Holy furnace

Chapter 506 1 Corpses

Mr. Da's realm is supernatural. Most people only know him as the legendary Mr. Da, but a small number of them know Mr. Da's other name, Emperor Yuanzhong!As for the person who knows his real name, there are almost no people in the Fajie Realm. Only those high-ranking and weak criminal realm experts and disciples who once stood in the Invincible Hall can know Mr. Da's real name, Li Shushu!

Such a name used on Mr. Da will always give people a very strange feeling. If you don’t know Mr. Da’s peerless combat power, this name complements the image of him always holding a book in one hand, but when you think of his other A name, everyone will think that this name is too delicate, too ordinary?

Mr. Da is not an ordinary person, because he is Emperor Yuanzhong, but he is just an ordinary person, or he hopes that he is an ordinary person, because his only hobby is reading. He doesn't like to practice, he doesn't like to fight, he only reads He is his favorite, he is Mr. Da, he is Emperor Yuanzhong, but his name is Li Shushu.

"Teacher." After the four elders left, Mr. Da bowed again and was seriously preparing to listen to Di Que's teachings.

"I have met your little junior brother. Although his talent is not as good as yours, he is not bad. You have to take good care of him during my absence. You can't protect him but you can't hurt him." Di Que said directly after humming .

"Disciple understands." Mr. Da nodded and said seriously.

"The head teacher is not here, so you can send her to the master uncle, he will decide everything." While Di Que was speaking, the green hairpin hummed softly, sinking into the eyebrows of the flawless girl again.

"Yes." Mr. Big nodded again.

"The Headmaster encountered some trouble in the Demon Emperor's Tomb. I am going to help the Demon Emperor's Tomb now. It may take a long time to leave. You should pay more attention to the movements of the Demon Emperor and Dao."

"Has the teacher already made a breakthrough?" Mr. Da raised his head and looked at the deep cosmic starry sky, with a look of worry on his face.He knew what a terrifying place the Demon Emperor's Tomb was. People below the level of saints would be turned into ashes on the spot when entering the Demon Emperor's Tomb. The years of cultivating Taoism are too short, and entering the Demon Emperor's Tomb at this level is a huge risk.

"I have to go this time." Di Que said, revealing the determination and belief in his heart.

Mr. Da's face turned even paler when he heard the words. No one knows his teacher better than him. Di Que said that he didn't have confidence in himself. In the past, no matter what difficulties Di Que encountered, he would just push them aside. , but now, in the Demon Emperor's Tomb, Di Que can't be as strong as before. All the saints inside are older and more powerful than him, and there are even many people from the Holy Land family and other star regions. Among them, no matter the background or combat power is weaker than him.

"I have fought for my teacher all my life, and now I am standing in Immortal Records, drinking the blood of saints!" Di Que's voice resounded, lingering in Mr. Da's ears, shaking the void around him slightly, as if it could crush the ages of ages.

"The Demon Emperor's Tomb is comparable to the emperor's bedroom. It is the first emperor's tomb in the entire universe. I don't know what's going on in it. I may enter the Demon Emperor's Tomb this time for ten or eight years, or it may be for a hundred years. You The other juniors are all well-off now, so there is nothing to worry about being a teacher. Only your little junior and Hao Chen who don't know about it make me worry."

"Your junior brother is too weak. Any great power can kill him like weeds. Although I don't need to worry about Haochen's combat power, it is precisely what I worry about most! You have to be optimistic about him during this time. Something really happened to Ziwei, it's best not to let the two of them leave Qingxu Temple. Also, once your little brother enters the Bigu Realm, immediately let him go to the Wuwang Great Formation, and I will leave it to him Now I have nothing to do with him, so I can only do this.”

"I would like to abide by Master's decree, and hope that Master will return soon!" Mr. Da bent his knees, knelt down in the void, saluted, and said earnestly.

"There is nothing to be really proud of as a teacher in this life, but accepting you as a disciple is enough to make the teacher feel happy after a hundred years!" Finally, Di Que's gratified voice came, making Mr. Da's body tremble , Then, the coercion belonging to Di Que dissipated completely, and he withdrew his gaze from Ziwei.

