is just a mortal body, and it is almost impossible to compete with some supreme physiques in the later stage.

"What do you mean?" Meng Jun was stunned for a moment, looked at Xu Ziyue suspiciously, and asked.

"Nothing." Xu Ziyue coughed hastily, concealed her embarrassment, looked at Mr. Da in the distance and said, "How? Did Mr. Da, whom you regard as the ultimate opponent, make a move today?"

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