Holy furnace

Chapter 581

People who practice Taoism pay attention to the primordial spirit. As long as the primordial spirit is not destroyed, it is immortal. With the improvement of the realm, although the physical body will become stronger and stronger, it is only the carrier of the primordial spirit after all. , otherwise it is something that can be discarded for monks in the advanced realm!A truly powerful monk can even use his primordial spirit to transform into flesh and blood, and achieve true immortality in a short period of time!

Li Haoxuan was almost taken away by a cultivator from the Immortal Record Realm before he set foot on the path of cultivation!At that time, he couldn't understand how lucky he was, but now he naturally understands that the monks in the Immortal Record Realm can be called saints, which have surpassed the scope of human beings. In that kind of realm, almost no one would need to seize the soul, because as long as the mind He can be reborn with a broken limb, immortal, unless the primordial spirit is extremely weak, unless the physical body is completely decayed, there is no need to seize a little monk like him!

Over the years, Li Haoxuan will also recall that scene in the market!A saint holding Li Vulcan Stove, even the legendary quasi-emperor might not be able to beat him into that state, right? Who beat him almost to death?Is this universe really like the rumors, there is no more emperor quasi?Every time Li Haoxuan thinks of this, he has deep worries in his heart, so he has been constantly improving his cultivation to ensure that this secret will not be discovered by anyone, until one day he has the ability to hold Li Vulcan Stove and face all enemies in the world. !

Ever since Huo Hui in front of him broke into the Bigu Realm, Li Haoxuan suspected that he had been taken away!Because he felt two completely different auras from the other party, one of which was full of evil intentions, and it was the sudden burst of that aura that made Huo Hui's realm soar, ignoring the shackles of the realm, and directly breaking into Bigu In the middle of the world, and there is no catastrophe landed yet!

When that aura began to awaken, the mental fluctuations belonging to Huo Hui were rapidly disappearing, and finally annihilated directly when the realm was broken, and his soul flew away!The primordial spirit is the leader of everything, even if the physical body is reshaped after the seizure, as long as the original state is still there, as long as the aura that can be absorbed is enough, then he can increase his strength without limit until he restores the original state and combat power!

In today's Lagerstroemia, many cultivators who are short of offense will seal an entire section of aura veins at a certain point!The purpose of doing this is just in case, if one day you are blown up by someone and survived, you can come to the place where the ore veins were originally sealed after taking the house, so that you can recover to your original state in the fastest time. The most peak!

Moreover, for them, the physical body of the seized body is almost useless. Once their realm is restored and the primordial spirit is strong again, this physical body will be reshaped and turned into his original physical body, which is absolutely compatible with the primordial spirit. Only in this way Only in this way can his combat power be brought into full play!

Li Haoxuan kept providing spirit stones to Huo Hui because he wanted to see what level the opponent's strength had reached before he seized the house!For so long, he has fought countless battles with strong men in the bigu realm, but he has never competed with a monk in the heart-throbbing realm. He very much hopes that the opponent can break into the heart-throbbing realm, and at the same time, he can understand the step-in according to the fluctuations of the Dao when the opponent breaks through the realm. The law of the Bigu Realm.

Li Haoxuan guessed that the other party must be a cultivator above the Heartbeat Realm, because it is almost impossible for a cultivator at the Bigu Realm to have the ability to seize and rebirth, because their primordial spirit is not strong enough, once the body dies, the primordial spirit will also be destroyed at the same time.Of course, Li Haoxuan will not take any risks, because he is not the only one here after all, so he throws hundreds of spirit stones at a time, and once the opponent's combat power rises to the limit he can bear, he will make a decisive move, and kill them in the shortest possible time. It kills!

However, all backhands could not be used, because the opponent was unable to break through after reaching the peak of Bigu, and was blocked by Dao Dao from the gate of Heartbeat Realm.It should have relied on some powerful magic weapon or fairy grass before the body collapsed to make his soul survive temporarily, which gave him a chance to be reborn.

The world of practice is a cruel world, Li Haoxuan does not object to being reborn, but he cannot tolerate a monster taking away his body, even if the body he has taken away deserves to die.

So, when that big gray hand came out of the fog, Li Haoxuan shot directly and punched out.

Boom!Following the blast of this punch, a frighteningly powerful invincible fist surged out, directly shattering the big gray hand in front of him, and rushing into the thick fog where Huo Hui was hiding!

Li Haoxuan's God of Destruction Fist is upright and powerful, just like the fist of an ancient god. With his current state, one punch is enough to sweep away all enemies. Although Huo Hui's aura is at its peak at this time, compared to the current Li Haoxuan It doesn't take much advantage, Li Haoxuan also has the Dao of Bigu Realm, there is no essential difference!Unless he can break into the Consecration Realm, then he can fight Li Haoxuan!

"Kill!" Huo Hui roared, and after his big hand was shattered, he rushed out of the spiritual mist with a bang. Down!

This is a kind of supreme divine power, raising one's hand to throw a mountain, it is too terrifying, it is simply appalling, if a secular person sees this scene, he will definitely shout God!

"Hmph!" Li Haoxuan snorted coldly, but it was just a soft hum. The mountain peak that came from a distance suddenly cracked and disintegrated, and finally exploded, turning into pieces of powder and flowing past the four of them, like a river of stone chips.

In the distance, Huo Hui's body was shining with bloody red light, and he captured one mountain after another, and then used his magic power to force the endless road into the rocky mountains, making these rocky mountains extremely bright, bursting The aura of Dao overflowed, as if a god was born from it!

In the end, Huo Hui's real body descended with several rocky mountains, and the three rocky mountains were facing Ke Feiyang and the other three, while his real body faced Li Haoxuan with infinite magic power, wanting to kill him in the palm of his hand!

"Death!" Facing the three holy mountains and Huo Hui's real body descending from the sky, Li Haoxuan showed disdain, and punched from bottom to top between his mouths!

When this punch was punched out, a more powerful force suddenly burst out from Li Haoxuan's body. The powerful force caused the air around him to explode rapidly, as if the sky was about to collapse!Then, before the fist was actually punched, a ray of punching intention had spread out first, and bumped into a boulder mountain in the distance!

Boom!The stone mountains collapsed, even if Huo Hui injected the power of the Dao, these stone mountains still could not withstand Li Haoxuan's shattering fist!

This is an unimaginable supernatural power, as if it can shatter the world!At this moment, the whole world seemed to be completely blown away by this fist. Several Dao Shenshans were the first to bear the brunt, and they collapsed into nothingness under the divine fist, and there was no powder left. After that, this divine fist went straight forward , instantly penetrated Huo Hui's body, reflecting the entire sky behind him extremely transparently!

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