The Crape Myrtle Continent is actually a huge star, suspended among countless big stars, the Crape Myrtle Continent and the countless stars form the vast and boundless Crape Myrtle Star Field!In the universe, the concept of distance has been blurred to the point of horror. The distance between several large stars seems to be extremely close, and it can even give people the illusion that they can reach out to pick up the stars, but the distance between the two is difficult to use. Calculating from a distance, even those powerful beings who can control the laws of space and travel through the universe with their physical bodies still need to fly for a long time to go back and forth between two big stars.

This is just a big star located between the Ziwei star field. If you want to go to a big star belonging to another star field, that kind of distance is the real horror!Unless there is a Shenguang Terrace that can build a domain gate to travel through space to cross the void, otherwise it will be impossible to cross the void with great power, because the distance between two star domains must be calculated in light years!Even light has to travel through the void for a year to reach it, let alone a practitioner?

Although the power of the Deficient Realm controls the laws of space, it can only control the laws of space within a certain range after all. The power of consciousness cannot cover the entire starry sky without limit, and the method of teleportation can only be applied to one area. Within a small area!The real cosmic travel across star domains, except for saints, can only be done through domain gates such as Shenguang Terrace. If you travel across the universe by flying, you will definitely run to death!

At this time, on a big star that is thousands of miles away from the Ziwei Starfield, a middle-aged man with his upper body naked is sitting cross-legged, and the mysterious aura spreads out, making this place an independent place separated from heaven and earth. A Jedi that exists.

All of a sudden, the man's eyes opened suddenly, and the two divine lights pierced through the void in an instant, penetrating into the depths of the universe.Then, the middle-aged man got up, and the seven-foot-high body revealed a divine light, one after another ray of light emanated from his body, like endless stars dotted in the universe, his body seemed to be made of supreme divine material It's hard to imagine what kind of power it contains!

"Crystal God Kingdom, Chan Chan Daoyin... Unexpectedly, this time she shed her shell and realized the realm of the unity of heaven and earth, and cultivated a half immortal body... Was it just an accident or was someone planning it?" The middle-aged man got up. Then he frowned and said to himself, and then, his hands moved slowly, the sky and the earth trembled, and the endless stars around this big star trembled rumblingly, as if they were about to collapse at any moment!

"Back to the source!" The stars in the sky are moving, as if the universe is collapsing, and the middle-aged man's hands seem to push away the fog of time, looking at the past, suddenly, he let out a soft sigh, and the light in his eyes suddenly became bright , reflecting countless mysterious talismans and divine patterns, vaguely, it seems that there can be seen the manifestation of the emperor's culture, and it disappears in a flash.

"En?" Suddenly, the face of the middle-aged man changed suddenly, and a fearful coercion spread from his body, rushing to the west.

Boom!The powerful coercion flew around, and the big star under the middle-aged man's feet was the first to bear the brunt, and it was shattered on the spot. It exploded in a loud bang, and it was torn apart. The magma inside the big star surged out, filling the universe, and the original power of the stars Surrounding the void, and then, the roaring sound continued, and one after another, the surrounding stars exploded one after another. This place seems to have become an abandoned place of the Great Dao. .

In the endless destruction, the whole body is full of divine light, and the middle-aged man whose body is like a divine material stands in the void. The fearful aura is surging from time to time, causing waves of terrifying tides to erupt here. Those blasted stars are directly here. Pushed into the depths of the universe by a tide.

"A corpse!" The middle-aged man's face showed a dignified look. In the previous return to the source, he saw a corpse lying across the endless starry sky. It was this corpse that appeared suddenly that imprisoned time and space, interrupted He learned his secret technique, and even caused him to suffer backlash. If he hadn't been able to use the big star under his feet as a substitute, he might have been injured by this time.

"Could it be a god corpse from the ghost corpse world?" The middle-aged man murmured to himself, and then snorted coldly, "Hmph! You are looking for death if you make trouble in my clear view!" After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man moved towards Ziwei step out.At this moment, the golden bell around his waist suddenly rang loudly.

As the bell around his waist rang loudly, the middle-aged man's expression changed drastically. He was no longer able to care about the Ziwei star field. He turned around and took a step forward, directly across several star fields and disappeared into the cold depths of the universe.

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