Holy furnace

Chapter 507

ps: It’s the end of the month, one monthly pass can be used as two tickets, dear friends!Now I call on everyone to vote for the holy furnace, and I will add a chapter for two monthly tickets!Thank you all!

When Di Que, who was outside the endless time and space, used the secret method of returning to the source to travel through time and space, and looked at Ziwei in the past with his eyes, the Lihuoshen furnace in Li Haoxuan's dantian suddenly trembled violently, and dozens of divine words Di Wenzi Flying out of the furnace body, it was embedded in Li Haoxuan's dantian according to a specific position. At the same time, a piece of metal with faint green light flew out of the furnace, hanging in Li Haoxuan's dantian. The light diffused, covering the entire dantian.Immediately, a strange field appeared, and the time in this scene seemed to stand still forever, being forced to stay in the present.

The Qingxu Zhundi of the past saw a corner of the future with his eyes breaking through the long river of time when he was proving the Tao. Although the current Emperor Que is not as good as one ten thousandth of Qingxu back then, he uses his supreme realm to display the power of returning to the source. The secret method still has unimaginable power, even Lihuoshenlu was forced to use fairy tears and green gold as the eyes of the formation, and Shenyu Diwen set up a peerless formation for Daowen, which was hidden from Di Que's eyes .

It wasn't until Di Que strode across the boundless star field to the Demon Emperor's Tomb in the depths of the universe that Li Vulcan Furnace finally disarmed the formation and reintroduced the Immortal Tears Green Gold into Li Huo World!With Immortal Tears Green Gold combined with Li Vulcan Stove as background information, neither Duan Tianlong who was by his side nor Fang Han and the others who held him back with mana could not sense the slightest clue. Weighing, if Mr. Da was here, he might be able to detect something. However, Mr. Da has already left at this time.

In the world of Qian Kun, which is nearly ten thousand miles away in the sky above Qingxu Guan, an ancient mirror with a simple style is slowly sinking and floating in the void.The entire body of this ancient mirror is made of a kind of silver divine material, and the mirror surface is full of chaos. The handle connecting the mirror surface and the ancient mirror is engraved with two extremely small ancient characters. The most powerful quasi-emperor weapon left by Patriarch Xu, the sky-gazing mirror.

At this time, in the sky-gazing mirror full of chaotic energy, a figure is speeding through the universe. With every step, countless stars pass by him, as if the entire universe is moving at his speed. Retreat, however, the universe is infinite, even so, there is still no end in front of him, cold and dark are the only colors of the universe, and occasionally there are big stars that radiate divine light, but they just flash past him, unable to stop them.

In front of the Sky Viewing Realm, two figures sat facing each other.One was gray-haired and haggard, with a worried expression on his face.The other person has a youthful face and is accompanied by a divine ring around his body, revealing the appearance of the supreme being, the incarnation of the head teacher of Qingxu Guan.

However, at this time, there are cracks on the Taoist body of the head teacher, as if the exquisite porcelain is about to shatter!From time to time, the sky-gazing mirror trembled, and immortal light flowed down into the body of this Taoist body, slowly repairing the cracks on this Taoist body.However, there was an endless cracking sound, and his whole body was cracking. Even the sky-watching mirror couldn't repair all these cracks in a short period of time.

tick!There was bright red blood dripping from the corner of the mouth of this dao body, and it sprinkled on the white robe, like a blooming bloody lotus.

The haggard old man showed worry on his face, and his cloudy eyes were fixed on the strong man who was constantly moving forward in the sky-viewing mirror. The aura on his body was like a raging ocean, ups and downs.

"Hey!" In the end, when the head teacher had cracks all over his body, the old man suddenly sighed, coughed twice violently, and prepared to stand up with his hands on the ground.

"Uncle Master." This is, Dao Shen opened his eyes, a deep world was reflected in the clear eyes, and said to the old man.

"Di Que may not be able to catch up." The old man shook his head and insisted on getting up. However, perhaps because he was too old, or because he sat for too long, he did not succeed in this stop. It fell back to the original place again, with a soft bang.

"He may not be able to catch up." Dao body seemed to be greatly restricted at this time, he could only shake his head slightly, and said, "Di Que is one of my most proud disciples, I believe he can catch up."

"Supreme's life is more important than anything else. I know that Di Que is good at creating miracles, but we cannot put our only hope on trust or miracles. Now I am over 6000 years old. Even if I take that last step, I may not have a few years to live Head, if you can save the life of the Supreme, it will be regarded as a worthy death." The old man insisted, and said seriously.

"My life is not more important than everything." Dao Shen said, "It is Shishu, your life is more important than everything! Now everyone in the major holy land families knows that Shishu is the greatest foundation of our Qingxu Temple. As long as Shishu is alive One day, there will be no one who dares to offend all the heroes in the world! My life does not matter, as long as you are still alive, then we still have time, and the emperor still has time! Moreover, I have only suffered a ray of imperial coercion It’s just that I might not be able to hold on.”

"A wisp of imperial power is equivalent to a wisp of the great emperor's might. Although the Demon Emperor has passed away, the coercion from him must not be weaker than that of a wisp of extreme divine weapons. That’s not the case.” The old man sighed after hearing the words.

At this moment, the sky-gazing mirror filled with chaotic energy suddenly burst into divine light, and the figure that was advancing rapidly became blurred in an instant, with countless streaks lingering on it, crossing the starry sky in a blink of an eye, and the speed was even faster than that Less than three times, in just a moment, a magnificent continent floating in the universe appeared in front of it!

"The origin of the holy way!" The white-haired old man was moved, his turbid eyes were filled with infinite emotion, and even crystal tears welled up. It was the first time he called the other party by his name, and said uncontrollably, "This is Di Que." Burning the source of the holy way for the second time? Yongle, you have taken in a good disciple!"

"If Di Que knew that he could get such an evaluation from his uncle, he might blow up a few stars to vent his joy in his heart." The head teacher said with a chuckle.

"I still remember one of Di Que's favorite sayings. If the teacher has something to do, the disciple will do his best. It's a pity that I'm old, and it's a pity that it will take several years for Jun Mo's seal to be truly released. Otherwise, Di Que wouldn't have to work so hard. I remember the last time he burned the source of the holy way, I said that I didn’t want to see him do such an act for the second time, but now, hey...” The old man sighed, couldn’t help crying, his words were full of sadness , is heartbreaking.

"Isn't this exactly what you want to see, uncle?" the head teacher said with a nod, with a calm expression on his face.Then, his body trembled slightly, his eyes were slightly closed, and he stopped talking.And in the sky-gazing mirror, Di Que's figure also disappeared at this time, submerging into the yellow boundless continent.

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