Holy furnace

Chapter 508 The Sun God Body

ps: It’s the end of the month, one monthly pass can be used as two tickets, dear friends!Now I call on everyone to vote for the holy furnace, and I will add a chapter for two monthly tickets!Thank you all!

The Qingxu Temple is boundless and vast, covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles. It is eternally immobile across the clouds. The area of ​​​​hundreds of thousands of miles is completely covered by the magic circle, hiding in the world. Otherwise, let alone mortals, even some monks who have really embarked on the road of practice will never be able to catch the slightest trace of Qingxu Guan.This is just a region that exists in the real void. If you count the hermits of those unknowable places, the pure land in the Qingxu Temple really doesn't know how huge it is!

There is a secret place in the unknowable place of Qingxuguan, there is only a stone tablet at the entrance, and there are three big characters written in dragons and phoenixes, Qingxin Realm!The stone tablet is engraved with dense dao patterns, and spiritual energy can be vaguely seen flowing in it, changing from time to time.For those who live in the Unknowable Land, this place is a forbidden place, no matter if they are disciples or elders of the major families, even the current Patriarch is not qualified to enter, only after being notified can enter it.

At this time, a scholar in a padded jacket suddenly appeared in front of the stele, with a simple scroll on his belt, and a green hairpin in his hand. Scholars are naturally Mr. Big.

Looking at the stone tablet in front of him, Mr. Da stretched out his hand, squeezed out a mysterious seal, and printed it on the stone tablet, and then changed his technique, so that 81 different formation patterns were branded on the stone tablet in an instant, and then, 81 lines The patterns reorganized, rushed together and turned into a white mark that disappeared into the stone tablet.The next moment, there was a soft bang, the stele split open, and a door as high as Zhang Xu appeared.

After entering Shimen, what you see is 99 islands suspended in the void, dotted all over the universe like stars dotted in the universe.

Each of the 99 islands is unique and has a different style, all of which have their own shape and atmosphere. Each island is like a pure land in the fairyland, all of which exude a peaceful atmosphere, which makes people unconsciously have a sense of peace of mind. Feel.

"This is what the master said about the Star Luo Chessboard? It really is extremely exquisite." Looking at the 99 islands in front of him, Mr. Da couldn't help but exclaim.At this time, countless runes appeared in his eyes, and the countless runes were combined into one after another Dao map, which passed quickly alternately, and each station of the Dao map was a corner of the Star Luo chessboard , contains endless mysteries.

The 99 islands stand quietly in the void, and the ancient trees on these islands are rattled by the gusts of fairy wind. In the void, there is a fairy mist from time to time, like a fairy from the fairyland In the air, Mr. Da stepped forward. Every island around is so gorgeous and divine. The ancient trees on the islands are towering, the fairy flowers are blooming, the tigers are roaring and the monkeys are singing, and there are five colors of sunlight, which are lingering. At this moment, even if So Mr. Da's heart can't help but be intoxicated by it, as if he came to the fairyland from the mortal world.

In the deepest part of many god islands, there are endless mountains manifesting, which are inserted straight into the clouds above the sky like a mountain supporting the sky, like a pillar reaching the sky, majestic, immeasurable, and shocking.At the foot of each sacred mountain, there are magnificent ancient cities standing, exuding an ancient and powerful atmosphere, which made Mr. Da unable to help but feel frightened.

Behind the star-studded chessboard, a huge palace was revealed, lying firmly in the void like the legendary Supreme Shrine!Outside the palace, there are carved beams and painted buildings. Real dragons and fairy phoenixes are carved on the red ancient wooden beams. There are wisps of chaotic energy flowing out of the palace, which is extremely detached. Around this palace, there are many people full of aura. The sacred cranes and green luan flutter past, flying among the 99 islands, showing graceful dancing postures.

When Mr. Da finally passed through the 99 god islands and stepped onto the majestic palace, the originally closed door slowly opened with a bang, and then a young man walked out of it holding the stone door with one hand. With a look of respect on his face, he walked forward quickly. The whole door was made of Wanlian God Bronze, and it weighed at least a hundred thousand catties, but in the hands of this young man, it seemed to be as light as a feather. The husband has never felt the slightest mana fluctuations, which is shocking.

"I have heard the name of Mr. Da for a long time, and I am fortunate to meet you today." The young man was wearing a golden Taoist robe and a bun on his head. From time to time, red and gold rays of light appeared from the golden Taoist robe, shaking the void, and walked to Mr. Da. He saluted him respectfully from front to back.

"No!" Seeing this, Mr. Da moved his body, and immediately moved three feet horizontally to avoid the other party's salute. He bowed and said, "Shushu has met Master." In this realm, many things can be understood with just a glance, and naturally he knows the true identity of the young man in front of him.

"Mr. Da's name is as powerful as thunder, and he deserves my gift. As for the seniority, we have different opinions." The young man in the golden Taoist robe turned around and insisted on saying that he would worship again while speaking.

"It's not in line with the etiquette." Mr. Da shook his head again. There is a full generation difference between the two of them.

"Shu Shu, you can bear this gift from him, there is no need to refuse." At this moment, a voice full of indifference came from the void in all directions, and said to Mister Da.

"Yes." Mr. Da's expression changed immediately when he heard the words, he nodded respectfully and said, and then he stood still and received a salute from the young man in front of him.However, when the other party was walking normally, Mr. Da had already made a move and supported the other party's wrist.

"Huh?" After stretching out his hand to grab the young man's wrist, Mr. Da suddenly showed a strange expression, let out a slight sigh, and praised, "The Sun God Body really deserves its reputation, and it is worthy of being the most rigid, hot and powerful body. Uncle, are you still doing this?" You already have this divine power before entering the bigu state, if you can enter the bigu state in the future, I am afraid that even this ice-cicada armor will not be able to withstand the sun energy in your body."

"It is a great fortune for three lives to be praised by Mr. Da." The young man showed joy when he heard the words, and said calmly while jumping, "Master is currently in the Yangxin Pavilion, and I have been specially ordered to lead the way for Mr. Da."

"If that's the case, then I'll have to thank you." Mr. Da thanked him, and walked forward together with the young man. With one step, the distance was thirty feet away, and he entered a quiet and elegant attic in an instant.

"Master is in it, Mr. Da, please." The young man sent Mr. Da to the door of the Yangxin Pavilion, stretched out his hand to signal him, then took a step back, turned around and left in the air, when it soared into the sky, there was a radiant light Blooming from its body is like a scorching sun.

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