Holy furnace

Chapter 576 Trap

"What! Where is it?" After hearing Tangning's words, the old man was shocked and asked hastily.

"Follow me!" Tangning didn't say much, she turned around and flew in the previous direction.

"Wait." At this moment, Xu Jiayi stepped forward, looked at Tang Ning carefully, and said in doubt, "Mm? Brother Tang, why is your purple-scarred battle armor broken?" Here, Xu Jiayi didn't want to make himself against Tang Ning, so he didn't call Tang Ning by his full name directly, but still referred to him as senior brother.

"The iron-backed gray bear is guarding the ambergris grass. I have fought against him before, but unfortunately the iron-backed gray bear is unparalleled in defense and invincible in attack. My purple-scarred battle armor was broken by it." Tangning eagerly explained, "Dragon The salivary grass is about to mature, if we go late, I'm afraid the iron-backed gray bear will get there first!"

"Uncle, shouldn't ambergris live in the highest and coldest places? Why did it appear in the middle of the mountain?" Xu Jiayi nodded, but asked the gray-robed old man again.

"Xu Jiayi, what do you mean? Are you doubting me?" Tangning's face changed suddenly when she heard this, she turned her head and said, "If it wasn't for the sake of being able to stand out in this competition, do you think I would be willing to take such a risk? The strength of the iron-backed bear If it wasn't for the real ambergris, how could it be possible to come down from the mountain if it wasn't under the giant python? Moreover, it was a coincidence that I found the ambergris. I happened to meet a few treasure hunters, so I found the clues of the ambergris. !"

"You're worrying too much." Xu Jiayi said noncommittally, still looking at the gray-robed old man in front of him.

"Accordingly, ambergris shouldn't appear here, but there are many wonders in the world, and there may be accidents occasionally. Since Tangning said that there are fierce beasts guarding it, it should not be wrong. Anyway, let's take a look. !” Finally, the gray-robed old man made a final decision and decided to go.

"Boy, this is already the bottom of the Wufeng Peak. With your strength, as long as you don't turn your head into the water and go back up, you shouldn't be in danger of your life! Go down the mountain." Xu Jiayi and Cheng Susu looked at each other, and then said to Li Haoxuan "The amulet on your chest should be able to support you to go down the mountain, so let's go."

"Where are you going? I'll go too." Li Haoxuan was stunned, then said.

"Tch! If you want to die, then come along with me." Tangning sneered when she heard this, her words were full of disdain.

"He's right. If you die, won't our efforts be in vain?" Xu Jiayi nodded, then stopped talking, flew into the sky with Cheng Susu and others, and flew directly into the distance.This is the bottom of the peak, even if they fly in the air, they won't encounter powerful birds. With their cultivation base, they can travel with confidence.

"There will be treasure hunters in this kind of place? I don't know who is an idiot." Looking at the few people leaving, Li Haoxuan couldn't help but sigh, then tore off the magic amulet on his chest, and walked in the direction of their departure go.

Take one step, and you will be hundreds of feet.

"Tangning, haven't you arrived yet?" After a while, the gray-robed old man said to Tangning who was leading the way.When he got here, he also felt a little strange. If he went further, he would have left the range of Wufeng and entered another mountain range. The terrain of that mountain range was stable, and it was impossible for ambergris to grow no matter what. Such a elixir.

"It's just ten miles ahead!" Tangning didn't know if she was too exhausted, her voice sounded a little choppy, as if it wasn't true, she said without turning her head.

"Ten miles ahead?" The old man's face changed suddenly when he heard the words, and he said sharply, "Tangning, what tricks are you playing! There is already a plain ten miles ahead, where is the ambergris!"

"It's three miles ahead! There's a canyon there, and the ambergris is inside the canyon!" Tangning said eagerly, with sweat dripping down her face, but her speed suddenly increased at this moment, and she flew a mile away in an instant.

"Stop!" The old man still couldn't figure out that there must be something tricky in it. With a loud shout, he summoned up his powerful mana and chased after Tangning.At the same time, a giant red hand rose from behind and grabbed Tang Ning from a distance with a bang.

"Fourth Elder, save me!" Tangning yelled in panic after feeling the surge of magic power coming from behind her.

"Hahahaha, what are you doing, Old Ke? Tangning is a genius disciple of your Chunyang Sword Sect. If you don't like it, then you can just be expelled from the sect. Why do you want to do this?" There was a loud laugh, and then, a huge hand of the same size suddenly appeared, bumped towards the gray-robed old man, and finally exploded in the void with a bang, stopping the gray-robed old man and others.

When the mana in the void subsided, several people stood in front of the gray-robed old man. Among them, the first person had white beard and hair, and a white robe was hunting in the void. Behind him were six young men. The monks were lined up. Seven of them had a small white sword embroidered on their sleeves that shot straight into the sky. Between the six of them and the old man in white robe was Tangning who couldn't help but tremble.

"Sky Sword Academy!" Looking at the crowd in front of him, the gray-robed old man gritted his teeth with an extremely gloomy expression.

"Tangning, I need an explanation!" the gray-robed old man took a deep breath and shouted as he looked at Tangning who was hiding behind the white-haired old man.

"Hmph, what a majesty!" The white-haired old man snorted, and said with a sneer, "Ke Feiyang, Tangning is now a disciple of my Heavenly Sword Academy, where is it your turn to teach me a lesson?"

"What?" Xu Jiayi was furious when she heard the words, took out the flying sword with a bang, pointed at Tangning and cursed loudly, "Tangning, I thought you were just greedy for life and afraid of death, but I didn't expect you to betray the master! Are you worthy of the master? You It's not human at all!"

"Tangning, do you think that Tianjian Academy can really tolerate you, a person who deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors and betrayed his master?" Ke Feiyang waved his hand, interrupted Xu Jiayi, and said to Tangning, "Don't even think about it, who would be willing to accept and marry you?" A person who deceived teachers and destroyed ancestors? If you really follow Huo Hui back to Tianjian Academy, I guarantee that your end will be extremely miserable! Tangning, listen to me, I will give you a chance now, as long as you turn around, I can accompany you You go to plead guilty with the head teacher, and strive for leniency for you! But if you persist in your obsession, all the disciples of the Chunyang Sword Sect will kill you without mercy!"

After hearing the words "Killing Unforgiven", Tangning couldn't help but tremble all over. She wanted to take a step, but she couldn't help it anymore. After a while, she raised her head and shook her head at the gray-robed old man.

"I can't go back anymore," Tangning repeated to the old man with a miserable expression.

"As long as you want to turn back, you can naturally turn back." Ke Feiyang shook his head, looked at Tangning and said, "Do you still remember what the head teacher said? The world is big, but nothing can stop his desire to ask, and the same is true for you. If you think about it, you can do it!"

"Old Ke, what Tangning said is true, he really can't turn his head back." Huo Hui, who was dressed in a white robe, said with a smile on his face.

"Why?" Ke Feiyang's eyes gradually dimmed. He knew what the other party said was true, but he wanted to know why, why the genius disciple in his eyes would do such a thing of betraying his master.

"Because you will die if you turn around!" At this moment, another voice came, followed by a powerful and frightening Xeon coercion!

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