Holy furnace

Chapter 552 Sun Divine Power

The blood around the purple-haired boy was steaming, and a huge amount of heaven and earth aura surged in, wrapping him into a cocoon of aura, and then, the cocoon suddenly exploded, and a powerful divine power that was just as strong as the sun flew out from the cocoon Go out and blast towards Li Haoxuan!

The sun god body is one of the most powerful god bodies, even if it is the same god body, there are few people who can compare with it. The god body is extremely abundant, and it has returned to the peak almost instantly, and it has hit Li Haoxuan with a powerful blow !He just wanted to use the strong origin of his divine body to seize the opportunity and suppress Li Haoxuan with supreme divine power!

"Roar!" Li Haoxuan yelled loudly, and with a roar, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and there was a loud hum, and the golden bell body's supernatural powers manifested, turning into a round of golden bells to protect it from the purple-haired boy's supremacy. One blow, and then, Li Haoxuan rushed forward amidst a long roar, his golden energy and blood rushed straight into the sky, almost turning him into a golden man!The recovery speed of the purple-haired boy is astonishing, even Li Haoxuan is also surprised, that is to say, he also has a half body now, otherwise he may not be able to compete with him, and he will definitely fall into a disadvantage in a long-term battle!

Boom!Li Haoxuan did it in one go, directly using the four moves of Destroyer Fist and Six Forms of Undefeated King Fist. Then, several fiery red spears took shape behind him, rippling with powerful mana fluctuations and shot towards the purple-haired boy. Gang was activated by him with the fire emperor's red flame energy, and his power doubled!At the same time, Li Haoxuan took a step forward, broke through the space with an instant killing gun, and appeared directly behind the purple-haired boy. With the seal of both hands, a fire dragon rushed out of his hand, bringing endless flames, before the dragon chant A city of flames was built in the sky!

The mana in Li Haoxuan's body surged, and there was an endless roar. When he raised his hand, two more divine figures flew out. The divine figure exploded with a bang, turning into two real dragons, one yin and one yang. The fire dragon burned the sky above the city, intending to engulf the purple-haired boy directly.The Yin-Yang God Figure is made of Yin-Yang two energies, and it is powerful. It can shock the world with one strike. This has been proved several times in the reincarnation space. When the Yin-Yang God Figure further evolves into the Yin-Yang True Dragon It can even suppress the peak powerhouses of Bigu, and its power is so powerful that it is not under the God of Destruction Fist.

However, this time the yin and yang diagram did not work, because there was endless divine light surging in the fire dragon burning the city, as if it had become an ocean of light!Then, the endless divine light suddenly shot up into the sky, directly smashing the Yin-Yang True Dragon into the void!The next moment, there was an endless cracking sound, the fire dragon burned the city and cracked, and finally collapsed with a bang, turning into pieces of scorching fire and raining down on the world!

When the fire dragon burned the city and cracked, the yin and yang real dragon shattered, and the young man with flying purple hair appeared in front of Li Haoxuan again. At this time, his aura became more powerful and terrifying, which made Li Haoxuan feel a wave of shock , I didn't expect that the method used to suppress the No. 15 powerhouse in the reincarnation space would be disintegrated so easily!He knew that it was absolutely impossible to defeat the divine body with the same method, but he was a little startled by it being broken so easily. Could it be that the divine body was really so strong?

Boom!At this moment, the aura of the purple-haired boy changed again, a dazzling light bloomed from his body, and even Li Haoxuan had to squint his eyes, because the light was too dazzling, it was not pure light, but A kind of divine art that incorporates the coercion of the Great Dao, which is much more dazzling than the light of the great sun. If Li Haoxuan hadn't cultivated clairvoyance, he might not be able to see at this time. Even so, his eyes are still blurred, and it is difficult to see the other party clearly Mami!

As the light on the opponent's body began to manifest, a vast and unimaginable ancient aura began to rise. At the same time, the surrounding temperature also began to rise sharply. This sudden increase in temperature even made Li Haoxuan feel hot Unbearable!In the end, even the air around him seemed to be ignited. At this moment, he had the feeling of being in an endless sea of ​​flames. In all directions, the sky and the earth were full of hot flames and mud. Without a sound, it was turned into fiery red mud!

"Could it be that a great day is coming?" Feeling the terrifying temperature, Li Haoxuan couldn't help thinking in his heart.He can feel the flames constantly surging around him. This is not an illusory fire, but a real flame. At his current state, there are very few illusions at the same level that can confuse his perception, and even more so. What's more, he is now a half body, and if the flames around him are made of Dao, it is absolutely impossible to hide them from his eyes and ears!

boom!In the endless sea of ​​flames, the golden ocean around Li Haoxuan suddenly went out, replaced by a fiery red flame!With the appearance of this red flame, the endless sea of ​​flames around Li Haoxuan receded instantly, as if he had met his nemesis!The fire emperor's red flame energy was created by the ancient Yan emperor, and it is the supreme supernatural power of the quasi-emperor level. Although only a small part of it is preserved in the Qingxu Temple, if this part can be cultivated to great success, it will definitely burn the river and boil the sea. !

Li Haoxuan intensively researched the Fire Emperor's Red Flame Qi, and although he has not yet reached a small level of success, he has cultivated it to a certain level after seven years of painstaking practice. He has great power to suppress all ordinary flames, and he can be called the Emperor of Fire By!Now Li Haoxuan used the boundless mana in his body to stimulate the Fire Emperor's red flames, and immediately felt like a duck to water. Not only did the previous burning sensation disappear, he could even see the real body of the purple-haired boy not far away!

Not far away, the purple-haired young man with purple hair fluttered around, his hands moving slowly in the void!Every time he swiped his hands, he could draw endless divine fire from the void, showing the trajectory of the Tao, and his body revealed an extremely mysterious aura.At this time, the purple-haired boy seems to have joined the Dao, and entered an inexplicable realm. He can move his hands and feet to coincide with the Dao of Heaven and Earth, representing the will of Dao, just like Li Haoxuan who was in the space of reincarnation back then. , Incarnate as the carrier of Tao!

"The fire of the Dao? Impossible! Well, is this the way?" Li Haoxuan stood in the distance and looked at the other party quietly. The current state of the other party is very mysterious, which makes him afraid. The former may suffer a big loss!In the end, the blackness in his eyes disappeared, and turned into a pair of silver pupils, the broken silver pupils reappeared, wanting to peep at the source of the other party's avenue!

In the field of vision of the broken silver eyes, straight lines penetrated from the top of the purple-haired boy's head, leading to the infinite sky!As the opponent's arms moved slowly, the invisible divine power spread from outside the territory and sank into his body through the countless lines, and then gushed out from his body, turning into pieces of avenues the fire!

"Are you attracting the real power of the sun?" Li Haoxuan was horrified!Although he didn't know what those inexplicable divine powers were, but the terrifying aura emanating from them made Li Haoxuan feel a great sense of oppression, as if he was facing a real big star at close range!

The sun is a star beyond endless time and space, and its owner has an unimaginably terrifying high temperature. Unless it is a saint in the fairyland or some race with special physique, no one can approach it!Although the power of the lack of criminals claims to be able to catch the stars and catch the moon, it also has great restrictions. A big star like the sun is not something they can shake. Once they get close, they will be burned to ashes immediately!

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