Holy furnace

Chapter 56

"Kill!!" Li Haoxuan fought to the point of madness!After being slapped flying by the claw of the two-horned wolf, he didn't care about his injuries at all, stomped his feet in the void with a bang, and killed the two-horned wolf again!

Li Haoxuan's eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body was bathed in golden light. Every punch seemed to carry the power of heaven and earth, and each punch made the void tremble!

The two-horned wolf was also really fired by Li Haoxuan, and Li Haoxuan used the golden fist to disintegrate all the infinite Taoism. In the end, he also bullied him and resisted Li Haoxuan with his wolf king body!

boom! !The two-horned gray wolf's giant claws slammed down, the void was sunken, Li Haoxuan went upstream, opened the way with his golden fist, and collided with the wolf's claws heavily, as if the heavens and the earth were mourning, and a large amount of blood rained down!

Li Haoxuan flew away in response, and was sent flying by the two-horned wolf again.

The two-horned wolf roared upwards, and his other wolf claw was also severely injured. Although it was not broken, it was pierced by Li Haoxuan's punch, and a large bloody hole appeared in it, with patches of blood Raindrops fell, filling the entire space with a strong smell of blood!

"Roar!!" The two-horned wolf's eyes showed a fierce light, and it drew mysterious paths in the void with its pierced left claw!At the same time, his body began to emit a cyan light, and a large piece of blood flowing from his left claw unexpectedly flowed upstream at this moment, pouring into the mysterious magic circle that was gradually forming in the void in front of him!

In the end, a complete mysterious magic circle appeared in the void in front of the two-horned gray wolf, emitting bursts of ancient waves!

"Roar!!" The moment the magic circle was formed, the two-horned gray wolf seemed to be drained of strength in an instant, and even the majestic wolf's body was slightly hunched!Then, with a loud roar, he shot two green lights from his eyes, directly covering Li Haoxuan's voice!

hum! !These two green lights seemed to be a guide, the mysterious magic circle suspended in the void suddenly disappeared, and moved to the sky above Li Haoxuan in an instant, and then dropped down one after another magic circle patterns to form a green light curtain, sealing Li Haoxuan in the in it!

Boom! !Li Haoxuan moved his fists in rotation, the golden light bathed his body, and punched out directly!

But the result surprised him, his invincible punch was actually blocked by this green light curtain, and he couldn't shake it at all, not even the slightest ripple appeared!

call out! !Suddenly, a cyan wind blade formed in the void, cutting directly towards Li Haoxuan!

In the end, this wind blade actually passed through the green light curtain directly. If Li Haoxuan hadn't jumped into the air at the last moment, he would have been cut in half!

"What kind of thing is this? Why can't you attack from the inside, but can come in from the outside!!" Li Haoxuan was shocked, with such a formation suppressed on top of his head, he had no way of escaping, and could only become a meat target for others!Moreover, this heavy green light curtain is still shrinking, and it will soon be restricted to immobility, and then a wind blade can kill it.

"This is the reverse application of the absolute defense formation. Any material is transmitted in one direction. It is allowed to enter and not allowed to exit!!" Huangfu Jing saw that the two-horned gray wolf was beaten and retreated steadily, and his own victory was in sight, but he did not expect that the two-horned gray wolf actually At this time, he played the Supreme Formation and directly sealed Li Haoxuan!

Huangfujing's ancestors once had extremely powerful monks, so she learned from her family since she was a child, read a lot of books, and knew something about the formation system, but she didn't know how to break the formation.Moreover, this kind of formation was probably created by the ancient wolf god. Although it may be just a prototype now, it is not something she can understand.

The two-horned wolf stood proudly in the void, and the energy from the ten directions came rolling in, submerging into his body, quickly recovering the energy he had consumed!Soon, the eyes of the two-horned gray wolf regained their vitality, and then, pieces of wind blades appeared in all directions of Li Haoxuan.

Finally, with a snort, these wind blades were fired at the same time, cutting towards Li Haoxuan overwhelmingly!

"No!!!!" Huangfu Jing yelled, supporting the absolute defense and rushing towards Li Haoxuan at the fastest speed! She hoped that she could use her absolute defense to block the overwhelming blue wind blades for Li Haoxuan!

However, in vain!She was blocked by dozens of flying wolves, unable to cross the void!He could only watch helplessly as Li Haoxuan was drowned by countless wind blades!

