Holy furnace

Chapter 58 The Change of Fang Tian's Painting Halberd

The ground was devastated, blood was spilled in the sky, and the ground was full of big pits and blood. The final battle between Li Haoxuan and the two-horned wolf that lasted nearly half an hour finally came to an end with Li Haoxuan's tragic victory!

Li Haoxuan's long hair fluttered, and he stood alone in the void, his whole body was completely drenched in wolf blood!His two hands are holding half of the two-horned gray wolf's body, like a demon god from ancient times!

His naked upper body is full of wounds, criss-crossing, all of which are traces left by hundreds of flying wolves!Some of the wounds were so fleshy that even the stubble was exposed to the air!

Li Haoxuan was like a demon, holding the corpse of a two-horned wolf, his eyes were like lightning, his golden energy rose again, and he stared at the hundreds of flying wolves in the distance!Although he had massacred all directions before and slaughtered nearly dozens of flying wolves with the Heaven-killing Hand and Bengtian Hand, it was still tiny compared to the hundreds. With limited manpower, it was hard to go against the sky after all!

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan showed his power again, rotating the two huge corpses of the two-horned gray wolf, and once again plunged into the flying wolf!The two-horned wolf bears the blood of the wolf god, and although it is dead, the lingering prestige still fills the void with a ray of coercion from the wolf god. Countless flying wolves flee one after another, not daring to approach the body of the two-horned wolf !

The body and blood of the two-horned wolf did not have much pressure on humans, but it greatly suppressed the flying wolf that also belonged to the wolf pack. In the end, after killing the fifth flying wolf again, the remaining All the flying wolves roared to the sky and fled into the distance!

In this battle, the flying wolf suffered heavy losses, even the wolf king was killed. Now that they lost their backbone, the fear in their hearts began to grow, and they finally fled.

Click! !

When the hundreds of flying wolves went away, there was a clicking sound from Huangfu Jing's hairpin, and then it exploded into pieces with a bang. At the same time, the absolute defensive shield also began to disintegrate, and finally turned into a little bit of light. dissipated into the void.

The two-horned wolf really lived up to its reputation of being invincible at the same level. If Fang Tian's painting halberd hadn't recovered spontaneously and blocked the phantom of the wolf god, Li Haoxuan would not be able to defy the sky, and would be killed instantly!Even so, Li Haoxuan almost shed his own blood to the limit.

At this moment the wolves receded, the ray of faith that supported him also collapsed, and the last ray of mana in his body was also exhausted, Haoxuan's body like a demon god suddenly fell down from the void.

Huangfu Jing quickly shot out a blue spell, placed it under Li Haoxuan's body, and slowly sent it to the ground. Then, that ray of blue light covered Li Haoxuan's whole body, and began to moisten his body and heal his wounds.At the same time, Huangfujing once again took out a red pill from the storage bag, shattered it into mist with mana, and shot it into Li Haoxuan's body!

With the help of pills and spells, Li Haoxuan's body began to heal quickly, and his body slowly returned to life, functioning autonomously, absorbing the aura of the surrounding world to repair his body.

At this time, Fang Tian's painted halberd, which had nailed the phantom of the wolf god to the ground not far away, suddenly began to tremble slightly, and the halo flowed on the black gun body, shining with five-color brilliance.And the phantom of the wolf god began to shrink continuously, became transparent, and gradually submerged into Fang Tian's painted halberd!

In the end, this phantom of the wolf god was completely devoured by Fang Tian's painting halberd! !

In the middle of Fang Tian's painted halberd, there is a blood-condensed handprint surrounding the gun. At this time, this handprint is slowly fading away, gradually submerging into Fang Tian's painted halberd, and finally disappears completely. After that, several mysterious talismans began to appear intermittently on the black spear of Fang Tian's painted halberd, which disappeared in a flash.

At the same time, the pitch-black body of the gun also began to change, as if it had been stained with some other colors, it seemed black but not black, and it was hard to see clearly.

This process lasted for nearly [-] breaths, and finally the supreme fierce weapon fell to the ground with a bang, without any sound!

