Holy furnace

Chapter 532: Slaying Me in the Wheel Chapter

As Li Haoxuan moved forward, his real body faded, and strands of innate dao patterns emerged from his body, making him extremely ethereal. At the same time, the body of the dao womb glowed, and the avenue of heaven and earth was gathered by it Coming, filled with a strong Dao Qi.

This is the holy art of Skyline. Once it is used, it can even integrate itself into Skyline within a short period of time, allowing itself to be integrated with Skyline Avenue, and even use the Avenue to fight against the enemy!When he fought with Qiming that day, Li Haoxuan once fought against him with the holy art of sky marks, possessing the unfathomable power of ghosts and gods.

The use of the Skyline Saint Art requires a certain realm, the higher the realm, the greater the power of the Skymark Saint Art.Li Haoxuan, who fought against Qiming back then, was only at the enlightened state, but now Li Haoxuan is already a Lingxu Fifth Layer, and even has a half Taoist body. The Skymark Saint Art is truly worthy of the name of the Saint Art in his hands at this time.

Li Haoxuan's body was full of great aura, and he integrated himself into the avenue of heaven and earth. In the end, Li Haoxuan's whole body disappeared, as if he had never appeared, leaving only his peerless coercion.Li Haoxuan strode forward, a powerful momentum began to accumulate, the blood in his body surged rapidly, and the mana in his dantian was like the Yangtze River rushing, roaring in his meridians. In the end, Li Haoxuan passed through the Scarlet Flame God City, Appeared before the Dahe Sword Picture.

At this time, there are several huge cracks on the Dahe sword map, whether it is the fire emperor's red flame energy, the five fire swords, the Yin-Yang god map, the heavenly dragon's eight notes, all of them are supreme supernatural powers, and now Li Haoxuan has all kinds of supernatural powers. It turns out that ordinary people would have been smashed to pieces long ago, but Daowo still hasn't passed away, protecting his body with the Dahe sword diagram, and even being able to fight back.

Up to now, the Chiyan God City has long been cracked and will collapse at any time, and a total of 99 of the 81 magic spears on it have collapsed, leaving only the last ten crumbling ones across it. After being wounded, the huge dragon's body was covered with dense sword marks, it was difficult to really resist the bombardment of Dahe Jiantu.

"Boom!" Li Haoxuan, who hid himself in the sky mark, finally made a move, and punched Dahe Jiantu!When this punch came out, the Dahe sword map collapsed on the spot, torn apart, and turned into dozens of small dao maps. However, the Dahe sword map was reorganized in an instant, and it was not really broken!Afterwards, the Dahe Sword Tutorial roared like huge waves, and the powerful sword intent penetrated into every corner of the void, forcing Li Haoxuan out of the Skymark Sacred Technique.

clang!A ray of sword light struck, but was blocked by the golden bell-covered supernatural power around Li Haoxuan's body, unable to hurt his real body. However, the golden bell-covered supernatural power was also trembling, and he suffered a great blow and could not last forever.Rumbling, Li Haoxuan swung his fist, and punched out the Undefeated King Fist with the true meaning of destruction, invincible, invincible, invincible, lawless, invincible, and I am the only one. While surging, it shattered the Great River Map, and at the same time, it also shattered the Scarlet Flame God City.

Boom!Daowa in Dahe Sword Picture went mad at this time, and used the most powerful means to attack Li Haoxuan. Li Haoxuan stepped forward to fight him, and all kinds of magic skills flew out, launching a shocking duel!This was an arduous battle. Li Haoxuan used almost every kind of supernatural power to the extreme.

Li Haoxuan fought bloody battles and struggled against Dao Wo with difficulty. He did not expect that Dao Wo in the space of reincarnation possessed such powerful strength. His own combat power was nothing. What really defied the sky was that Dao Wo possessed unimaginable cultivation talent However, Li Haoxuan only used the Holy Art of Skyline and the Eight Sounds of Heavenly Dragon once, but Dao I copied these two unrivaled magical powers directly, which almost caused Li Haoxuan to die unexpectedly.

Not only that, even the fire emperor's red flame energy and the five fire swords and so on have all become Li Haoxuan's means of attacking me. In the end, the two of them really couldn't tell each other apart, and even Li Haoxuan didn't know who he was. Is it the deity or me.Even so, Li Haoxuan's harvest is extremely huge, because I will help him evolve every kind of supernatural power to the extreme of this realm, and then feed it back to him through fighting. For him, the benefits he has gained are really great. Bigger, bigger and harder to measure, can make him more clearly aware of his own shortcomings and strengths.

At the end of the battle, Li Haoxuan was exhausted, he almost lost the strength to swing his fists, and Dao I was the same, the Dahe sword diagram consumed most of his spiritual power, and now his body has become transparent, almost To dissipate, the coercion belonging to him has become extremely dim, as if he will go to the end without a big fight.

Li Haoxuan stood wearily in the void, raised his hand and shot out dozens of fiery red mana, and used mana instead of spirit stones to set up a large formation of destruction in all directions around Daowo. He needs time to recover his physical strength and mana, so he only Can use this large formation to temporarily block me.However, the Great Formation of All Destruction of Ten Directions is useless, even the Great Formation of All Destruction of Ten Directions is useless, because Daowo has an unimaginable ability, which can almost copy all the supernatural powers of this deity. opened, dragging the almost transparent body and came out.

Looking at the Dao in front of him, Li Haoxuan seemed to have a sense of enlightenment in his heart. He didn't know what that realization was, but he knew that no matter what, he would definitely cross the hurdle in front of him and become invincible the road.

Although at this time he was seriously injured and dying, even his primordial spirit was damaged, his body was covered in blood, and he was almost smashed to pieces. If it weren't for his body being invincible in the world, he would have fallen already, but his invincibility However, his belief has not changed at all. As his invincible heart grows stronger, his aura also becomes stronger. This is his invincible law and invincible way.

In the end, Li Haoxuan stepped forward and swung his divine fist again, wanting to slash the path.

puff!However, Li Haoxuan's injury was too severe, his body exploded before his divine power could be used, blood spattered on his chest, bones stubbled, and the red blood mist almost stained the void.But he was fearless, and still strode forward, gathering the last trace of combat power and blasting towards the completely transparent Daowo.

I don't know how long it has passed, Li Haoxuan is covered in blood and stands alone in the void. Now he has forgotten how long he and Dao I have been conquering, and he has forgotten how many bones in his whole body have been broken, and how many broken bones have been broken. Over and over again, he only knew that he was stepping on blood and bones, even though the blood and bones belonged to him.This was a battle that Li Haoxuan would never forget, and it ended in blood.

"My road to invincibility..." Li Haoxuan stood tall in the void, his blood-stained body possessed a different kind of demeanor.Although he has reached the limit, his body is still straight, looking at Dao who has completely dissipated into little stars in the distance, I said firmly to myself.

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