Holy furnace

Chapter 583 Initial Seal

Li Haoxuan's purple mansion was filled with misty purple mist, and a golden villain sitting cross-legged in it, surrounded by strands of avenues, was Li Haoxuan's primordial spirit.

At this time, outside the Dao around Li Haoxuan, the power of transforming Dao was constantly surging. Although it was unable to break through the defense of the Dao, it continued to introduce layers of purple mist into the Dao of Transforming, making Li Haoxuan's purple mansion become It was much more open, and as the power of transformation increased, the avenue around Li Haoxuan's body began to become unstable, as if the sword would be invaded by the power of transformation at any time, which was extremely dangerous.

In the end, when the opponent's Chang Ge passed through Li Haoxuan's fingertips, the endless power of transforming Tao in Li Haoxuan's Purple Mansion suddenly surged and filled, instantly condensing into an existence exactly like the three-inch villain outside.

With the appearance of this villain, the vast Zifu suddenly vibrated, and a series of powerful mighty powers appeared from the three-inch villain, as if they were going to break through the Zifu abruptly.This three-inch little man also held a spear and was wearing a battle armor. He looked majestically at the golden little man sitting cross-legged in front of him.

"Is this the mystery of Yuanshen Bing? It's really hard to imagine without experiencing it yourself." Li Haoxuan's Yuanshen slowly opened his eyes, the pupils with golden luster were filled with unconcealable shock, and he said to himself at this time road.

"It's a pity that when you know the mystery of Yuanshenbing, you will fall. Even if you know everything, it's still meaningless." Maybe it's because they feel that they have a sure chance of winning, and the three villains formed by the power of transformation are not Immediately do it, but said indifferently to Li Haoxuan.

"Who says it's meaningless?" Li Haoxuan smiled slightly, got up from the purple mansion, looked at the other party and said, "Only by knowing the secret of the Yuanshen soldier can he exert his power to the fullest. I will not be helpless as a soldier."

"It's a pity that you don't have a future anymore." The three-inch man said, and then suddenly thought of Li Haoxuan's previous words, he couldn't help but frowned slightly, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Nothing interesting, just thank you for your gift." Li Haoxuan swung his sleeves and said to the other party.While speaking, Li Haoxuan took steps in the purple mansion, and there was a road between the steps, and the purple mansion shook!

"Looking for death!" The three-inch man's face changed suddenly, and the black long dagger in his hand swept out immediately.

boom!During the sweeping of Changge, the power of transforming Tao reappeared, and instantly turned into a huge spear light and slashed towards Li Haoxuan!The power of transformation is one of the most terrifying divine powers in the world, almost irresistible, because he will lead everything to the road of self-destruction.

Zifu is also called Shangdantian, which can be called an independent space!At this time, a huge gun light swept across the purple mansion, cutting through slices of purple mist.

However, when the shot was swept away, the face of the three-inch little man changed instantly, revealing an expression of extreme panic.

"How...how is it possible!" Looking at the huge gun light gradually disappearing in the distance, the three-inch man murmured in disbelief, and almost forgot about Li Haoxuan who was walking towards him.

At this time, in front of the three-inch villain was a passage he opened up in the misty purple air with his supreme gun light. This passage was straight and wide, and there was even the aura of transformation in it. Bring out the strength and power of his previous shot!However, it was this passage that made him frightened, even frightened!Because this passage has no end!

Although Zifu and Dantian can be called an independent space, this space is different from the big world because they both have an end point!Just like Li Haoxuan needs to constantly use his mana to open up the chaos in his dantian, because only in this way can he widen the space of his dantian and make him able to accommodate more mana!The same is true for Zifu, this space is limited!

Since it is a limited space, how can there be no end?If it is a space without an end, how can it be called limited?

"This is my world!" In the shock of the three-inch villain, Li Haoxuan had already walked in front of the other party, looked at the other party and said indifferently, "Except for the Immortal Record Realm last time, no one has ever dared to use yuan You are the first god to enter my purple mansion!"

"First seal, open!" While speaking, Li Haoxuan made a seal with one hand, placed it in front of him, and said slowly while looking at the unbelievable three-inch man in front of him.

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud booming sound in the entire purple mansion, and a piece of mysterious avenue runes manifested at this time, dotted in the void, and then these runes changed rapidly, rearranged and combined , turned into a big Luo array pattern!

Afterwards, when the formation of the big Luo pattern was completed, a purple bead slowly rose from it, and the powerful spiritual coercion appeared, which almost distorted the face of the three-inch villain!

In the end, just when the three-inch man couldn't help but make a move, the purple beads exploded instantly with a bang, and endless purple mist surged out, roaring and rushing in all directions.At this time, the endless purple mist around also began to riot, blending with the purple mist that just appeared now, rippling far away, but in an instant, Li Haoxuan's purple mansion became a purple universe, In the vast and boundless Purple Mansion, Li Haoxuan's primordial power is terrifyingly strong!

Many years ago, Li Haoxuan discovered that although he was born with blocked meridians, his primordial spirit was extremely powerful, more than ten times stronger than normal people, and it was precisely because of this that he was able to successfully cultivate the Chongxu meridian with his body blocked by stones. God!

Moreover, in order to solve the problem that the physical body cannot bear the power of the primordial spirit, Li Haoxuan began to infinitely compress the power of the primordial spirit when he reached the third stage of the Chongxujing Primordial Spirit Chapter!

Under normal circumstances, the power of the primordial spirit in the purple mansion is the silk of the primordial spirit at first, then the mist of the primordial spirit, and finally the sea of ​​the primordial spirit, but Li Haoxuan is not. Over the years, he has already gotten used to the compression method back then , compressing all the power of the primordial spirit into a constantly rotating solid, this way of compressing the primordial spirit has continuously solved the troubles in his practice, and even increased the strength of his primordial spirit to an unimaginable level situation!And this is the capital that he can continue to practice!

The most important thing is that Li Haoxuan's innate soul talent has become more and more powerful after he embarked on the road of cultivation. Even Xu Ziyue said that his soul is terrifyingly strong, surpassing all the geniuses and monsters she knows, I'm afraid Because Meng Jun can be compared with him, because as long as he does not die, his power of soul will continue to develop and accumulate, and even one day Li Haoxuan will even be strangled to death by the powerful power of soul because he cannot break through the realm!

This situation didn't slow down because of Li Haoxuan's improvement, on the contrary, it became faster and faster after his improvement!As a last resort, Li Haoxuan had no choice but to use the method of the past to turn the power of the primordial spirit into a seal!However, Li Haoxuan at this time is no longer the ignorant boy he was back then. After learning the formation diagram and alchemy with Mo Sangsang for so long, he has already created a more powerful spiritual sealing technique based on the Daluo formation diagram!

At this time, after learning about these two rare Yuanshen weapons, Li Haoxuan finally decided not to take any risks, but to show his true strength to kill the opponent with one blow!

In the purple mansion is Li Haoxuan's world, he has absolute control over this world!Therefore, as soon as Li Haoxuan's thoughts moved, countless purple lights surged towards him, completely submerging that three-inch little man!

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