Holy furnace

Chapter 584 The Prestige of Tianyin

At this time, Li Haoxuan's purple mansion was full of majestic purple energy, one after another, rushing towards the three-inch man in front of Li Haoxuan, the rumbling sound was deafening, causing the entire purple mansion to turn upside down Like a shock!

Li Haoxuan stands with his hands behind his back, he can mobilize infinite divine power to suppress all Xiao Xiao in a single thought!His primordial power is almost unlimited. Although his primordial power has been fused with mana after the consecration, and cannot be presented to the outside world in the form of primordial power, but in the Purple Mansion, his primordial power is It still exists, but the power of the primordial spirit at this time has been transformed into the purest spiritual power!

The incomparably powerful mental power broke through the seal, and crushed it overwhelmingly, as if it wanted to penetrate through the ages, and completely suppressed the three-inch villain.

"En?" A moment later, Li Haoxuan's brows suddenly frowned, because he found that the other party's aura still existed, and even had a tendency to become stronger and stronger at this moment!

Li Haoxuan waved his hand, pushing away the endless purple mist in front of his eyes, and immediately saw that the three-inch little man had turned into a four-inch height. Although his face showed pain, he was laughing, laughing silently!

At the same time, the scarlet battle armor on his body was shining, and he began to swallow the purple mist around him, incorporating it into his soul, turning it into his own spiritual power!

The four-inch man looked up, smiled at Li Haoxuan, and said, "You really surprised me too much. I haven't tasted such a pure taste for hundreds of years! It's nostalgic."

Boom!While speaking, the aura of the four-inch villain began to soar, and a powerful coercion rushed straight to Xiaohan, as if it really wanted to penetrate through Li Haoxuan's purple mansion, making Li Haoxuan's face turn pale.

"This is the ability of the Yuanshen Battle Armor?" Li Haoxuan stared at the Yuanshen Battle Armor on the opponent's body, and thought for a while, "First invade the opponent's Purple Mansion with the Yuanshen Soldiers, and then use the Yuanshen Battle Armor to devour the opponent's Yuanshen Armor." It is really a good method, it can be called perfect." At this time, he thought of the strong immortal record back then, if the opponent also had a Yuanshen weapon or a Yuanshen weapon at that time In terms of God Armor, I'm afraid there will be no Li Haoxuan at this time.

Thinking of this, Li Haoxuan couldn't help being afraid for a while!But when you think about it carefully, this is actually in line with common sense. A saint in the Immortal Record Realm must have exhausted all his means and knowledge when he is forced to such an extent. Save it to deal with Li Haoxuan?

"What's your name, where are you from?" the villain said to Li Haoxuan, "It's impossible for a strong man like you to be accommodated in this kind of place. Twelve sects of the Eastern Desolation Immortal Dao, where are you from?"

"Do you know the Twelve Gates of Immortal Dao in the Eastern Desolation?" Li Haoxuan was taken aback when he heard the words, and then asked, "What about you? It is impossible for ordinary casual cultivators to have Yuanshen soldiers. Where did you come from?"

"But whoever has some cultivation level doesn't know the Twelve Gates of the Eastern Wilderness Immortal Dao?" The villain snorted coldly, "As for my identity, you don't have to guess. I'm afraid even your master was never born when I almost fell!"

"Since that's the case, how about your identity? Maybe we are still the same family spanning two generations?" Li Haoxuan smiled and asked again.

"Hey, I advise you not to take chances." The villain sneered, "Because no matter where you come from, you will die today!"

"You are not a person in the immortal way." Li Haoxuan shook his head and said.

"Not only am I not a person of the Immortal Dao, but I also died at the hands of the Immortal Dao." The villain grinned grinningly, and said, "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me your identity. I can naturally get all your memories when I succeed in seizing the house." After finishing speaking, the villain was shocked Chang Ge exuded a more powerful power than before!

"Since you are not a person in the immortal way, then I don't have any burden to kill you." Li Haoxuan said, even if the other party used the Yuanshen armor to disintegrate his mental bombardment, he still did not have the slightest fear and remained calm.

"Although I don't understand where your self-confidence comes from, I'm not interested in that." Chang Ge moved forward, and the power of the villain's primordial spirit became stronger and stronger, and he sneered, "I'm really looking forward to you can release a more powerful Spiritual power, in that case, next time I might try to capture a physical body of Heartbeat!"

While speaking, the villain let out a loud roar, and Chang Ge instantly crossed the space and pointed towards Li Haoxuan's eyebrows. Before Chang Ge arrived, the power of transforming Tao had already begun to spread, and rushed towards Li Haoxuan.

However, Li Haoxuan was not afraid, and there was a Dao protective body beside him, which blocked him from the power of transforming Dao.When the black long dagger stabbed at him, Li Haoxuan moved half a step sideways, condensed the fog of primordial spirit into a dao sword with his fingers, and slashed towards the opponent!

Following the swing of this sword, all the spiritual power gathered rapidly and instantly turned into a great river of spirit, which ran across the purple mansion with a bang, submerging the villain in it.

"Psychic attacks are useless to me, and you still don't give up yet?" The villain's grinning laughter came from the great river of spirits. Sure enough, a huge vortex appeared in the great river, and the spiritual power on the great river was constantly drawn into the vortex. , while the opponent's aura began to soar again.

"What if this is added? Om!" Standing at the front of the river, Li Haoxuan suddenly uttered a Dao sound.

puff!Following the exit of this ray of Taoism, a slight wave suddenly sounded in the spiritual river, as if a stone was thrown into the creek.

"Roar!" Then, a sharp scream came from the roaring river, the voice was full of unwillingness and despair!With this loud roar, the vortex above the spiritual river has dissipated, and the powerful devouring force has also disappeared at this time.

"What the hell is this!" the villain yelled, the mysterious Dao voice terrified him, not only hurt his origin through the Primordial Spirit Armor, but even suppressed the Primordial Spirit Armor, making him The speed of absorbing spiritual power has been greatly slowed down, and it is almost impossible to provide him with any divine power!

Just one mouthful of the Daoist sound actually caused a tiny crack to appear on the center of his brows!

At this moment, the Dahe Sword made of spiritual power finally showed its power, and pieces of dao patterns continuously bombarded the opponent's body, making his Yuanshen soldiers dim.

The four-inch villain kept screaming and roaring, struggling in the great river of spirit, sweeping away with long spears from time to time, but he couldn't break through the encirclement in a short time!

After a while, the little four-inch man finally became terrified, because that ray of Dao sound would appear from time to time, and every time it appeared, it would damage his primordial spirit, and in the end it almost made him die!If he hadn't used the secret method to forcibly activate the origin of the primordial spirit, the dao sound at that time would have shattered his soul. This dao sound is so mysterious that it can ignore the primordial spirit armor!

In the end, the four-inch villain exploded with a loud roar and a bang, and a ray of spiritual wisdom escaped from Li Haoxuan's purple mansion in an instant by taking advantage of the strong fluctuations of the explosion, and submerged into the primordial spirit standing outside with closed eyes.

"Let's go!" When this spiritual wisdom entered the primordial spirit, the opponent's aura instantly increased, and he once again used the secret method to burn the origin of the primordial spirit and fled towards the distance!

"You can't go." The eyes of Li Haoxuan's real body opened at the same time, a big hand stretched out, tens of miles out in an instant, and patted the opponent!

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