"Zheng!!!!" Just when Huangfu Jing was almost desperate, a black light suddenly rose into the sky, and bursts of gunshots were fired! !

Then, under the black light, the green light curtain disintegrated inch by inch and shattered!Countless dust splashed up, and everything in it was hidden except for the black light that soared into the sky.

Finally, the smoke dissipated, and I saw Li Haoxuan with black hair fluttering, naked on his upper body, holding a Fangtian painted halberd more than two meters long in a proud position, and beside him, a near-substantial heaven and earth vitality shield blocked all the wind blades Come on, don't stick to anything!

"I lost this battle!" Li Haoxuan held Fang Tian's painting halberd, with a trace of loneliness on his brows!

From the very beginning of the battle between the two sides, he had no intention of using this Fang Tian painted halberd. He didn't want to use external force to kill the opponent with his own real strength, but now, he has no way out.

"I still want to kill you with my real strength!" Li Haoxuan stared at the two-horned wolf in the distance, put Fang Tian's painted halberd into the storage bag pinned to his waist again, and then, the whole person soared into the sky again Kill towards the two-horned wolf!

In this battle, one man and one wolf fought extremely fiercely, large swaths of blood rained down continuously, and colorful magical powers continued. Li Haoxuan bathed in golden light like a god of war, propped up the heaven and earth vitality shield, and directly resisted all kinds of magical powers with his physical body , the golden iron fist blasted out punch by punch!

The two-horned gray wolf's giant claws slapped it from time to time, and every time it slapped Li Haoxuan's heaven and earth vitality shield to pieces, and knocked out his body dozens of feet horizontally!

But Li Haoxuan is like a fairy sword being tempered in a furnace, every blow of the two-horned wolf is tempering him, making him stronger!

Every time Li Haoxuan hovers on the verge of life and death, there will be a light red light flashing in his body, that is Li Vulcan furnace is automatically protecting the lord!At the same time, the remaining medicinal power of the Foundation Establishment Pill in Li Haoxuan's body was also stimulated!

Everyone's body has limits!At that time Li Haoxuan swallowed a total of [-] Foundation Establishment Pills, and there was no way to absorb all the medicinal effects of the Establishment Pills, and a large part of the medicinal effects of the Establishment Pills was stored in the flesh and blood. By the meridians, the bones are really absorbed!

But at this moment, Li Haoxuan's body was constantly being hit and injured, and the remaining effects of the Foundation Establishment Pill were all stimulated and began to decompose and melt into the bones and meridians. The golden light on Li Haoxuan's body seemed even more brilliant. !

In the end, Li Haoxuan stepped on the void, resonated with the Dao of Heaven and Earth, turned his body into a golden fist, and punched out, directly passing through the belly of the two-horned wolf!

Woohoo! ! !The two-horned gray wolf struggled violently, and a large amount of blood gushed out from his belly and spilled onto the ground!

A blue light rose from his body again, and as the blue light rose, his wounds began to heal at a speed visible to the naked eye!

This is another forbidden technique to quickly repair the damaged body at the cost of burning one's own blood!It is even possible to regenerate a broken arm after practicing to the level of Dacheng.

As the wolf's body healed, the spirit of the two-horned wolf began to decline sharply, and even the light in the pupils seemed to be dissipating!

"Wow!!" In the end, the two-horned wolf roared loudly, and hundreds of flying wolves on the ground all flew up, overwhelmingly pressing towards Li Haoxuan.

At this time, the two-horned gray wolf has almost reached its limit, he spent a huge price on repairing the body pierced by Li Haoxuan, and he has no ability to do it in a short time!Once he uses more combat power than his limit, it is likely to damage his natal essence!

The essence of life is extremely important, if there is a slight difference, his cultivation base may not be able to advance half a step for the rest of his life, and he cannot afford such a price!The awakening of his bloodline made him understand that as long as he does not fall, one day he can become an existence like the ancestor wolf god!And Li Haoxuan's body is Li Vulcan Furnace, and there are still a lot of foundation building pills left in his flesh and blood, the protracted battle is beneficial to Li Haoxuan!In particular, Li Haoxuan's current realm has reached the foundation building stage, and there is almost no upper limit to the mana he can hold. He can completely use one mind at two times, absorbing the surrounding spiritual energy continuously during the battle, so he has not encountered mana all the way. Exhaustion crisis!

Although his body was almost shattered after nearly half an hour of the peak duel, his combat power at this time is still strong!