Huangfujing's God of Healing Art, coupled with her elixir, and the effects of the foundation building elixir remaining in Li Haoxuan's body, coupled with his own body that is comparable to a middle-grade treasure, his torn body is visible to the naked eye. speed resumed.

"What is the origin of this supremely ferocious weapon? It was able to recover on its own and crucify the phantom of the wolf god!!" Seeing that Li Haoxuan was safe, Huangfu Jing turned his attention to Fang Tian's painting halberd that fell not far away!Because the performance of this fierce soldier is so amazing, it can fight independently, and it can also exert such a powerful power that it is enough to kill gods!

Huangfu got up quietly, walked to Fang Tian's painting halberd, and then his mana swept out, trying to hold Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand!

However, when her mana touched the Fang Tian Huaji, Fang Tian's Huahua halberd suddenly collapsed with a slight tremor, directly shaking Huangfu Jing's mana away, and then became motionless again, like a dead thing!

Huangfu Jing's body involuntarily took two steps back, her face was full of surprise!

It's a living thing!In the end, Huangfujing came to a conclusion that no matter what method she used, she couldn't touch the body of Fang Tian's painted halberd. Once she got close, she would be blocked by a dark force!

She even tried to grab it with her hands, but that failed too!This Fang Tian's painted halberd seemed to suddenly become tens of millions of heavy, even if she tried her best, she couldn't lift Fang Tian's painted halberd even a little bit!

"Could it be that his consciousness has recovered??" Huangfu Jing remembered a legend circulating in the infinitely small world. It is said that this fierce soldier has independent consciousness and can have thoughts like human beings. It is not an ordinary treasure!

Although no one knows the real origin of this murderous soldier, every law enforcement officer will inspect this murderous soldier before taking office, and try to communicate with it!Some law enforcers have even revealed that this murderous weapon is likely to be embedded in the divine mansion, and maybe it will wake up one day!

This divine mansion is not a god in the sky, but means that this murderous soldier has produced his own consciousness, has thoughts, and is no longer a dead thing. From another level, this murderous soldier is alive, but Still asleep.

"What are you looking at?" Suddenly, Li Haoxuan's slightly weak voice came from behind Huangfujing.

"Ah, you're awake!" Huangfu Jing was taken aback, turned around quickly, and said in surprise.

"Hehe, I can't just lie down forever." Li Haoxuan's brows were full of exhaustion, he struggled to stand up, and said, "How long have I been in a coma?"

"It's been less than half an hour." Huangfu Jing replied, "Your body hasn't fully recovered yet. I'll help you protect the law. You should recover your vitality first. We'll start our journey after you've almost recovered. There are two-horned gray wolves here. The power of his bloodline is intimidating, and the ferocious beasts outside the Hundred Thousand Mountains should not dare to approach in a short time." While speaking, Huangfu took out a radiant spirit stone from the storage bag and sent it to Li Haoxuan.

"What a strong spiritual energy fluctuation, is this a middle-grade spirit stone?" As soon as this spirit stone appeared, it aroused the resonance of the vitality of heaven and earth. Countless vitality gathered and lingered around this spirit stone. Li Haoxuan immediately waved his hand and said, " Middle-grade spirit stones are too precious, you should take them back. I absorb the spirit energy of heaven and earth very quickly, so you don't need to."

"If it weren't for you fighting bloody battles, I would be dead now, and you saved my life, what would a mere spirit stone of mine be?" Huangfu Jing said with a slight smile.

"It's really unnecessary." Li Haoxuan insisted, and then used his mana to send this middle-grade spirit stone back to Huangfujing!The essence of Li Haoxuan's mana is too high, just a ray of mana overflowing can suppress Huangfu Jing's mana, Huangfu Jing has no choice but to put the middle-grade spirit stone back into the storage bag!

Li Haoxuan sat cross-legged, and used Li Vulcan Furnace to build a formation in his dantian, forming a small spirit-gathering formation!

