Holy furnace

Chapter 516 Complete recovery

The man in white stepped on the void, as if riding the wind, he was in front of Li Haoxuan in an instant.

"I met Senior Brother Duan, thank you Senior Brother Duan for saving my life." Li Haoxuan immediately stood up when he saw the person coming, and said to the person in front of him.When we were in Dandao Pavilion that day, if Duan Tianlong hadn't made a move, he and Qian Feng might not even be able to parry the Demon Conquering Map, let alone the flawless girl Shenwei later.

"There is no need to be too polite." Duan Tianlong showed relief, waved his hand to signal Li Haoxuan to sit down, and then continued with some shame, "Hey, you don't have to thank me, if Mr. Da didn't take action, I'm afraid even I would be in trouble. "

"Of course Mister Da would like to thank you, but before Mr. Da made a move, if Brother Duan hadn't been there to protect me, I'm afraid I, Li Haoxuan, would have died long ago." Li Haoxuan insisted on another salute, and said seriously.

"Master has accepted another good disciple." Looking at Li Haoxuan in front of him, Duan Tianlong couldn't help laughing and said with emotion.The disciples of Kun Palace focus on heart, especially the disciples who are qualified to enter the second floor. Only those who pass the Xinxing test are eligible to enter the second floor. Otherwise, even if the strength is reached, they will not be allowed to enter the second floor. He left Kun Palace to find another way.

"Senior Brother, what's going on with Senior Sister Sang?" After a moment of hesitation, Li Haoxuan finally asked.He had met Senior Sister Sang a few times before. Although the other party put him under a lot of pressure, the pressure was definitely not so great. Moreover, from the eyes of the two, it was enough to see that the flawless girl and the Senior Sister Sang is definitely not the same person, the temperament between the two is completely different.

"Senior Sister Sang you mentioned refers to Mo Sangsang?" Duan Tianlong heard the words and said, and now it has been a few days since the catastrophe of Dandao Pavilion. With his power and cultivation in Kun Palace, a few days is enough for him to know the whole situation. Qingxu Temple has changed over the past few hundred years, not to mention that Tan Tian is the leader of the Law Enforcement Hall, and is qualified to provide Duan Tianlong with any information he needs.

Tan Tian is the existence of the pinnacle of Yuanhua, and even comprehended the domain of the sword half a foot into the gate of the lack of criminals. With his current cultivation base, he is already invincible except for some monsters in the elite pavilion, and it is difficult to find opponents. Because of this, he has the desire to challenge Mr. Da.Now that Duan Tianlong and Shangguan Yun were born, he immediately found a new target. The three of them often exchanged ideas, shared insights into the Dao, and provided some information for Duan Tianlong and Shangguan Yun. It is not surprising that Tianlong knew about Mosangsang.

"The Mosangsang you mentioned is probably a divine fetus in my opinion." Duan Tianlong explained.

"God fetus? What do you mean?" Li Haoxuan's heart beat violently, and he asked in surprise.

"This involves an ancient legend! Originally, this legend was only circulated among a small number of people, but after this incident, I am afraid it will be widely circulated. It is okay to tell you, and Mr. Da has already opened his mouth to refute the rumor. This kind of legend should not be true. It is said that many years ago, someone in Qingxu Temple had obtained a Wuque Emperor Sutra. Together, it can be called the body of the Tao.”

"Hiss..." Li Haoxuan couldn't help gasping when he heard that, his heart started beating uncontrollably!He could see Mosangsang's transformation that day very clearly. His body was like glass, devouring the Dao, which indeed gave people a feeling as if he was about to turn into the body of the Dao. Moreover, he understood the truth better than anyone else, because he also swallowed the Dao. Part of the heaven and earth avenue is equivalent to taking away part of the good fortune of the flawless girl's transformation!

Compared with the flawless girl, the source of the Dao that he has captured is very little, almost negligible. However, just such a little source of the great way can help him rush to the realm of bigu, and the massive amount of source that the girl without time has swallowed can make him How high did she reach?Thinking of this, he became more cautious. He must not show his current Dao body vision, otherwise someone will definitely pursue it and want to obtain the secret of the non-existent Wuque Emperor Sutra from him.

"Junior Brother Li, you don't need to be under pressure. The transformation of a mortal body into a divine body has only existed in legends throughout the ages, and it is impossible to come true. What's more, your talent is not weaker than anyone else. Create a magnanimous road in the world!" Looking at the horrified Li Haoxuan, Duan Tianlong couldn't help laughing.

"With my brother's back in front of me, I should chase after him bravely, and I won't lose my fighting spirit!" Li Haoxuan shook his head, and then said, "I just feel the power of this kind of god-defying magic."

"After all, it's just a legend. Mr. Da said it's not credible, so it should really be just a legend. Maybe what she cultivated is not some Wuque Emperor's scripture, but a secret technique of pure and empty view." Duan Tianlong heard Yan nodded in satisfaction, then seemed to think of something, and asked suspiciously, "By the way, Junior Brother Li, how do you feel now? I tried to heal your wounds when you were unconscious before, only to find that there is life in your body Surging, full of vitality, without leaving any hidden illnesses at all, the same is true for your primordial spirit, I have not found any problems in it, I can only place you on this cold jade altar to let the aura nourish your body Yuanshen's body. I was still thinking that if you don't wake up after ten days, I can only use the talisman to ask Master to return to the residence."

"It's Senior Sister Sang who left a killing intent in my primordial spirit." Li Haoxuan was a little moved and explained.

"What!" Duan Tianlong turned pale with shock when he heard the words, the flawless girl is so powerful that even he can't fight against it, if she left a killing intent in Li Haoxuan's purple mansion, the consequences would be unimaginable and she would never escape.

"Brother, don't worry, it's all right now." Li Haoxuan said hastily, "Mr. Da also left a divine mind in my Purple Mansion to help me dispel Senior Sister Sang's killing intent."

"It turns out that Mr. Da made the move, so I'm relieved." Duan Tianlong finally felt relieved when he heard this, and said after a little thought, "Mr. Nian, the reason why you have delayed for so long is probably because you are worried that your Zifu will be harmed, so you just kill your thoughts bit by bit, with good intentions."

"I want to personally come to the door to reward." Li Haoxuan said.

"No need." Duan Tianlong waved his hand and said, "Mr. Da comes and goes without a trace. Unless he wants to show up, no one can find him. Even if we know where he is, we can't get in. What's more , Mr. Da will not care about these small things, the past is over, and you are fine. How do you feel now, have you fully recovered? Come, show me!"

"Okay!" Li Haoxuan grinned and stood up.The next moment, there was a loud bang, the stone room vibrated, huge waves surged to the sky, and powerful mana pressure permeated the entire stone room. The golden ocean set off Li Haoxuan as an ancient god of war.

"Okay, hahahaha!" Duan Tianlong raised his head and laughed, pulled Li Haoxuan's arm and said, "Go, I'll take you to meet someone!" The light slowly dissipated.

Click!When the golden light completely dissipated, there was a slight click sound on the emerald green cold jade altar, and a tiny crack appeared on it, which was extremely clear.

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