Facing the overwhelming hundreds of flying wolves, Li Haoxuan went completely mad!Protecting his body with a shield of heaven and earth vitality, opening and closing in a pack of wolves, often a single punch can beat a flying wolf to pieces!

However, Li Haoxuan's heaven and earth vitality mask is not an absolute defense after all, it is impossible to really resist the joint attack of hundreds of flying wolves!boom!In about two or three breaths, Li Haoxuan's heaven and earth vitality mask was shattered, and he himself was also severely injured, bleeding from his mouth and nose, and even his vision was blurred a bit!

Hundreds of flying wolves unite, and their power is definitely greater than that of a two-horned wolf!

"Roar!!" Li Haoxuan yelled crazily, the golden light exploded, and he used his own invincible fist to move his fists, rushing left and right among the wolves!

The sound of bang bang bang was endless, and every time Li Haoxuan punched, a flying wolf would be killed and smashed into pieces, and countless blood spurted out, dyeing the ground red!

Li Haoxuan was bathed in wolf blood, and broke through with difficulty, holding up the heaven and earth vitality shield from time to time to resist the wind blade of the flying wolf, opening the way with iron fists, and at the same time cooperating with the sky-killing hand and the sky-breaking hand!

Although Tian Mie Shou and Beng Tian Shou are ineffective against two-horned wolves, they have great power against these ordinary flying wolves!Every shot of Bengtian can directly wipe out several flying wolves and turn them into blood mist!

However, the number of flying wolves is too many, densely packed, it is inexhaustible to kill!

"Roar!" Li Haoxuan's blood boiled with enthusiasm, his crazy fighting spirit was ignited!

With a fierce roar, he directly shook a flying wolf above his head until its seven orifices bled, and then he punched it to pieces!Hot wolf blood poured down like a torrential rain!At this moment, a wolf's claw quickly struck from behind him, leaving a deep wound on his back with a puff. Li Haoxuan didn't seem to notice it, and without turning his head, he punched out with a backhanded elbow, with a terrifying air The waves roared past, directly blowing the head of the flying wolf behind him!

Li Haoxuan broke through the pack of wolves, but in the end he really beat him to death, and was about to kill him in front of the two-horned gray wolf!

The two-horned wolf looked coldly at Li Haoxuan who had broken through from the pack of wolves, his eyes were beating with crazy flames, he had never been forced to this extent since the awakening of his blood!In the blink of an eye, several more flying wolves were blown up, and Li Haoxuan had really killed them, rushing in front of the two-horned wolves!

"Roar!!!" Just when Li Haoxuan broke through the encirclement, the two-horned wolf suddenly roared, and a huge transparent phantom quickly rose from his body!

This is the phantom of a two-horned gray wolf, its whole body exudes brown-blue light, the wolf hairs are several feet long, fluttering in the wind, its face is ancient, like a god standing in the sky and earth for hundreds of millions of years.


A power that no one can describe emanated from the body of this wolf-shaped phantom, intimidating the heavens and the earth!This phantom just appeared, Li Haoxuan felt as if struck by lightning, his body was thrown out, bleeding profusely!And the flying wolves behind him seemed to have seen the gods in their hearts, and they were all extremely devout, kneeling above the void!

"This is the phantom of the ancient wolf god inspired by the power of his blood!!" Li Haoxuan showed horror, and instinctively guessed the true identity of the huge phantom in front of him!

boom! !Suddenly, the two-horned wolf let out a long howl, and the eyes of the wolf god phantom opened suddenly. Staring at Li Haoxuan's body, the transparent wolf claws carried the billowing Tianwei and photographed it in the air!

The power of the wolf god phantom is too tyrannical, enough to suppress nine heavens and ten earths!Before the wolf's claws fell, Li Haoxuan's heaven and earth vitality shield had already shattered, and his physical body made a crackling sound, which was almost unbearable!

The phantom of the wolf god has inherited the majesty of the wolf god, and ordinary people simply cannot resist such will power!Li Haoxuan was only able to enter the Foundation Establishment, and he couldn't resist such supreme power. His mana was surging all over his body, but it didn't help, even the golden light on his body was oppressed and dimmed!

And that giant claw is still falling slowly!


At this moment, when the wolf claws were about to hit Li Haoxuan's body, the storage bag on Li Haoxuan's waist suddenly trembled violently, and finally exploded with a bang, and a black Fangtian painted halberd flew into the sky. Suddenly, endless light flashed, and a shot nailed the huge phantom claw into the void!

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