Holy furnace

Chapter 514 Failed Against the Heavens

Li Vulcan Furnace is a supreme killer!Li Haoxuan already knew this point after he set foot on the path of cultivation. When he first learned about the level of divine weapons in the cultivation world in the infinitely small world, he had a vague feeling that this might be a supreme Taoist weapon, because he This Li Vulcan Stove came from a saint in Immortal Records, and how could a divine weapon that could be controlled by a saint be mere mortals?At least it is Taoist level!

Then, in the vast sea desert, I met Yao Likong from the Tianyao Gate, and in the end there was a powerful attack. Both Yao Likong and the great power swore that Lihuo's divine power was a Taoist weapon. Divine Soldier, this made Li Haoxuan more confident about the rank of Li Vulcan Stove, and also made him more careful, he knew the truth of not revealing his wealth!

In fact, before meeting Yao Likong and the others, he even had even crazier ideas, even thinking that Li Vulcan Stove might be a quasi-emperor weapon!This guess is not unfounded, because Lihuoshen Furnace can store fairy tears and green gold, and can resist the power of transforming Dao.

The Immortal Tears Green Gold is the emperor's exclusive divine weapon, it can be called a peerless divine material, if it is cast into a divine weapon, it can kill everything in time and be invincible!The power of transforming Tao is even more, nothing exists except the green gold of fairy tears, and all of them are turned into nothingness. This can show that the material of Lihuoshen furnace will definitely not be lower than the green gold of fairy tears, but Those who are qualified to smelt this kind of peerless divine material definitely have the title of emperor, at least they are also quasi-emperors!

However, in the following several battles, although the Lihuoshen furnace occasionally recovered, it never exuded extreme coercion, let alone manifested the emperor's prestige, so Li Haoxuan did not dare to be sure that this was really a quasi-emperor. Because Li Haoxuan once clearly felt the coercion of Emperor Zhun in Haoran Tiangang, he clearly knew what Emperor Zhun was. Compared with Emperor Wei, it is still far behind, and it is difficult to measure.

What disturbed Li Haoxuan the most was why the saint who wanted to take away his body back then would fall into such a field with such a god-defying Vulcan furnace, which was shocking and disturbing.Li Haoxuan has also heard about the current situation. In the era when the emperor did not show up and the quasi-emperor did not appear, the saint realm was already the peak combat power in this universe. Unless he was attacking with extreme magic weapons, he could roam freely in the vast universe.

Although I don't know how many heavens the saint was in the fairy record back then, the opposite of the word saint is well-deserved, because the saint is extraordinary and refined, the essence of life has truly transformed and sublimated, jumping out of the level of mortals, and only saints can transform from tens of thousands It fell from a height of ten feet but was not smashed into a stream of flesh. If you don’t use mana and just use your physical body to resist, even the most powerful person may be smashed to pieces!

With a cultivation level of a saint, holding a peerless Taoist weapon, or even a quasi-emperor weapon, he was still severely injured, almost completely wiped out. Who in the universe today has such ability?If Li Vulcan Stove is a Taoist weapon, then it’s okay, there are people outside of people, and there is heaven beyond the sky, but if Li Vulcan Stove is a quasi-emperor weapon, it will be terrible, unless there are stronger people holding stronger quasi-emperor weapons Attack, otherwise who can force a saint to this point?Can't even run!

Thinking of this, Li Haoxuan suddenly felt a chilling feeling. He didn't understand why he had such a feeling, but this feeling was so real and profound that it almost made his whole body tremble!Up to now, he has somewhat understood the defying nature of Li Vulcan Stove, and he can even transform his mortal body into a Taoist body. This kind of method is shocking to the world. In Li Haoxuan's opinion, let alone a saint, even an ancient Even the Great Emperor may not have such means!

If the Great Emperor had this means, the Sun Sacred Emperor would probably have made a move long ago!In terms of the combat power of the sun god body, as long as there are three great sun god bodies born at the same time in a universe, all races except the human race in the extinct universe, whether it is the monster race, the demon race, or some ancient mysterious All races can be suppressed, and the human race can dominate the universe!

However, this can only be an extravagant hope, because each divine body has uncertainty, and it cannot be inherited by reproduction.The blood of the great emperor can be passed on to the next generation, so that the descendants of the great emperor have talents and physical bodies far beyond ordinary people, but the divine body cannot, because the divine body possesses not only the blood, but also the mysterious avenues of heaven and earth, which are sealed In the bloodline of the god body, as the strength of the god body becomes stronger and stronger, it will be gradually released. Unless you live out the second life, everything will be successful in ten thousand years, and you cannot rely on the blood to reproduce. This is why the god body is so rare.

Li Haoxuan carefully looked at the slowly rotating Li Vulcan Stove in his dantian, and always felt that the current Li Vulcan Stove seemed to be different from the original one, as if there had been some invisible changes that he didn't know about.He still maintains the relationship with Li Vulcan Furnace, he can clearly feel every inch of space above Li Vulcan Furnace, and he can even guide his thoughts into Li Vulcan Power Communicate with it.

However, this kind of communication is always one-sided. He never got a response from Li Vulcan Furnace, as if he was facing a living dead!This kind of acknowledgment is probably the most peculiar acknowledgment in this world. On the one hand, Li Haoxuan admits that Li Haoxuan is his master, but on the other hand, he never allows Li Haoxuan to dictate to him. Li Vulcan furnace has his own will, his Every recovery and attack contains his own will, and Li Haoxuan's will frightened Li Haoxuan because it is a big killer, a big killer that can frighten others and kill himself!

In the end, Li Haoxuan calmed down his mood slowly, because he knew that without Li Vulcan Stove, he would not be able to embark on the path of cultivation, and without him, everything he faced now would be in vain.However, he walked this path by himself, no matter what, he has to fight for his future, even if facing such a supreme existence, any of his successors will seem futile and powerless, but he still has to do it, It's one thing to be successful, it's another to not do it.

After figuring everything out, Li Haoxuan is no longer obsessed with the weirdness and mystery of Li Vulcan Stove. After all, it is difficult for him to do anything with Li Vulcan Stove with his current strength. The Vulcan furnace was handed over, but that was impossible.Looking at it now, although Lihuoshen Furnace is a double-edged sword, it is clear that the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. All in all, everything has to wait until later.

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan began to circulate the turbulent mana in his dantian like a vast ocean, sending the mana containing the power of the Dao to every inch of the meridians and flesh and blood in his body. It is condensed from all directions, constructing innate dao maps full of mysterious aura, filled with extremely strong aura of avenues.At the same time, the 10,000+ crystals in Li Haoxuan's body also flickered at this time, and there were bursts of singing.

"Huh? It's not the real Dao body!" Suddenly, Li Haoxuan opened his eyes suddenly, frowned and said to himself.

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