Holy furnace

Chapter 551: Battle of Shinto

This battle between Li Haoxuan and the purple-haired boy was earth-shattering, and if it was spread out, it would definitely be recorded in the annals of Qingxu Temple.Needless to say, the purple-haired boy has the blood of the Sun God Body flowing in his body, and his attack power is astonishing. He is known as the Uncrowned King!On the other hand, Li Haoxuan has a profound foundation, his continuous accumulation over the past few years and his semi-physical body have given him the qualifications to fight against the Sun God Body!

At this time, the two of them seemed to be flying immortals, and they flew towards the sky with a strong and blazing light flowing from their bodies. Large swathes of light rain fell down and shot on the ground, making the endless ancient trees and forests burst into roars. It was completely shattered, and the powerful mana was shocking!In the endless void, even the old man and the phantom of divine thoughts changed color slightly. I didn't expect that Li Haoxuan and the Sun God Body would burst out with such strength just after they fought, as if they wanted to win with one blow!

Such a situation is rarely seen in a confrontation between two strong players, life and death will be faced with each other as soon as they come up, and killer moves will be frequently used!

"Kill!" Li Haoxuan roared, bathing himself in golden divine light and attacking the purple-haired boy. At this time, Li Haoxuan somewhat understood the opponent's identity. He had long heard that there was a supreme divine body in Qingxu Temple. Now who can fight him to such an extent, who else can be besides the divine body?Li Haoxuan couldn't help but feel excited when he wanted to hit the Xeon's blood flowing in the opponent's body. He wanted to see if his own strength was stronger, or the blood of the divine body was stronger!

At this time, Li Haoxuan was like a god of war, with brilliant divine brilliance surging from his body, a supreme aura slowly awakened in his body, and the power of the Dao body also began to show at this time, as Li Haoxuan continued to fight Blooming, the avenues of heaven and earth here began to converge rapidly, and all of them were absorbed into his body. At this time, he was like a sea embracing all rivers, swallowing mountains and rivers. With the infusion of avenues of heaven and earth, his long hair became crystal clear, shining Moving divine luster.

Boom!Li Haoxuan strode forward, striding across the void, and directly blasted the void with a punch of the Destroyer Fist. A boundless wave of air appeared in the entire void, and the power of destruction surged, obliterating everything in the world. Under it, even the space is decaying, and it is difficult to resist the supreme truth of this destruction.

"Roar..." The purple-haired boy raised his head to the sky and screamed, the golden light turned into a dazzling sun in an instant, the dazzling light of the sun spread all over the void, and the powerful momentum shook the world. At this time, his purple hair Flying like an unrivaled demon lord, he was not afraid of Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist, he roared forward to fight, forcibly entered into the true meaning of Destruction, and resisted Li Haoxuan's Destruction Fist with his immortal body!

Rumble!The Divine Fist of Shattering is unparalleled in the world. Once it is completed, it can split the sky and the ground, and shatter the universe. Although it can only exert a ray of power, it is amazing enough, and ordinary people can't bear it!But the purple-haired boy was unharmed. In his body, there was an immortal divinity flickering, dispelling all the power of destruction. This is the blood of the sun in his blood. It cannot be harmed!

The purple-haired boy walked forward amidst the endless destruction, like a god king who ruled the world crossing from the chaos. On his god body, the Dao Rune manifested, and the powerful coercion stretched for dozens of miles!This kind of tyrannical and terrifying power makes the power of the sun god body obvious, and it is frightening!Facing Li Haoxuan's God of Destruction Fist, the purple-haired boy raised his right hand high and directly pressed down on the opponent!

Both of them are extremely powerful, let alone looking at the Qingxu, even looking at the whole Ziwei, as long as the other gods do not show up, they can be called invincible. Now when the two meet, it is like the tip of a needle against a wheat. Set everything!

"Boom!" The powerful explosive force suddenly exploded, causing a big explosion in the entire sky. The void that was originally extremely transparent has now become extremely turbid, and there is even an aura of destruction rushing out of it, as if this space It is about to return to chaos, and in the endless destructive atmosphere, the two figures are still fighting, and the whole body is surrounded by divine light, as if burning in nothingness, blooming with a myriad of divine brilliance!

"Open!" Li Haoxuan fused the Undefeated King Fist with the God of Destruction Fist, and the punch was like a sky crashing and the earth cracking. This punch seemed to blast from the underworld to the sky, trying to tear the god king of the sun god body. Fall into the world!Following Li Haoxuan's punch, the heaven and earth avenue suddenly became chaotic, and all kinds of Taoist runes jumped out of nothingness and lingered on Li Haoxuan's golden fist. In the end, Endless God and Li Haoxuan's The golden fists merged into one, turning into a big golden dragon and swallowing the purple-haired boy in one gulp!

The big dragon roared and burst into immeasurable light. Li Haoxuan's Tianlong Bayin was played at the right time. The sound of the sonic boom mixed with the shattering fist made this place really almost extinct. Those who were shocked to death!

"Break!" The purple-haired boy yelled, and he shot up to the sky and tore the golden dragon in front of him into the void. As soon as the fist was punched, heavy aftermath spread out, directly spanning several miles and wreaking havoc on the endless mountains and rivers in the distance into a sand city. Countless ancient trees were directly crumbled to dust at this time, with no life left.

This is an unimaginable battle, the level of horror is beyond the past, no one has ever seen such an absolute!Obviously the realm is not high, but the combat power is really too strong. If you push back along the history, I am afraid that you can push it back to tens of thousands of years ago!Only Patriarch Qingxu and Haoran Zhundi could have this combat power when they were young. Others can't, even if they get a little closer, they will be affected, and their flesh and blood will splatter, turning into blood mud on the spot!

Up to now, they have gradually given up their magical powers and started to fight with their real bodies!The whole land seems to have been ravaged, there are potholes everywhere, the endless mountains in the distance have been dilapidated, and the waterfall that is nearly a thousand feet high on the top of the mountain has been cut off, and there are broken pieces everywhere. traumata.

puff!After resisting the blow of the purple-haired boy's Supreme God Seal, blood dripped from the corner of Li Haoxuan's mouth, and even he is bleeding now!After undergoing repeated transformations and refinements, his physical body already possessed unimaginable power, even capable of shaking spiritual weapons, but now, under the opponent's peerless attack, the physical body that used to be enough to make him proud is no longer It also can't provide him with a strong defense. Every bombardment of the opponent can shock his internal organs. This kind of attack is too terrifying, and the body is hard to stop!

Click!While Li Haoxuan was bleeding, there was a clear clicking sound from the purple-haired boy's right arm, it was the sound of bones breaking!Li Haoxuan was wounded and bleeding, the purple-haired boy could not be unscathed, and the sun god body was not good either. The bones in his arm were broken by Li Haoxuan on the spot. The two of them did not evade at this moment before, and they all resisted each other's supreme power with their bodies. It's a kind of boldness, and it's also a big gamble!

Li Haoxuan stood in the void, and a huge amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy gathered to provide him with immortal mana. The same is true for the sun god body, his whole body was exploding, and there was a crackling sound like roasted beans, and the rich blood of the god body was surging violently , almost instantly restored his injured body to the peak state, but to him, a bone is nothing, it can be repaired in a blink of an eye, this is the original power of the sun god body!

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