Holy furnace

Chapter 550: Battle of Shinto

"Is this the sun god body with the strongest bloodline? Sure enough, it is much stronger than ordinary people. If an idle genius steps forward, he will be killed with one blow. There is no suspense." Above the ancient battle platform, he came with Li Haoxuan The old man was standing side by side with a vague phantom of divine sense, looking down at the two people who were fighting fiercely below and sighed.

"It's not a big deal for a divine body to have such combat power. It's really surprising that Li Haoxuan has such combat power!" The phantom of the divine mind has no clear facial features. The Dao in the middle is generally the same as the battle body, exuding a strong aura of Dao, saying, "If Li Haoxuan can achieve a small success and step into the realm of lack of crime, then the lineage of Emperor Que can be called a small perfection! Take your place in the universe."

"Hehe." The old man's face changed slightly, he smiled without saying a word, and asked, "Who do you think will win this battle?"

"You want to gamble with me?" Dao Ze Xuying was slightly taken aback, then asked with a smile.

"Big gambling hurts the body, but small gambling makes you happy." The old man smiled, stretched out his right hand and said, "How much do you think this thing is worth?"

"Huangxue Chijin?" Looking at the red fragment in the old man's hand, the phantom's voice suddenly changed, and he asked in amazement, then shook his head and said regretfully, "It's not Huangxue Chijin, but a The divine material in the chaos is transforming into the phoenix blood red gold, unfortunately, he has fallen from the chaos, and it is impossible to transform into a peerless divine material again!"

"Although it can't be compared with the divine material of the emperor's army, it is also rare. If it can be added to the Taoist weapon, at least it can be upgraded by one rank." Divine Mind Xuying continued with a smile, "I never thought that you could be a junior. It's really a great courage to have such a hand in the battle between them, compared with a thousand years ago, it is even worse, it is worthy of being a gambling fairy!"

"Hey, do you want to gamble or not?" the old man said with a smile.

"Who do you think will win?" Spiritual Mind Phantom asked.

"Naturally, I think Li Haoxuan wins. After all, I have practiced for so long in the space of reincarnation. After Bigu, he may not be as good as a divine body, but as far as he is concerned, he deserves the word "invincible at the same level." The old man said proudly.

"Invincible at the same level?" Shen Nianxuying couldn't help laughing when she thought of the little girl under her door, waved her hand and said, "Well, it is said in the world that the gambling immortal has never been defeated in the road of gambling, then I Just try to see if you can break the myth of your invincibility today. If you bet on Li Haoxuan to win, then I will naturally be on top of the divine body, what do you think of this little thing?" While speaking, Spiritual Phantom waved his right hand, A black divine stone suddenly appeared in front of the old man, shining with a jet-black luster.

"Chaos Stone?" Feeling the aura of the black stone in front of him, the old man's expression changed on the spot, and he said in horror.The Chaos Stone is not an extraordinary thing, it is an innate god stone born in the chaos. If it can continue to evolve, it can evolve into a Holy Spirit Stone. Not as good as a divine material, but in terms of offensive power, it will not be weaker than the divine material of phoenix blood red gold. If there is a large piece of holy spirit stone, even the ancient emperor will be moved.

"How?" Spiritual Phantom smiled.

"Deal!" The old man chuckled, stopped talking, and focused on the peak battle below.

Boom!Li Haoxuan went upstream, following the purple-haired boy's endless magical attack, and finally a shocking collision broke out, and endless rays of light gushed out from the two of them, shocking the world, like two big worlds clashing with each other, floating in the sky The clouds ten miles away collapsed in an instant, and it was hard to bear the powerful momentum of the two of them, click, click, under this peerless power, this ancient battle platform was cracking, as if it would collapse at any time!

However, when the battle platform cracked, bursts of Dao Ze runes gushed out from the depths of the battle platform, quickly repairing the damaged area, and finally only left a few cracks that existed before!The Small Universe Realm is known as the strongest battlefield, and it can withstand the strongest blow from the power of the Deficient Realm. It is not something that Li Haoxuan and the current God Body can destroy. Although the current Small Universe Realm has reduced the defense to the minimum, the two of them The battle strength of the battle can already cause huge damage to the battle platform, but it can't hurt the source. Once this battle is over, the small universe will return to its original state without any change.

Rumble, the sound of the sonic boom is endless!The Small Universe Realm is like a real big world. Although there is no big sun hanging high, there are countless divine lights circulating, making the heaven and earth in it bright!Moreover, the Small Universe Realm is an artifact used by Patriarch Qingxu to deduce the six realms of reincarnation. Among them, the power of the five elements is abundant, and it has been evolved into the earth, mountains, rivers and lakes back then. In the distance from the battle platform, there are boundless mountains standing , There are Dao Dao Shen waterfalls falling down, it is really like a fairyland!

Everything in it is not real, it is all made of Tao, but everything is so real, so real that even Li Haoxuan and Shen Body couldn't find anything wrong!In the end, the battle between Li Haoxuan and Li Haoxuan continued and became more and more fierce. They fought from the center of the battle platform to infinity, and even shattered a corner of the tall mountain peak. The sky was full of brilliance, but only two tall figures manifested between the light source. They are not allowed to peek at the true face, the power of the Great Dao around them is disordered, and a powerful power erupts in the involvement, every blow can make the sky and the earth tremble!

At this moment, the purple-haired boy turned into a great sun, and a powerful force burst out, coercing nine heavens and ten earths, showing the divine body and blood in his body to the fullest. Although it was not a small achievement, but now he already possessed a wisp of divine body Wei, every blow has the power of the sun flying, as if you can pick up the stars and catch the moon by raising your hand, and the Taoist clouds are flying, setting him off like a god!This is the powerful manifestation of the blood of the divine body. The starting point is already different from that of human beings. Standing on the Nine Heavens, they can almost sweep away all enemies except for a limited number of people!

The same is true for Li Haoxuan, the golden ocean is rippling around his body, and the surface of his body is burning with raging flames. The fire emperor's red flames erupted with powerful power in his hands. It's time to burn everything!At this time, he was using the fire emperor's red flames to resist the purple-haired boy's immeasurable magical powers. The two were evenly matched, and the entire space was almost collapsed!

If the current battle between him and Li Haoxuan were seen by those Lingxu Realm geniuses, they would probably scare a lot of people to death, because this kind of combat power is too terrifying, beyond everyone's comprehension!

This battle between Li Haoxuan and the purple-haired boy was earth-shattering, and if it was spread out, it would definitely be recorded in the annals of Qingxu Temple.Needless to say, the purple-haired boy has the blood of the Sun God Body flowing in his body, and his attack power is astonishing. He is known as the Uncrowned King!On the other hand, Li Haoxuan has a profound foundation, his continuous accumulation over the past few years and his semi-physical body have given him the qualifications to fight against the Sun God Body!

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