Holy furnace

Chapter 57

Just when Li Haoxuan fell into the situation of life and death, the Fang Tian painted halberd in his storage bag unexpectedly revived on its own!

This Fang Tian painted halberd has a mysterious origin and is no small matter. Even the law enforcement officers of the infinitely small world can't subdue him. They can only spend a lot of time stamping layers of seals on it, known as the supreme fierce soldier!

In the infinite small world, there was a catastrophe due to this murderous soldier. Although it was suppressed in the end, there were many casualties and it was recorded forever!It is said that when the murderous soldier recovers, the power of the user can be greatly increased, and the user's strength can even be raised to several levels!

At that time the catastrophe was suppressed by the law enforcers themselves, but no one knew that the law enforcers also suffered a lot of injuries in that battle, and returned to the inner sect a few years later.

Now, when facing the phantom of the wolf god, this supreme fierce soldier unexpectedly revived spontaneously, directly shattered the storage bag, and nailed the huge wolf claws of the phantom of the wolf god into the void!

"Roar!!" The claw of the wolf god was nailed into the void, and the eyes of the phantom immediately focused on Fang Tian's painted halberd!Two invisible lights shot out from his eyes, as if they could turn the sun and the moon upside down, reverse the yin and yang!

Pieces of space were annihilated, forming a terrifying black vortex!

Fang Tian's painted halberd, the supreme fierce soldier, stands like a boundary stone that can support the world, standing in the dark void!No matter how the wolf god's giant claw trembled, it couldn't get away from the spear point of Fang Tian's painted halberd!

There seems to be a supreme power on Fang Tian's painted halberd, which fixes a small world, no matter what happens outside, it will pass him by, the two are not in the same time and space!

"Boom!!" The eyes of the two-horned wolf were filled with endless madness, and the wolf's body began to burn. This is a supreme secret technique called sacrifice, which can burn one's own body, even The soul in exchange for a ray of power from the sleeping ancestors in the blood!

The phantom of the wolf god before was just the beginning. When the will of the wolf god began to awaken, the real wolf god came!

As the wolf body continued to burn, the coercion of the phantom of the wolf god became stronger and stronger, overwhelmingly radiating in all directions!

In the end, the will of the wolf god began to awaken, and the phantom of the wolf god seemed to be truly revived, and a little light of the soul began to appear in the godless eyes. He raised his head and looked up at the sky, as if he had passed his gaze countless light years away .

"Who awakened me?" The phantom of the wolf god gradually became real, and even a wave of consciousness came out, causing the entire void to tremble!

"Wow..." The two-horned gray wolf whispered, as if talking to the wolf god!

"I understand." Wolf God Xuying nodded, and said flatly, "A blasphemer can only wash away his sins by dying."

Zheng! !As soon as the wolf god phantom's voice fell, the supremely fierce soldier let out a shot that soared into the sky, and then the body of the gun trembled slightly, shattering the void with a snap, directly smashing the claw of the wolf god into pieces!

"Who dares to blaspheme the gods?" Although the wolf god phantom has a part of the will of the wolf god, it is not the resurrection of the real wolf god. It can't think independently at all, and can only act according to the law of killing inherited in the blood!

Now, his right hand was smashed by Fang Tian's halberd, which immediately touched the law of blasphemy!Then, the phantom of the wolf god jumped up and appeared directly above Fang Tian's painted halberd, each of his eyes shot out a light of a different color, and the two completely different lights acted on Fang Tian's painted halberd one by one, and then began to follow Reverse time and space in different directions!

hum! !

The spear body of Fang Tian's painted halberd trembled slightly, and wisps of black light radiated around his body, isolating the two swirling spatial powers!


Simultaneously affected by two great forces, the space began to annihilate and heal continuously, and the whole world seemed to be doomsday. With Li Haoxuan's strength, he could only lie on the ground, unable to move!On the other hand, Huangfu Jing's absolute defense had tiny cracks appearing one after another, and it was about to shatter!

With Huangfujing's strength, if her absolute defense is broken, she will definitely be strangled instantly in the fight between Fang Tian's painting halberd and Wolf God Phantom!

Zheng!The Fang Tian painted halberd suddenly soared into the sky, a shot pierced through the chest of the wolf god phantom, and then quickly flew towards the outside of the domain, and disappeared within Li Haoxuan's sight in an instant!

At the same time, the phantom of the wolf god suddenly let out a violent roar, jumped in the void, several silver lights flashed, and the phantom of the wolf god disappeared.

The phantom of the wolf god disappeared at once, and the supreme coercion filling the world also began to fade away. Soon, Li Haoxuan regained his freedom of action!

"You can't put all your hope on that Fangtian painted halberd. The phantom of the wolf god is summoned by the two-horned wolf. Killing it may make the phantom of the wolf god disappear!!" Li Haoxuan has seen it After the power of the phantom of the wolf god, a deep sense of powerlessness appeared all over his body. Facing such an existence, he had no choice but to wait for death!

"Kill!" Taking advantage of the phantom of the wolf god jumping away at this time, Li Haoxuan got up and killed the two-horned wolf!

The wolf god Xuying left, and the trembling flying wolf also recovered, and was summoned by the two-horned wolf again to surround Li Haoxuan!

Li Haoxuan pushed his own strength to the limit, and even the rich golden light spread out, reflecting the fur of those flying wolves into a faint golden color!Li Haoxuan opened and closed his fists and palms to complement each other, and once again made a bloody path to kill the two-horned wolf!

This time, Li Haoxuan roared up to the sky, turned his body into a fist, and finally blasted the two-horned wolf into the sky!

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan didn't stay any longer, and struck out with Beng Tian's hand, grabbed the two-horned wolf in his hand, and threw it at hundreds of flying wolves behind him as a weapon!

The two-horned wolf was captured by Li Haoxuan. Hundreds of flying wolves were extremely afraid of the blood of the wolf god on the two-horned wolf. They all stagnated in the void. Although their eyes were fierce, they did not dare to step forward!

"Wow..." The two-horned wolf was caught by Li Haoxuan's Bengtian hand, bleeding all over his body!He whispered softly, continuously spit out several special syllables with different melodies.

Boom!A terrifying coercion suddenly came from outside the sky, but it was the phantom of the wolf god who came back from the battlefield outside the territory at this time!

"No, he's summoning the phantom of the wolf god to return!!" Li Haoxuan was taken aback, before he had time to think about anything else, he threw the two-horned wolf in the distance towards him with his hands, and then flew towards the two-horned wolf with his real body. Below, grabbing the opponent's two hind legs, golden blood was surging all over his body, and he tore the two-horned wolf into the void with a snort, and the thick blood rain fell down like a waterfall, almost soaking the entire area. earth!

Zheng! !And just when the two-horned gray wolf was torn apart by Li Haoxuan, a black fierce soldier descended from the sky, nailing the entire phantom of the wolf god to the ground with a bang!

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