Holy furnace

Chapter 548 Small Universe Realm

In front of a huge stone gate, Li Haoxuan and the old man stepped on the auspicious clouds and stood in the sky!

The stone gate is extremely huge, as high as a thousand feet, the whole body is lead black, imprinted with an extremely ancient aura, a powerful and heavy coercion emanates from the stone gate, and Li Haoxuan can hardly breathe under the pressure.

Facing this huge gray door, the old man's eyes showed nostalgia, and then he stretched out his hands and swiped slowly in the void, outlining one after another different supreme dao patterns from nothingness!These dao patterns do not seem to be composed of pure heaven and earth avenues, because they are also full of ancient historical atmosphere, more like the complete dao rules left by a peerless strongman since endless years, but now they are sealed in Among some space nodes!

After these Dao patterns were summoned by the old man, they were all glowing slightly, and the mysterious and mysterious Dao power was spreading, causing the entire space to fluctuate slightly, rippling with some inexplicable aura!As the old man continued, more and more Dao Ze Shen patterns were taken out of the space nodes by him, and at the same time, all Dao Ze Shen patterns were communicating with each other, and finally all merged together , Weaving together an ancient array!

When the last piece of dao was integrated into the formation, the whole formation seemed to have completely revived, and a powerful and terrifying aura erupted with a bang. If it wasn't for the protection of the old man, Li Haoxuan's whole body would be blown up at this time. Well, that kind of powerful coercion is filled with endless ancient aura and killing power, even in the old man's protective field, Li Haoxuan still feels a wave of shock!

In the end, the formation suddenly exploded, turning into pieces of runes of different shapes and printing them into the huge stone gate!With the integration of pieces of runes, the huge gray stone gate began to glow, the gray color slowly faded, and a layer of faint blue light appeared from the gray clothes. At the same time, the rumbling sound resounded through the world, A huge crack appeared in the middle, and Myriad Dao Divine Light projected from it, dazzling and eye-catching.

"Go!" The old man waved his sleeve lightly, rolled up Li Haoxuan and flew towards that gap!Although the gap is insignificant compared to the Qianzhang Shimen, it is extremely spacious for Li Haoxuan and the others, enough to accommodate several people walking side by side.

After entering Shimen, Li Haoxuan was presented with a vast battle platform!

"Hiss!" Looking at the vast battle platform in front of him, Li Haoxuan couldn't help gasping, because this battle platform is really too big, almost endless, Li Haoxuan opened his eyes, but he still couldn't see the area. The end of the arena!Li Haoxuan suddenly turned around, only to realize that the stone door behind him had completely disappeared at some point. He looked around and found that his surroundings were endless except for the ancient battle platform made of cliff stones under his feet!

"Is this a battle platform? How huge is it?" Li Haoxuan couldn't help but asked the old man beside him in amazement.

"The bigger the heart, the bigger the battle arena here." The old man smiled and replied to Li Haoxuan.

"En?" Li Haoxuan was puzzled and asked in doubt.

"This is a battlefield opened up by Patriarch Qingxu back then. It is in an independent space! This space is very large, and it is almost boundless for those who are under the poverty-stricken environment. It is not difficult for you to fly until you die. It may fly to the end!" The old man looked nostalgicly at the extremely mottled battle platform under his feet, and then seriously explained to Li Haoxuan.

"How is this possible?" Li Haoxuan was shocked when he heard the words, and said, "If I remember correctly, although Meng Jun has not been included in the list of offenders, he has been able to fly outside the territory! According to what you just said, isn't this battlefield Is it bigger than the entire Ziwei in the outside world?"

"That depends on what angle you look at the battle arena from." The old man shook his head and said, "Whether it's you or Meng Jun, once you get here, the battle arena will be boundless and huge, even if he can fly in the outside world." Even in the outer region, he can't fly to the end here, this is your point of view. From my point of view, although this battle platform is very big, it is not as big as a small lake outside."

"I don't understand." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said frankly.

"Hehe, it's normal if you don't understand, and it's really abnormal if you understand." The old man laughed, and then said, "Whenever you step into the delinquent state, you will understand!" While speaking, the old man He and Li Haoxuan slowly walked down from the void, and stepped on the battle platform.

"What a strong fighting spirit!" When his feet touched the mottled battle platform on the ground, Li Haoxuan couldn't help but his expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed. It surged, as if it was about to rush up through the ground at any time, it was frightening!

Li Haoxuan looked down, only to find that not only the traces of the years were left on the mottled platform, but also there were countless knife marks and arrow holes all over the platform, and there were also large areas There are dark red blood stains, it is hard to imagine how many powerful people have fought here in the past and the present, bleeding!

Li Haoxuan seemed to feel the desolation of an era here, and at the same time, he felt the extremely ancient fighting spirit, which has survived countless years, and the fighting spirit in Li Haoxuan's heart also began to resonate and boil.He strolled and walked on the endless battle platform, and found that many stones were engraved with the names of the strong. Although there were no corpses on display, the powerful aura was indelible, and was It has been preserved forever. It is not so much a battle platform as it is a tomb. What is buried on the battle platform is the never-say-die momentum and determination of countless strong men throughout the ages!

"It is said that Patriarch Qingxu opened up six small worlds in the void, and wanted to deduce the six reincarnations to achieve longevity, but unfortunately failed in the end!" The old man walked slowly to Li Haoxuan's side and said to him, "But the six small worlds The wreckage has been preserved. Although it is dilapidated, it is the artifact that the patriarch wanted to use to live forever. It has become the strongest battlefield for our Qingxu view. The world we are in now is created by the patriarch back then. One of the six small worlds is called the Small Universe Realm!"

"Little universe world..." Li Haoxuan said to himself, feeling a different aura from these four words, especially the word Qiankun has too many meanings.

"There are all kinds of runes and large formations all over the battle platform here. After the divine formation is fully activated, it can even withstand the attacks of the strong in the underworld! It is a pity that the law of the Dao here has been greatly damaged, and it is difficult to be trapped again. It’s time for the strong to commit crimes.” The old man continued, “However, this is the strongest battlefield for the existences below the border of deficiencies!”

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