Holy furnace

Chapter 59 Wind Leopard

In a small hill outside Shiwan Dashan, three young men were carefully restraining their breath and talking under a huge old tree.

About three miles away from the three of them, there was a leopard with countless patterns and spots curled up in a cave.

These three people were Mu Chenfeng, Zheng Shisheng and Liu Taijie who had been separated from Li Haoxuan and Huangfujing.

They were no different from Li Haoxuan and the others, they were all taken from the Vulcan Stove to an extremely remote area from the side of the Grand Canyon, but in the end Li Vulcan's power was insufficient, so they threw the three of them down on the way.

The three of them also had a map of the area outside the Shiwan Dashan, so they quickly identified their location. Their thoughts were the same as Li Haoxuan's, that is, to rush back to the teleportation formation as soon as possible. Their luck was better than Li Haoxuan's. Except for some small and weak beasts that do not open their eyes, they have not encountered any strong enemies, and they are almost unimpeded along the way!

Finally, when they were about [-] miles away from the teleportation formation, they found a Gale Leopard rushing towards them!

The Gale Leopard is a powerful ferocious beast. Once it reaches adulthood, it can easily surpass the Beast Emperor.Moreover, his biggest characteristic is speed, once he runs, he is even faster than walking against the wind, and it is not enough to describe him as lightning fast!

Suddenly seeing such a Gale Leopard rushing towards them, Haoxuan scared the three of them to death. After all, this is a powerful existence that surpasses the Beast Emperor. If they really fight, the three of them have some background, but they are equally dangerous. few!

Moreover, Gale Leopard is good at speed, they have nowhere to escape, they will be killed one by one in the end!Even some unworldly strong men who have achieved great success in the virtual scriptures may not be the opponent of the Gale Leopard, because you may not be able to hit the opponent at all!

Just when they were disheartened and thought that there would be a bitter battle, the Gale Leopard passed by them without looking back, and rushed into the distance like light!

The three of Mu Chenfeng looked at each other, and found that everyone's forehead was covered with cold sweat, the shadow of the famous tree, the name of Gale Leopard is too famous, and there are stories about Gale Leopard everywhere in the infinite small world. Legend has it that it is almost certain to die, except for Gongsun Bubai who once retreated from the Gale Leopard's hands, no one can survive from the Gale Leopard's mouth, and what Gongsun Bubai met back then was a cat The underage Gale Leopard, even so, he can only retreat with the heaven and earth vitality mask.

"No! Blast Leopard is ferocious by nature, there is no reason not to attack us." Mu Chenfeng said in bewilderment after calming down.

"Maybe...maybe he sees that the three of us have deep skills and are not sure of winning?" Zheng Shisheng wiped off his cold sweat and said boldly, then smiled awkwardly and said, "It seems that there is no such possibility, haha."

"I always feel that something is wrong!" Liu Taijie lowered his head in thought, and after a while, he slapped his head violently and said loudly, "I see!! It's the belly! It's the belly! Didn't you notice that the Storm Leopard's belly is a bit bulging? Moreover, his speed is not as fast as the rumors say, and he is even faster than our full-flying flight!"

"Stomach?" Mu Chenfeng was taken aback for a moment, and then said excitedly, "You mean...that Gale Leopard is pregnant?"

"It's not just pregnant, it's about to give birth!" Liu Taijie kept spinning around in excitement, saying incoherently, "Haha, our luck is really not so good. I didn't expect to meet the Gai Feng Leopard who was about to give birth here. This is a female leopard, and now that she is about to give birth, her strength must be greatly reduced! Moreover, when she successfully gives birth and gives birth to the little Gale Leopard, her own energy will be continuously transferred to the little Gale Leopard to help him Improve the physical body, at this time, the Gale Leopard's strength is the lowest, and even a fifth-level person can easily kill it!"

"The blood of the Gale Leopard is the most yang thing. It can be used directly to treat cold internal injuries. If it is used as medicine, it can be used to refine the yang-returning pill! And his fur can be used to refine it. I remember that in Guanlan Pavilion There is a mission, as long as you collect ten catties of adult Gale Leopard's blood, you can exchange for three medium-grade spirit stones! Such a big Gale Leopard, not to mention ten catties of blood, even fifty catties of blood is more than enough!! And, if she After successfully giving birth to a Gale Leopard cub, we will capture it and hand it over to the law enforcers, which is tantamount to adding an existence beyond the beast emperor to the hunting field, what kind of reward do you think the law enforcers will give us?"

"But...but that is Gale Leopard after all, if the guess is wrong..." Zheng Shisheng pondered.

"I can't bear to let my child not be caught by a wolf! With such a great opportunity, there will be no such shop after passing this village!" Mu Chenfeng's eyes flickered, and finally he said, "Well, let's follow first, Taijie, use Yuantian eyes to observe That Gale Leopard, if it is true as you said, if that Gale Leopard is pregnant, then we will find a place to hide it, and when the time comes when she gives birth successfully, the three of us will immediately take action and kill her, otherwise she will With our strength restored, none of us are opponents!"

