Holy furnace

Chapter 580 Kill Again

Just when Xu Jiayi was about to swing his sword, a sudden change occurred. Huo Hui, who was originally trapped in the Dao array, suddenly let out a long cry, and the rolling mana swayed from his body. The powerful wave of mana roared and moved. In a short time, he broke through the shackles of Fanxue and Fajie, and stepped into the bigu realm in one step!

After breaking the barrier, Li Haoxuan's Dao formation finally loosened a bit. Taking advantage of this moment, Huo Hui swung his right hand and directly grabbed the three disciples standing behind him to his front, and with a bang, the three disciples The blow exploded immediately, and at the same time, a red flame rose from his body, engulfing the blood mist all over the sky, making a crackling explosion sound!

With the refining of the flesh and blood of these three disciples, Huo Hui absorbed all the energy of endless energy and life, which made his coercion rise again. With a bang, he was directly promoted from the first level of bigu to the third level of bigu, and finally collapsed directly After reading Li Haoxuan's avenue map, he faced Li Haoxuan with a bloody face!

Looking at Huo Hui whose face was gradually distorted in front of him, Li Haoxuan frowned slightly. He felt an unusual aura from the other person. It seemed familiar but strange. This was a very strange feeling, which made Li Haoxuan puzzled.

"Roar!" Seeing that Li Haoxuan had no intention of making a move, Huo Hui let out a roar similar to that of a ferocious beast. At the same time, he made another move with lightning speed, and immediately appeared behind Tangning and the others to punch him. blast!

Boom!Thick blood mist filled the void, and the four of them, including Tangning, exploded without any suspense. Just like before, all their life energy and vitality that had not yet dissipated were absorbed by Huo Hui and turned into endless streams in his body. Absolutely powerful mana, with the influx of these energies, Huo Hui's strength has grown further, and the powerful aura suddenly spread out, causing the mountains not far away to crumble and almost collapse!

Under this aura, the endless ancient trees under his feet directly collapsed into powder, and a huge pothole manifested. This is the powerful strength of the Seventh Layer of Bigu. A single coercion is enough to kill the previous Ke Feiyang directly. !

Ke Feiyang sat cross-legged on the big golden hand, with a look of shock on his face. He was 100% sure that the person in the distance was definitely not the Huo Hui he knew!With Huo Hui's talent, it is impossible to enter the Bigu Realm in this life, let alone break through to the Seventh Heaven of Bigu in one fell swoop!

Rumble!The huge sonic boom sounded endlessly, constantly exploding in all directions. Under the coercion of the Bigu Seventh Heaven, even the earth seemed to be collapsing. A terrifying energy spread from Huo Hui's body, making Fang Yuan Everywhere within a hundred miles is full of murderous intent!

This is a kind of supreme power that can change nature. Even the powerful existence on the top of Wufeng Mountain began to retreat and flee. This bloody murderous intent is too terrifying and frightening!

"How is it possible..." Ke Feiyang muttered to himself under this aura, unable to believe what he saw in front of him.He understood that if Li Haoxuan hadn't stood in front of him, he would have fallen by now, even if this kind of aura was not aimed at him, it would be enough to cause a devastating blow to him.

"Only this kind of strong can face it so calmly and calmly?" Ke Feiyang looked at the still calm Li Haoxuan and thought in his heart that he had seen the headmaster of the sect make a move that could cut off a mountain with one palm, but now Before Huo Hui made a real move, it was enough to shake the mountain. With such strength, it is really hard to say who will be stronger.Up to now, he can only hope that Li Haoxuan is really strong enough, otherwise they still cannot escape death today.

"Have you sucked enough?" Li Haoxuan asked indifferently, looking at Huo Hui, who was imposing like a rainbow and his mana was shaking.

"Roar!" At this time, Huo Hui's face became even more distorted, as if he was suffering some kind of great pain!His eyes had turned scarlet, and he was fixed on Li Haoxuan's body, extremely evil.

"If you haven't sucked enough, I'll give you some more." Li Haoxuan immediately threw out a large piece of middle-grade spirit stones, hundreds of them!

As soon as these middle-grade spirit stones appeared, they seemed to have been summoned by some kind of ghost, and they exploded immediately, and the billowing spiritual energy rushed towards Huo Hui. The rich spiritual energy almost turned into a mist, Huo Hui was enveloped in it!

"Spiritual Stone!" When these extremely rich spiritual energy manifested, Ke Feiyang was almost scared to death by Li Haoxuan, and couldn't help but exclaimed!

In Li Haoxuan's opinion, this is just a mid-grade spirit stone, but in his eyes, this kind of pure spirit stone can be called a god spirit stone!For sects like the Chunyang Sword Sect, it is a great fortune to be able to obtain low-grade spirit stones. Except for a limited number of people such as the head teacher, who is eligible to enjoy the spirit stones?

However, these spirit stones are really nothing in Li Haoxuan's eyes!At his level of mana, middle-grade spirit stones are almost useless. Only the real pure Yang pill can help him, or the pure spirit energy condensed through the spirit gathering array and the black water black snake. Dan's level, otherwise it would not be of much help to him at all!More importantly, Li Haoxuan's realm has reached a hurdle, and unless he breaks through, it will be really difficult to improve.

In the past six months, Li Haoxuan and Qian Feng have earned a huge amount of Xuanjing, and in Qingxu Temple, the least valuable thing is Lingshi!Although Li Haoxuan didn't have many spirit stones at this time, taking them all out could really kill a few small sects like Chunyang Sword Sect!

Seeing that the hundreds of spirit stones were about to be completely absorbed, Li Haoxuan waved his hand again. There were still hundreds of middle-grade spirit stones, and they were all sent to Huo Hui's side. Nearly a thousand middle-grade spirit stones could almost kill a Pure Yang Sword Sect. Now, after being absorbed by Huo Hui, his realm has become more profound, and he broke through the barriers continuously as if there was no shackles, and he rushed to the Ninth Heaven of Bigu in a short time!

After spending thousands of spirit stones, Huo Hui's speed of absorbing spirit energy finally slowed down, as if he had reached his limit.At this time, it seemed that even the space around him could no longer withstand his supreme power, and it began to explode rumblingly, like thunder from the sky, "If you have the ability, show me your heart." Seeing Huo Hui The almost coercion had reached its peak, Li Haoxuan frowned slightly, and said with some dissatisfaction.While speaking, pieces of spirit stones appeared one after another, all over the sky, almost submerging Huo Hui in it.

"Hahahaha! Boy, in order to thank you for everything you have done to restore this old man's realm, I want your body!" At this moment, a gloomy sneer suddenly came from the thick fog, and at the same time, a A huge gray hand several feet in size suddenly protruded from the thick fog, and grabbed Li Haoxuan directly!

boom!Rolling sound waves are like unsurpassed waves!At this time, Huo Hui had really reached the peak. It was just a sound wave, but it swept everything like a dao pattern. All the ancient trees within a radius of three miles exploded, turning into pieces of dust, covering the sky and covering the earth, it was extremely terrifying!

That big gray hand is filled with infinite death energy, and mysterious ways emerge from it, causing everything around it to decay, as if the doomsday is coming!

"Is it really a rebirth by seizing the house?" When this strange voice sounded, Li Haoxuan's face suddenly turned extremely cold, and he said directly, "Damn the one who seized the house!" After speaking, Li Haoxuan took a step forward, and pointed his golden fist in front of him Punch out!

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