Holy furnace

Chapter 549: Battle of Shinto

The strongest battlefield!Just four words are enough to tell the endless past that this battlefield has experienced. No matter how many monsters and heroes fight on this battlefield, no matter how much blood is shed here, how many heroic spirits are buried here, this place will never fall. , Standing forever for the strongest person, and only in this way can it be called the strongest battlefield!

"The complete reincarnation of the six realms is a quasi-emperor weapon cast by the patriarch in his later years. Its power even surpasses the sky-gazing mirror, but it is a pity that it was broken on the road of longevity and failed to do its job." The old man walked forward and sighed, "Little The Qiankun Realm is just a fragment of one of the worlds in the six realms of reincarnation. Tens of thousands of years ago, when the Dao was complete, it was the strongest platform of life and death in the temple, which was enough for two saints to fight in it, but it failed later. Its renewed love, now the Dao is falling apart, and it can only be used as the strongest battlefield below your lack of crime."

"Your opponent is very strong. I can assure you that today's battle will be one you will never forget." Afterwards, the old man turned to Li Haoxuan and said seriously, "Although there is no danger of falling, you must do your best. ready!"

"I'm looking forward to it!" Li Haoxuan nodded in response to the old man's advice, although he didn't say much, but he fully revealed the belief and desire in his heart.

"According to the rules, I will leave a divine pattern on your body to help you change your face and voice, and the same is true for the other party, so the real appearance of the other party is actually not what you see." A mysterious seal was slapped on Li Haoxuan's chest, and a cyan light burst out from his chest. The next moment, Li Haoxuan's facial features began to twist, and after one breath, he became a middle-aged man with a beard on his face.

"The supernatural power of changing the world?" Li Haoxuan was slightly taken aback, the old man's method made the golden core of supernatural power in his body jump slightly, and the great supernatural power of changing the world was almost exposed at this time, which shocked him.

"Fight well!" The old man smiled and nodded to Li Haoxuan, and then his figure gradually faded away, completely dissipating on the battle platform.

Boom!The moment the old man dissipated, a powerful coercion suddenly appeared from dozens of miles away, flying towards Li Haoxuan's direction.As this coercion approached, a new big sun seemed to appear in the distant sky. The dazzling light filled the nine heavens and ten earths, and the rich mana spread from that sun, making this strongest The continuous roar echoed on the battle platform.

In the end, that day, all the light converged and descended in front of Li Haoxuan. This was a young man with long purple hair, sword eyebrows and star eyes, with powerful and thick mana fluctuations unconsciously rippling from his body.

"So strong!" Feeling the powerful aura of the opponent, the blood in Li Haoxuan's body began to surge violently, and the mana in his dantian seemed to be provoked at this moment, and it roared violently. There is a faint flow in the skin, as if it will come out through the body at any time.

"En?" Seemingly sensing Li Haoxuan's rising fighting spirit, the purple-haired boy was taken aback for a moment, then stared at Li Haoxuan carefully, and said, "A few days ago, my master told me that there is still Someone can fight at the same level as me. If you are the person my master said, then I'm sorry, because I will win no matter what!"

"If you can win, then I thank you." Li Haoxuan responded with a slight smile upon hearing this.

"En?" The purple-haired boy was puzzled, and asked Li Haoxuan suspiciously.

"Because if you can really defeat me, I will thank you for letting me know what defeat is." Li Haoxuan replied.

"Boom!" As soon as Li Haoxuan finished speaking, the aura of the purple-haired boy suddenly exploded. As a sun god, he has never been so underestimated by others. There is a reason why he has to win, so he can only win, and he must win.

When the coercion on the young man began to rise, Li Haoxuan's aura also began to show at the same time. At this moment, they both successfully stimulated each other's fighting spirit to the peak. When they reached their level, their state of mind was already complete. It has even reached the perfect state of not being happy with things, and the opponent's words have not shaken their heart at all. The reason why they say this is to make the opponent stronger, because they believe that only the stronger and strongest opponent is worthy. You have to fight with yourself!

"Boom!" The purple-haired boy didn't say any more, his whole body was filled with blood, and a sun-like light manifested from his body, and he punched Li Haoxuan in the midst of the blazing light. The breath swept out, and as the divine fist moved forward, a phantom appeared from behind the young man for a day, and slashed down towards Li Haoxuan!

"Humph!" Li Haoxuan snorted coldly, raised his hand and blasted forward, punched out the Unbeaten King Fist, and the supreme and domineering aura was fully displayed at this moment. At this moment, he was like an undefeated God of War, with the magic power in his body surging It exploded, and with a bang, the phantom of the **** sun was directly smashed into pieces!The next moment, it seemed that even the entire battlefield rioted, and the powerful mana fluctuations shocked the two of them!

At this moment, the supreme arrogance on Li Haoxuan's body was beyond doubt, the golden light finally burst out from his body, and the rich golden light almost turned into a golden ocean, swallowing up the opponent's phantom of that day in the roaring sound , the purple-haired boy soared into the sky, surrounded by a myriad of divine light, and then, the Endless Dao was imprisoned by him, and the divine light full of terrifying aura was continuously blasted down from his body, directly burying Li Haoxuan in the ground. Among the endless divine light!

The power of the purple-haired boy almost surpassed Li Haoxuan's imagination, one after another powerful supernatural powers fell down almost continuously, as if a real world was falling from the sky, this pressure made his blood boil At the extreme point, around his body, a round of golden light manifested to block the endless divine light, and the powerful defense of the golden bell body's supernatural power was fully displayed at this time. However, the opponent's attack is endless , the continuous attack of supernatural powers was unbearable even for the great supernatural powers of the golden bell cover, and finally cracked with a crack and was broken into pieces!

Boom!Following the shattering of the golden bell cover, the golden ocean around Li Haoxuan's body immediately rolled back, facing the endless magical powers above his head, and rushed up against the current, rushing directly in front of the purple-haired boy. After being defeated, the whole world seemed to be in tatters, and the infinite light shone in all directions, making the ancient battle platform below them crack like beautiful jade.

There is only a piece of light between the transparent and clear world, which seems to be the focus of the whole world. In front of this piece of light, everything becomes extremely dim, as if everything has disappeared!

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