Immediately, the aura of heaven and earth in a radius of tens of miles billowed in, and the white aura almost drowned Li Haoxuan!It's because Li Haoxuan didn't use the real Spirit Gathering Formation in Lihuoshen Furnace, otherwise, the aura of heaven and earth in a radius of hundreds of miles would be absorbed, and the concentration of aura here might even be condensed into mist!

"Hiss..." Huangfu Jing looked at the scene in front of her and couldn't help gasping!Such a spiritual energy devouring speed is simply appalling.

"Could it be that he can't cultivate the ancient gods? How could he have such a terrifying speed of absorption..." Huangfu Jing was shocked to the point of being in a mess, and the gathering of countless heaven and earth spirits brought her a lot of benefits. Under such circumstances , even without running the Chongxu meridian independently, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will automatically drill into her pores!

"No wonder he doesn't need mid-grade spirit stones. With his cultivation speed, he really can't use them." Looking at Li Haoxuan who seemed to have turned into the eye of the hurricane, Huangfu Jing couldn't help thinking.

Li Haoxuan maintained this terrifying devouring power for nearly an hour before slowly stopping. As he got up, the aura of heaven and earth dissipated immediately, making this world clear again.

"How many times has his magic power been compressed!! Or is his dantian simply a bottomless pit!!" Huangfu Jing looked at Li Haoxuan as if he was looking at a monster. One breath is enough to blow the dantian of a tenth level master of Chongxu meridian until it explodes, but Li Haoxuan has absorbed it for a full hour and still looks like he is still not satisfied!

"No wonder he was not afraid of Gongsun Bubai from the very beginning, and even dared to kill Gongsun Yong's mount in the street! Even the two-horned wolf can be killed, the infinitely small world should respect him!!"

Huangfu Jing's thoughts were racing, and Li Haoxuan's heroic figure in the battle against the two-horned wolf could not be lingered in her mind.

"I'm afraid those flying wolves will make a comeback. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. Let's go." Li Haoxuan said directly to Huangfujing after recovering himself. The painting halberd trembled suddenly, and flew towards him quickly, and was held in his hand!

"You have to be careful with this Fang Tian painting halberd..." Seeing that Li Haoxuan could easily hold Fang Tian's painting halberd in his hand, Huangfu Jing was not surprised, but said with some concern, "It is best not to use it unless it is absolutely necessary." .”

"What's wrong?" Li Haoxuan asked in surprise.

"I suspect that he is alive and may have his own consciousness. I am worried that one day you will be like that disciple hundreds of years ago, and instead be manipulated by him." Huangfu Jing said directly.

"Well, I will pay attention. Anyway, he saved us today. If he hadn't recovered at a critical moment, we would all have died in the hands of that wolf god phantom." Li Haoxuan nodded and said, "You still have A storage bag? My storage bag is shattered."

"I don't have a storage bag, but I have this." Huangfu Jing blushed slightly, and finally took off a ring in his hand, saying, "This is a storage ring, and it is used in the same way as a storage bag. Take it and use it. Oh, and I have already put away the corpses of the two-horned wolf and those flying wolves for you! Especially the two-horned wolf is a priceless treasure, and you can exchange it for a large amount when you go back to the infinitely small world Lingshi!"

"Hehe, that's great. We'll split the bill fifty-fifty when we get the Lingshi." Li Haoxuan laughed, and without being polite to Huangfu, he directly took the ring and put it on his little finger.

"Take it!" Then, Li Haoxuan opened the storage ring with the power of Yuanshen, and put the Fang Tian painted halberd back into the space of the ring.

"Fuck Jue!" Afterwards, Li Haoxuan pinched his hands to activate the Jue Jue in a small area, took a good bath for himself, washed away all the blood that was almost solidified on his body, and then steamed it dry with his own mana , and then set off on the road with Huangfu Jing again!

At this moment, Li Haoxuan's full firepower opened the way with his own powerful aura. Some of the weaker beasts did not dare to show up and avoided them one after another. This greatly increased their forward speed, and they flew out in just five days. Nearly [-] miles.

"Om..." Suddenly, the map jade slip suspended in front of Huangfujing began to vibrate violently, and three small red dots appeared in the three-dimensional terrain displayed on it.

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