Holy furnace

Chapter 534 Not happy with things

"A good news, a bad news?" Li Haoxuan stood up, and then said, "Then let's hear the good news first."

"En?" The old man was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and asked in surprise, "Most people choose to hear the bad news first, why do you want to hear the good news first?"

"Why do you want to hear the bad news first?" This time it was Li Haoxuan's turn to be puzzled, and he asked the old man in puzzlement. For him, it didn't make any difference which news he heard first. Could there be a priority?

"Because life is full of great joy and sorrow. After hearing the bad news, you must feel heavy. If there is good news at the right time, wouldn't it relieve the depression in your heart?" The old man pinched his beard and said, "If you listen to the good news first, Maybe it will hold you up to the sky first, and then throw you heavily on the ground, wouldn't it be more painful if extreme joy begets sorrow?"

"I see." Li Haoxuan nodded, and said with a smile, "Since the good news and bad news you mentioned are preordained and cannot be changed, it doesn't make much sense to me to come first and then come first. Whether good news or bad news , They are all like soldiers coming to block, water coming to cover, and I will follow, choosing which news to listen to first is just a kind of escape in my opinion."

"Then why did you choose to hear the good news first?" the old man asked again.

"Because you always tell the good news first, and then the bad news." Li Haoxuan replied as a matter of course.

"Hahahaha, interesting, interesting." The old man looked up to the sky and laughed, and said, "Okay, then I will tell you the good news first. The good news is that you not only succeeded in cutting the Dao this time, but also according to the rules of the reincarnation formation, you can also get A million profound crystals and a low-grade Taoist artifact!"

"What?" Li Haoxuan was shocked when he heard the words, and his eyes showed extreme shock. To him, a million profound crystals is nothing, but rewarding a Taoist artifact is really too scary!Of course he knows what a Taoist tool is, a tool for attaining the Tao, and the infinitely small world is nothing more than a Taoist tool. Back then, he had personally witnessed the power of Jiangshan Shejitu to suppress the god-killing halberd. It was also frightening, and there was no way to resist it. It can be said that once anyone has a self-resuscitating Taoist artifact, the entire Ziwei Starfield will be able to go.

"En..." The old man glanced at Li Haoxuan casually, and said: "Our Qingxu Temple is the supreme teaching, and it's nothing in terms of mere Daoist tools. How about it? Are you going to hear the bad news now?"

"Tell me." Li Haoxuan nodded and said, his heart was still shocked by the wealth of Qingxu Temple, a Taoist weapon, just like this to reward a monk who has not yet reached the Bigu state?It's like a fairy tale, and now he even doubts whether his previous understanding of Taoism is correct.

"The bad news is that the good news just said is false. Are you a broken tool?" The old man said, looking straight into Li Haoxuan's eyes.

"Oh." Li Haoxuan was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, then smiled lightly, nodded and said, apart from the initial shock, there was only calm in his eyes, without the slightest hint of disappointment or unwillingness, which made the old man speechless for a long time.

"Aren't you a bit disappointed?" The old man finally asked, "Being lured by the Dao artifact first, and then being ruthlessly deprived of it, don't you have a bit of unwillingness and disappointment?"

"It is impossible to say that there is no slight disappointment." Li Haoxuan said, "After all, it is a Taoist weapon, who would not desire to have it? However, it is also because the value of the Taoist tool is too great, so in fact I didn't think much about it at the beginning. Believe in your previous remarks, no matter how great the family and career are, Qingxuguan will not be a broken piece of copper and iron. If you don’t use the saying tool, but the saying tool, maybe I will be more disappointed, haha.”

"Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself, and your mind will be complete." Looking at Li Haoxuan who was calm in front of him, the old man showed an indescribably complicated look on his face, and sighed, "I haven't seen someone like you for decades. Well, there are many people who slash the way, but few who are consummate. Most people with a higher realm than you don't understand what it is. On the contrary, you, although your realm is low, already know some of the true meaning of slashing the way. It's rare, it's really rare .”

Li Haoxuan was shocked when he heard this, he knew he was on the right path.At the beginning, Li Haoxuan wanted to use the Dahe Sword to slash the Dao, but in the end he fell into obsession without knowing it, and lost nine out of nine fights.Except for the great emperor after enlightenment, no one can cultivate to the peak in any field, let alone Li Haoxuan. It is not wrong for him to want to cut the Tao with the Dahe Sword, but his intention is wrong, because he did not want to defeat I just want to learn how to use the Dahe Sword, and want to kill me with the Dahe Sword.

I am the original self, and what I rely on is not the incomparably mysterious supernatural powers and secret techniques, but the invincible heart that never gives up.So this time, Li Haoxuan didn't stick to the Dahe Sword or the Destruction Fist, but used all his magical powers. He didn't care what I did, he only knew that he should exert the strongest power to maintain his invincible heart. Knowing that in fact, every defeat will be a haze in my heart, even if it is defeated by Daowo, the same is true, even myself cannot be defeated, how to attack the stronger one sideways, how to defeat the immortal?

He originally thought that he had too many hole cards, and once revealed, he would be able to easily cut Dao, but he was wrong, the reincarnation space and Dao I were not as simple as he imagined, when he displayed another magical power, Dao I would Immediately copied his supernatural powers. When Li Haoxuan finally used all his supernatural powers, he really understood that whether it is the Dahe Sword or the God of Destruction Fist, it is really nothing, only his own beliefs are the most important, because no matter how hard he tries, I will always beat He is strong!And the only thing he is stronger than Dao Wo is that he has stronger belief and determination than Dao Wo.

Only faith and determination are the key to cutting the way!In Li Haoxuan's view, the so-called "cutting the way" is to cut off one's timidity and fear, so that one's heart can be perfected and no longer suffer from dirt, so that one can see one's nature clearly and see the true immortal road.

"There are so many bones on the road of cultivation, I hope you can endure loneliness and sadness, and go further on this road." The old man was silent for a moment, and finally patted Li Haoxuan and said meaningfully.

"Thank you for the teaching, senior." Li Haoxuan suddenly felt a certain desolate and ancient atmosphere at this moment, which almost made him lose his mind. Without a target, a short sentence has already shown the old man's great expectations for him.

"En" the old man nodded, and then said with a smile, "Although what I said earlier is my personal test for you, I do have good news and bad news for you. Listen, first of all the good news is that you not only succeeded in cutting the Dao this time, but also jumped from No. 33 to No. 25 in the reincarnation space."

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