Holy furnace

Chapter 582


Following Li Haoxuan's attack, a huge sword light swept out instantly, as if it wanted to split the whole world!

When this sword light manifested, everyone seemed to see a magnificent river roaring through the void, and they could even hear the roaring sound in the river.

Above the sword light, a dao pattern appeared, and the avenue of heaven and earth resonated at this time, and a mysterious aura permeated the whole field, making everyone awe-inspiring!

The big river is misty and turbulent, with infinite characteristics!Today's Li Haoxuan has already comprehended the true essence of the Dahe Sword, as soon as he swipes it casually, the Dao pattern will manifest on the Dahe.The great river sweeps across the world, destroying nothing and killing nothing!

Rumbling roars kept whispering, this piece of sword light seemed to become a real big river, rushing from the past to the future, the powerful mana fluctuations penetrated the past and the present, making this sword light span the distance of space almost instantly , appeared behind Huo Gang.

Huo Gang roared, he could clearly feel the frightening supreme sword intent behind him, compared with his own sword intent, it was like a firefly compared to a bright moon, the difference in time was incalculable, but he didn't want to die , so he can only fight!

"Kill!" While roaring, Huo Gang went berserk, and rushed directly into the big river in front of him, his mana was constantly surging, and the powerful divine power surged wave after wave, trying to break through the opponent The sword intent, put it to death and then live!

However, not everyone can turn around in a desperate situation, at least in front of Li Haoxuan's Dahe Sword, Huo Gang does not have such ability!

When it was submerged in the Dahe Sword, almost instantly, the Dahe Sword Intent shattered the protective sword around Huo Gang, and what happened after that can be imagined. When the Dahe Sword dissipated at the end of the world, his body was covered in blood. Huo Gang fell from the sky, exploded in mid-air, and turned into a cloud of blood mist!

This is the first time Dahe Sword has manifested in the world. His peerless power is so frightening and unbelievable that he almost thought it would be a dream!

They were separated by tens of miles, but with a single sword strike, everything was destroyed!What kind of realm and means is this?

At this time, everyone was silent, recalling the previous sword and being speechless for a long time.

"See clearly?" After Li Haoxuan swung his sword, he stopped his hands and stood there, without even looking at Huo Gang who was blown into blood mist in the distance, he turned and said to Xu Jiayi.

Xu Jiayi stared dumbfounded at the familiar but unfamiliar young man in front of her, recalling the peak sword that was enough to overturn her entire world view before, she felt as if she had forgotten to think.

Is this still the martial artist who was scolded by me at will?Is this still the martial artist who was rescued twice by us?Everything from the past came to her mind, making her feel that her previous self was like a joke.

"If you haven't seen it clearly, then I'll wave it again." Li Haoxuan said with a smile when he saw the other party was silent, while speaking, Li Haoxuan waved his right hand lightly, and Ke Feiyang in the gray robe who was held by a big golden hand in the distance He came over and asked him to sit cross-legged behind the two women, and with a flick of his fingers, he injected a ray of mana into his body to repair his injury.

Li Haoxuan's mana can be called divine power, possessing supreme power not weaker than that of the Sun God Body, and he possesses a semi-Tao body, full of strong Dao breath in his mana, which has unimaginably great benefits for both enlightenment and healing !Ke Feiyang in the gray robe now has a ray of mana from Li Haoxuan, which is almost equivalent to his years of penance!

After Li Haoxuan's magic power was self-refined in Ke Feiyang's body, Ke Feiyang's mental state suddenly became clear, and at the same time, the huge wound between his chest and abdomen began to heal slowly. Although it was impossible to recover immediately, but For practitioners, such injuries are no longer fatal, and they can be recovered within a few days of recuperation.

"Thank you senior for saving me!" After recovering some mana, Ke Feiyang stood up reluctantly, and said to Li Haoxuan with a big gift.

Ke Feiyang has been in the world for many years, and Xu Jiayi and Xu Jiayi are far from comparable in terms of experience and experience. Although he is also extremely embarrassed by what happened before, the world is so big and there are countless strange people. Even if the other party deliberately hides his cultivation so what?Who can blame them if their own eyesight is not enough to see through the mystery?Now that the other party has done his best to save him, if he still doesn't thank him, then what kind of practitioner is he?

"You don't need to be polite." Li Haoxuan waved his hand, rolled up his sleeves and let Ke Feiyang take his seat again, then he said.

"Old Ke Feiyang of the Pure Yang Sword Sect, I was the one who didn't know Taishan before, so I hoped that seniors would be kind." After feeling Li Haoxuan's sincerity, Ke Feiyang took his seat with peace of mind, bowed to Li Haoxuan and apologized.Cultivation has no age, the old may not be old, and the immature may not be young, so the cultivation world never distinguishes seniority by appearance. In the final analysis, the cultivation world is extremely cruel, and only strength is the foundation.

Ke Feiyang knew very well that with Li Haoxuan's current strength, even his own head teacher of the Chunyang Sword Sect might not be able to achieve this level of cultivation, worthy of his title of senior.

"Li Haoxuan, it's just a matter of peers." Li Haoxuan replied calmly.

"I don't dare." Ke Feiyang shook his head quickly, and said in fear, for him, Li Haoxuan's realm can already be classified as the realm of merit and good fortune, so how can he have the qualifications to discuss friendship with him.

Li Haoxuan smiled and said no more, how to address him is the other party's freedom, and he will not be so bored as to force the other party to change his words.

Then, Li Haoxuan looked at the girl in red who was still a little sluggish, and couldn't help but smile and said, "Hey, did you hear me?"

"Hey what, I don't have a name? Why are you so...!" Xu Jiayi was still in the shock of the previous scene, but now she instinctively jumped up when she heard Li Haoxuan's words, and said loudly to Li Haoxuan .

"Shut up!" Xu Jiayi's words frightened Ke Feiyang to death, and he shouted sharply before the other party finished speaking!This is a world-class powerhouse who is not weaker than the head teacher. If he is angered by this sentence, the entire Chunyang Sword Sect may be implicated. With his strength, it is impossible to estimate if the head teacher is against him to the end. Who will come out on top!

After being yelled at by Ke Feiyang, Xu Jiayi's face suddenly turned pale, and it was only then that she truly realized that the person in front of her was not the boy she could knead, but a mighty and powerful man!

"It's okay." Li Haoxuan waved his hand to Ke Feiyang with a smile, signaling that the other party doesn't need to get angry, and then continued to ask, "Do you remember the sword from before?"

"Remember one point." Xu Jiayi recalled it carefully for a moment, and then replied with some embarrassment.

"One point? Not bad, then try swinging your sword now." Li Haoxuan nodded upon hearing this, and said to him.

"Ah?" Xu Jiayi's complexion changed, and he asked weakly, "Is it here?"

"Eh... try swinging your sword at him." Li Haoxuan was taken aback for a moment, and after understanding what the other party meant, he turned and pointed to Huo Hui who was in the distance.

Earlier when he slashed at Huo Gang with a sword, he had already sketched out a road map to seal Huo Hui and others in it. This is a kind of sealing map that Li Haoxuan learned from Mo Sangsang. It is powerful and powerful. Using his strength to cast a strong enough to seal the bigu realm, Huo Hui and others could hardly move a single bit no matter how much they mobilized their mana, they could only stand and wait for death.

"En?" Just when Xu Jiayi was about to swing his sword at Huo Hui, Li Haoxuan frowned slightly, and stretched out his hand to pull Xu Jiayi behind him.At the same time, there was a clicking sound, and Li Haoxuan's avenue array was broken.

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