Holy furnace

Chapter 533 Consummation of mind and understanding of thoughts

Li Haoxuan's battle was too difficult, from day to night, until the end, everything around him was gone, whether it was towering ancient trees or wasted loess, everything was beaten into nothingness. Among the big stars, Li Haoxuan seemed to be the only one under the independent starry sky. This samsara space seemed to be a real world. There was even a round of bright moon hanging high at this time, and the stars were hanging down, making Li Haoxuan in the night sky look blurry and unreal. There is still a strong fighting spirit that shows the truth of all this.

Standing under the starry sky, Li Haoxuan silently felt that he had fought for a long time this time. Although he was on the verge of death several times and his body was almost smashed to pieces, his achievements were equally astonishing. Feeling the earth-shaking changes in his body, Li Haoxuan knew that he had stepped forward The most crucial step is that the power of the Dao Embryo Divine Body is not in vain. It was just one battle. Li Haoxuan has already comprehended seven or eight points of the profound meaning of the Dahe Sword. Only the last move of the Dahe Sword Diagram still needs time to comprehend. With the combined effect of the broken silver eyes, it will be a matter of time to comprehend the sword map of Dahe.

Li Haoxuan's body was radiating light, his body seemed to be transformed into a boundless universe, a little bit of starlight sprinkled from his body, and bursts of Zen singing faintly vibrated out. At this moment, Li Haoxuan felt that his realm was beyond recognition. There is a beating trend, as if it is about to break into the sixth heaven after breaking into the fifth heaven!However, this is just a feeling after defeating Daowo, and it is not really about breaking through. After all, it has only been a dozen days since he broke through the fifth level genius, and it is too heaven-defying to break through again now.

In fact, it is very meaningful for him to have a half body, because his accumulation is too thick. Although his combat power is extremely powerful, it is too difficult to raise his realm. However, everyone has a limit. If he does not raise his realm, he will It is impossible to really cross to another height.Now he is in the fifth level of Lingxu, and he can fight against the top bigu masters with his full strength, but he can't even escape when facing the strong in the heart-beating state, because the heart-beating state has the ability to move everything with a single thought, so it's easy Then you can control the vitality of the world and seal the others!

Even if he breaks through again, reaching the sixth level of Lingxu, or even the eighth level and ninth level of Lingxu, he may be king in the bigu state, but he still may not be able to compete with the strong in the heart-beating state, because the power of one person is really difficult to match the power of heaven and earth Contest, the advantage from the realm cannot be compensated by combat power, it is too difficult to fight across two small realms.What's more, Li Haoxuan is still facing any problem. The accumulation of combat power is too fast and the improvement of the realm is too slow. If it goes on for a long time, the problem Xu Ziyue mentioned will easily appear, that is, the realm cannot control the combat power, and if it is serious, it will even explode. body and die.

If Li Haoxuan hadn't taken the Biluo Great Pill and fused the breath of law in advance, it would have been impossible for him to have such combat power in the realm of the fifth heaven, but now he is in the body of the Dao Embryo, but this point can be ignored for the time being, because the Dao Embryo There is no shackles in the breakthrough of the body, as long as you don't forcefully seal the realm, once Li Haoxuan's realm perception reaches the watershed of breaking the barrier, the Heaven and Earth Avenue will automatically pour in for him to break through the barrier, everything is like flowing clouds and flowing water without any delay, and even more You won't be like Qing Shi and others who clearly know that they are not far from breaking the realm but still want to look for the hidden opportunity to break the realm.

For the Dao Embryo Body, the most critical opportunity to break through the realm can be easily found at any time and any place. Therefore, the Dao Embryo Body will never have a situation where the realm cannot keep up with the combat power. The former Li Haoxuan It is combat power and accumulation that hinder the breakthrough of the realm, but now, his solid accumulation and strong combat power will help him break through the realm. Li Haoxuan can understand something every time he fights, and when these comprehensions accumulate to a certain point At this point, he will break through the barrier naturally without knowing it, and it will never be as difficult as before. This is the heaven-defying feature of the Taoist body.

If someone saw the battle between Li Haoxuan and Daowo with their own eyes, they would probably be petrified on the spot, because this kind of battle was too bloody and tragic. The two fought against each other and almost knocked themselves out. They were really fighting for their lives. One blow consumes a lot of energy, and it is impossible for monks in the idle Lingxu realm to sustain this consumption. Even a bigu strong man can only sustain it for a while, and it is difficult to maintain this kind of battle for a day and a night.

"Roar..." Li Haoxuan looked at the extremely calm night sky and suddenly roared loudly. He was venting, venting his inner excitement and fighting spirit. As he roared, the light on his body became brighter. Illuminates the entire space.

Li Haoxuan used a long howl to vent his feelings of not being able to calm down after the battle. At this moment, he successfully slashed and took the most critical step on the road to invincibility.He felt that his mind became complete at this time, and even his thoughts became incomparably accessible. He felt that he had not killed a Taoist self, but defeated a real self.

At this moment, Li Haoxuan seemed to realize that whether it is the Dao Self or the Self, they are actually the real self. Although the form is different, the intention remains the same. His invincibility is the only one, so everything except himself will be wiped out. Rather than saying that he killed the Tao, it is better to say that he killed the fear and fear in the self that he didn't even know about.

Killing the Tao means that his heart will become more complete and his belief will become stronger, which shows that he has truly embarked on his own invincible road.At this moment, Li Haoxuan's body suddenly swayed towards the sky, and the radiance of the sky sprinkled from his body, covering the whole land with a strand of silver divine clothing. He watched his body regain its original state unconsciously, He felt as if he possessed endless power, and looking up at the sky even gave him a feeling that he could catch the stars and catch the moon!

However, after all, it's just a feeling, it can't be true, but he has this illusion of self-expansion, which is a manifestation of his realm starting to skyrocket, and the Taoist body will seize every opportunity to complete the breakthrough for Li Haoxuan. The consummation of the mind and the mastery of the mind are particularly important for enlightenment.In the end, Li Haoxuan's eyes were slightly closed, and he began to quietly appreciate the gains brought to him by this station. A mysterious and mysterious feeling flowed in his heart, which made him subconsciously exude a kind of saying I don't know the charm of the road.

I don't know how long it has passed, when Li Haoxuan opened his eyes, what he saw was no longer the starry sky and the ancient big star, but a pure and flawless precipice space, and an old man with white beard and hair.

"I've seen you, senior." Li Haoxuan shook his head, let his nearly dormant consciousness slowly return, and then quickly stood up and saluted.

"I have good news and bad news here. I don't know which one you want to hear first?" The old man nodded slightly, looked at Li Haoxuan with complicated eyes and asked.

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