"Okay!" Liu Taijie agreed without saying a word, then rose into the sky, restrained his breath, and flew towards the direction of the Gale Leopard. It was not until more than half an hour later that he returned with an excited expression on his face. Leopard is indeed giving birth soon, and the location has been chosen!

Hearing this news, Mu Chenfeng and the others didn't have any worries anymore, and carefully touched the place about three miles away from the place where the Gale Leopard was born, and closely watched the other party's actions with Liu Taijie's Yuantian eyes!

"It's a pity that we got separated from Huangfu Jing and Li Haoxuan. Otherwise, with the strength of the five of us, we might have the opportunity to seal the adult Gale Leopard who just gave birth! The value of this is much higher than a few middle-grade spirit stones! "Under the huge ancient tree, Zheng Shisheng said with some regret.

"Forget it, I also want to catch that adult Gale alive, but there are only three of us now, don't make any unrealistic ideas, otherwise we may not be able to eat it! Our goals are only two, The first one is the corpse of an adult Gale Leopard, and the second is a cub of Gale Leopard, don't think about the others, it's unrealistic." Mu Chenfeng shook his head and said seriously.

"I'm just talking casually." Zheng Shisheng shrugged and said noncommittally.

"Attention, that Gale Leopard is about to give birth!!" Suddenly, Liu Taijie's nervous voice came from beside them.

At this time, Liu Taijie opened his Yuantian eyes, and there was a faint blue light in his eyes, which could shorten the distance in space and make extremely distant things clearly appear in front of him.

"We sent it! This Gale Leopard turned out to be twins, with two cubs inside!!" Liu Taijie said in great surprise!Yuantian Eye is worthy of being an ancient thaumaturgy. It can project everything in the distance into its own eyes while the light is shining, and even see into the belly of the Gale Leopard, and see the number of Gale Leopard cubs inside.

"That's great!!" Mu Chenfeng clenched his fists, the two Gale Leopard cubs, this kind of harvest definitely exceeds the sum of all their previous harvests!

"Roar!!" The Gale Leopard curled up, its lower abdomen constantly swollen, and it was giving birth with difficulty!She tried her best to endure the severe pain and did not dare to speak out, for fear of being discovered by interested people. If some powerful beasts were attracted, it would definitely be a catastrophe for her now!

However, the severe pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow still made her let out a miserable moan!

With the sound of this groan, a loud cry followed.

The first storm leopard cub was born!

"Okay, there's one more!" Mu Chenfeng and the others were still waiting patiently, waiting for the birth of the second Storm Leopard cub!

However, at this moment, a sudden change occurred!

Cruel! !

A flying sword shining with white light suddenly descended from the sky, pulled out a violent sonic boom in the air, and shot towards the adult Gale Leopard!

"No, there are still people ambushing around in secret, waiting for the birth of the Gale Leopard cubs, not just us!" Liu Taijie was shocked, and Yuan Tian's eyes showed a soaring sword light. While speaking, he raised his hand and made a circle The treasure, quickly cut through the void and blocked the adult Gale Leopard!

"The tree world is coming!!" Liu Taijie's circular treasure came first, knocking the white long sword into the air with a bang, and then, Mu Chenfeng soared into the sky, flew over the Gale Leopard, and made a series of spells!

One by one, special mysterious talismans appeared from Mu Chenfeng's hands, and quickly sank into the ground around the Gale Leopard. Afterwards, the ground split open, and one after another, huge ancient trees quickly grew up, with a radius of ten feet. The interior is all occupied by ancient trees, and finally, these ancient trees are all entangled with each other, forming a world of trees that tightly seals the wind and leopard in it!

"Bold! Dare to take advantage!!" In the void not far away, a white shadow suddenly strung up and charged towards Mu Chenfeng. Circles of milky white air currents even formed around him. The violent sonic boom produced by breaking the air!

"Kill!!" Zheng Shisheng and Liu Taijie shot at the same time, using their mana to hit the white shadow!

Zheng Shisheng stretched out his right hand, and a big purple-gold sword appeared in his hand, and then he went straight to kill that white shadow!With one slash, endless purple divine light surged out of it, directly submerging towards the black figure!

"Hmph!!" The black figure snorted coldly, and a layer of five-color gas mask suddenly rose within a radius of one foot, blocking all the purple divine light.Then, the opponent struck out with a palm, directly annihilating all the countless divine lights in front of him.

At the same time, as soon as the white shadow pointed out, the sharp sonic boom sounded again, and the disc that Liu Taijie hit was bounced back with a ding!After that, the white shadow made a move with his right hand, and took back the ancient white sword that had been thrown out before.

"Hmph! I guarded this Gale Leopard for several months in the [-] mountains, just to kill her after she gave birth successfully, but I ran into you to snatch her! How brave!!" Dao Baiying stood in the void, waved his sleeve with his right hand, looked coldly at Mu Chenfeng and the other three and said, on his sleeve, three golden lotus flowers were looming.

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