Holy furnace

Chapter 578

Ke Feiyang knew that everything was over when the world-shattering long sword shining with celestial light appeared.

He knew the sword, and because of that, he was helpless and desperate!

The instrument can be psychic, it can be called a spiritual instrument!Once the spirit weapon in it can show its own will, even if it is only an extremely weak trace, then his power will multiply exponentially, and in front of a spirit weapon, any of his hole cards will be meaningless. Unless his own strength can cross that threshold and move towards a higher level, it's a pity that this is just a delusion after all!

Therefore, even though Ke Feiyang used the secret method to refine the blood in his body to make his own strength soar for a short time, he still didn't win even a breath for the two girls behind him!The endless sword rain he struck had just been shattered, and the huge sword light was already on his body. If he hadn't put on a treasure armor before, if it wasn't for the opponent's sword being swung so lightly, now He has been divided in two.

Even so, he was still greatly injured, and the treasure shattered on the spot. A huge wound appeared from between his chest and abdomen, almost cutting open his chest and abdomen, and a large amount of blood splashed out and was dyed red. A piece of the sky was covered, and the endless blood turned into pieces of blood mist in the sword intent, which was extremely miserable.He falls from the sky, and what awaits him is death!

However, the expected death did not come. When he fell into the air, a big golden hand suddenly appeared out of thin air, grabbed it in his hand and flew away quickly.

While moving sideways, Ke Feiyang turned his head to look at each other with difficulty, so that he saw a scene that he would never forget in a glimpse, or in other words, saw a punch that he would never forget.

In the distance, Xu Jiayi and Cheng Susu couldn't help trembling all over their bodies, their faces ashen ashes, looking at the Chunyang Sword Formation that was shattered by a sword, and looking at Master Fei Yang who was sent flying by a sword.

This is a great fear, even if they are not afraid of death, but in the face of this peerless power, their instincts are still afraid, not trembling for each other, but frightened by the strength they yearn for.

When Huo Gang finally walked in front of them holding the spirit sword, they knew that death had come.But at this time, they have no fear. Ever since they embarked on the road of cultivation, even if they have flaws, they have always followed the philosophy in their hearts. The road of cultivating immortals is the road of Hongxia.

When the faith in their hearts blooms suddenly between life and death, that kind of great power can make them fearless of death!

So they are not trembling, so they are not afraid, looking at the heavenly sword that is slowly falling from the sky in front of them, they know that they must die, but they still draw their swords.

This is an absolute belief that has nothing to do with strength!Two flying swords, one red and one blue, appeared leisurely. However, the gap between the low-grade treasure and the middle-grade spiritual weapon was really too great. As soon as the two flying swords appeared, they screamed and cracked. This is an unspeakable feeling. The gap is difficult to bridge.

Just when they were about to burn the fire of life and swung their final sword with faith, a figure suddenly appeared from nothingness, with black hair flying, and turned his back to all living beings, like a god descending from the earth, like an ancient fairy coming to the dust!

The moment this figure appeared in front of their eyes, it seemed that the whole world had changed, becoming incomparably peaceful and peaceful. Whether it was the heavenly sword falling from the sky or the terrifying coercion on Huo Gang, everything dissipated. As if it had never appeared before.

Li Haoxuan stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the sword that fell from the sky very calmly.

When the aura of the sword continued to increase during the process of being suppressed, and finally reached its peak, Li Haoxuan finally made a move, leisurely raised his right hand pinched into a fist mark, and punched the heavenly sword.

The world lost its voice!When Li Haoxuan punched out, everything was suppressed, Huo Gang's face suddenly changed at this moment, because he felt an extremely strong pressure, this pressure seemed to come from outside the territory, it could be overwhelming for nine days and ten land!It is hard to compete with his cultivation base that has just entered the bigu state. The magic power in his body is agitated wave after wave at this time, almost directly exploding in his body. This is an indescribable shock. This breath made him feel extremely dangerous!

A strong person in the Bigu Realm may not be a big deal in the Qingxu Temple and other immortal sects, and they can catch a lot of them, but in the secular world, such people are definitely high-end combat power. Honored in the dynasty!

Cultivators in this realm have a little bit of control over their own luck, and have a better understanding of the misfortunes and fortunes of the day and night. Therefore, the moment Li Haoxuan appeared, Huo Gang retreated!

Although Li Haoxuan hadn't shown his strength yet, the aura on his body made him feel extremely dangerous instinctively, and even made his body and mind tremble violently. This is a kind of suppression belonging to Li Haoxuan!As a half-body, even people of the same realm would be suppressed by his Dao, not to mention Huo Gang at this time is really far behind him.

Back then, Li Haoxuan was able to contend against Bigu's strong Ouyang Shu before he crossed the Great Tribulation of Lingxu. Now that he has entered the Ninth Layer Realm, it is difficult for Li Haoxuan to find an opponent in Bigu.

However, since Li Haoxuan has already made a move, how can you retreat if you want?

With Li Haoxuan's strike, the flow of time in this space seemed to be extremely slowed down. When Huo Gang was about to withdraw his sword, Li Haoxuan's fist had already landed on the heavenly sword.

Click!A slight sound interrupted the silence that seemed to last forever. Following the sound, a clearly visible crack appeared on the Heavenly Sword, which was filled with immortal light. After that, the clicking sound became more intense, and finally collapsed. With a bang, the Heavenly Sword screamed and shattered into the void.

boom!It wasn't until the Heavenly Sword collapsed that Li Haoxuan's coercion began to truly show. A golden light shot up from his body and rushed straight to the sky!When this coercion rose, all the living beings within a radius of tens of miles knelt down, trembling slightly, it was difficult to bear Li Haoxuan's coercion, this is a powerful aura that is invincible in the world, no one can compete with it!

Under Li Haoxuan's powerful aura, Huo Gang's coercion is like a firefly in the bright moon, a great power permeates around him, almost sealing him away!

"Go!" Huo Gang's instinct for survival made Huo Gang explode with even more tyrannical strength. It took him a full 30 years to break through. How could he allow himself to die here?In the end, there was a divine fire burning in Huo Gang's body, and he forcibly tore open a hole in the power of the Dao around him, and instantly escaped into the distance for a heavenly sword!He knows that the person in front of him is definitely an invincible and powerful existence, and the only way to fight against him is to die!

"Look, your sword should be swung like this." Looking at Huo Gang who turned into a sword light in the distance and disappeared instantly, Li Haoxuan turned his head and said to the woman in red. While speaking, Li Haoxuan used his finger as a sword , and swung his sword towards Huo Gang who was far away.

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