Holy furnace

Chapter 515

For Li Haoxuan, this precious body of his is his most powerful support. With this powerful body and the strong sexual power contained in his body, Li Haoxuan can cultivate in the Lingxu Realm and defeat immortals retrogradely. The strong man who hit the peak of Bigu!As for his own body, Li Haoxuan was naturally very familiar with it, so familiar that he knew the characteristics of every inch of flesh and blood and meridians in it!

Today's Li Haoxuan is in a very strange state. He does possess the characteristics of the Dao body. Once he starts to practice, there will be a vision of the Dao body. But there is one most essential difference, and this difference is the origin of the Tao body in the blood of the Tao body!

The reason why the Dao body can be integrated with the Dao body is the innate source of the Dao body in the blood. Only with the origin of the Dao body can the Dao body be recognized by the Dao body, and the Dao body will echo with it and help Its enlightenment breakthrough.And the original concentration in the blood of the Tao body will gradually increase with the strength of the Tao body.As the strength of the Tao body becomes stronger and stronger, this original power will also become stronger and stronger. When the power of the original source increases, the Dao body can feel more and more of the Dao of heaven and earth. The more mysterious!

In other words, the characteristic of the Dao body is that the stronger his strength, the faster his enlightenment speed will be. This is why every Dao body can still practice quickly after entering the realm of saints!For the Tao body, as long as the source of the Tao body is strong enough, it can even easily penetrate the realm barrier between the lack of criminals and the immortal record, just like the supreme Tao body that broke through hundreds of years back then!

The Saint Realm is a hurdle. Once you step into it, you may not be able to break through it for thousands of years. However, the Dao Body is different. The Dao Body of the Saint Realm has an unimaginable source of the Dao Body, which is enough for it to be squandered and enlightened. More than ten times faster, it can be called against the sky!

This is the difference between Li Haoxuan and the real Dao body. His resonance with the Dao of Heaven and Earth does not rely on the origin of the blood, but the origin of the Dao that was forcibly smelted into mana by Li Vulcan Furnace.The source of the Dao in his mana is completely different from the source of the Tao in the blood of the Tao. There is a huge difference. This difference can even make him and the real Tao go to two different extremes.

Because the origin of the Dao body is endless, but the origin of the Dao body in his mana is limited!This also means that the origin of the Dao body will become stronger and stronger in the future, but his origin of the Dao will become less and less, because he himself has no ability to integrate the Dao into the mana again, so when the Dao in his mana When the source is exhausted, that is the day when he degenerates into a mortal body again!

This is the biggest difference between Li Haoxuan and the real Dao body. However, although this difference cannot make Li Haoxuan transform into the real Dao body, it can greatly increase his speed of practice in the mortal realm!In fact, Li Haoxuan's cultivation speed is actually not fast, compared with Meng Jun, it can be described as slow.Apart from the fact that Li Haoxuan's background is too deep, there is actually another reason for this speed of practice, that is, Li Haoxuan himself is not yet ready to break through.The human yuan robbery when he broke through Lingxu was too terrifying, it almost killed him. If he hadn't had good luck in the end, he might really not be able to survive.

According to this situation, if he breaks through the border and enters Bigu in the future, the catastrophe he will face will be even more terrifying!Today, he really doesn't have much confidence that he can survive the catastrophe of the bigu realm. The only thing he can do is to make his strength constantly stronger. Whether it is the God of Destruction Fist or the Dahe Sword, it will be the best tool for him to fight against the catastrophe in the future. For him at this time, Ouyang Shu and Leng Zhongping are nothing. If he wants to climb a higher mountain, Bigu Great Tribulation is the real obstacle that hinders his progress!

Feeling the mana in his dantian fused with the origin of the endless avenue, Li Haoxuan knew that this would be his greatest fortune now, and he could even use it to climb up to the bigu realm faster!Li Haoxuan is actually very anxious in his heart. Whether it is the unfathomable name in the Elite Pavilion, the domineering Meng Jun, or the Ye Kaitian who has an incarnation outside his body, he is eager to surpass him, but now he and Those people are really too far apart, and only by stepping into the realm of the law can they really be qualified to stand in front of them!

In the past, due to the strength of the Heavenly Tribulation, he had to slow down, but now, he can be regarded as a half body, and he can definitely break into the bigu state in a short time!He who can resonate with the Great Dao of Heaven and Earth can even use the source of the Great Dao to offset part of the power of the Heavenly Tribulation when fighting the Heavenly Tribulation. This is his greatest reliance. As long as he can overcome the Heavenly Tribulation, his future will be as high as the sky. !

This discovery about himself made him a little disappointed, but it reassured him.

He was disappointed because he found that although his current state was very similar to Taoism, even comparable to Taoism, it was not Taoism after all, and there was a huge gap between him and the real Taoism.What reassures him is that the conjecture that a divine body can be created artificially is not valid, even Li Vulcan Stove can't use the power of the Dao to create a supreme Taoist body!Because the unknown is the scariest thing. There has never been a precedent for human beings to transform their gods. If something that even the ancient emperors could not do happened now, it would be a real horror.

So now this discovery makes Li Haoxuan feel at ease, at least Li Vulcan Stove's Defying Heaven has not exceeded his imagination, because Li Haoxuan suddenly thought at this time, if Li Vulcan Stove can really transform him into a Taoist body, then maybe is a real disaster.Because if there is a dao body from Qingxu Temple, not to mention the head teacher, at least there will definitely be several elders coming down to check, and the consequences for him will be unimaginable.

It is true that Qingxu Guan will continue to cultivate him because he is a Dao body, but Li Vulcan Stove will definitely be taken away.These are nothing, what really scares him is that Li Vulcan Stove is a big killer with independent consciousness, from what Li Vulcan Stove has done, it can be seen that he does not want to expose himself to the outside world, He naturally has this ability in the face of ordinary people, but what about the quasi-emperor weapon?Li Vulcan Furnace will definitely not be able to hide. When the war breaks out, Li Haoxuan will be the first to bear the brunt, and he will definitely be wiped out in an instant.

However, these problems have been solved now, because he is not a real Dao body.Dao body is just an appearance, as long as he doesn't show it intentionally, no one will find that his mortal physique can possess the ability of Dao body, because his blood is still of mortal blood.

hum!At this moment, the endless spiritual energy in the entire space suddenly trembled, and the distant stone door slowly opened with a bang, and a figure in white clothes came from a distance and walked in.

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