Holy furnace

Chapter 586

After the huge explosion sound ended, there was a breeze blowing from a distance, blowing away the smog and dust that covered most of the sky, making the void become transparent and clear again.

Li Haoxuan's black hair fluttered, and he walked in the air. In a few steps, he walked up to the two Yuanshen soldiers, and stretched out his hand to grab the two Yuanshen soldiers, which were no more than three inches long.

hum!When Li Haoxuan approached, the two Yuanshen soldiers were trembling slightly, and they kept making noises, as if they wanted to get away.However, Li Haoxuan had already set Dao patterns around them, making it difficult to cross the void.

"En?" Li Haoxuan frowned slightly after grabbing the two Yuanshen soldiers, because he sensed a ray of immortal wisdom from the Yuanshen soldiers, as if their master hadn't died.However, when they continued to dig deeper, they found that this was not the case. The relationship between them and the previous person had been terminated, and the two Yuanshen soldiers were indeed unowned.

"Could it be the will of the Yuanshen soldiers themselves?" Li Haoxuan said to himself in surprise, if so, then these two Yuanshen soldiers are a bit against the sky, only extremely high-level divine soldiers have the ability of the inner gods , For example, the god-killing halberd I saw in the infinitely small world back then, it was definitely a big killer.

Afterwards, Li Haoxuan released his own mental fluctuations, trying to communicate with the strand of will in Yuanshenbing, but failed, the other party's will seemed to be still in a deep sleep, difficult to wake up.

In the end, Li Haoxuan could only put away the Yuanshen Bing first, and then study it thoroughly after it becomes stronger.

Not far away, Ke Feiyang got up tremblingly from the big golden hand, walked to Li Haoxuan and saluted him respectfully to thank him.

Today's battle has completely overturned his previous understanding of the world of practice. Grassroots monks like them have no concept of faults and immortal records. For them, being able to enter the bigu state is already a peerless overlord. There have been few strong ones for hundreds of years, and they are too far away.

At first, I thought that the level of their masters would be regarded as the pinnacle of cultivation, but now I know that there are too many people in the world who are stronger than them, even their masters A piece of cake!

Back then, he had seen the head teacher make a move, and was deeply shocked by the supreme power of the head teacher, and even had the idea that he would be invincible with such combat power, but now it seems that the idea back then was really just a joke !

Throwing a mountain with one hand is nothing, nor is it nothing to shatter a mountain peak with the palm of your hand. For this strong and terrifying young strongman in front of him, a howl can completely collapse mountains and rivers, and the distance has turned into a mist of dust. Peak is enough to say it all!

Everything that happened today seemed like a dream to Ke Feiyang and the others. The strong ones jumped out one after another, which was simply challenging their inner limits.First, Tang Ning rebelled, then Huo Gang appeared after breaking through the realm, and then a powerful spiritual weapon manifested. The most incredible thing was that Huo Hui, who he thought had no cultivation qualifications, turned out to be so powerful, like a divine help!

Ke Feiyang knew very well that if the young man in front of him hadn't made the move, the three of them would have been wiped out in an instant. The disparity in strength was too great, and all means would be useless, and nothing could be changed.

It wasn't until he recalled everything that happened today that he finally realized that it was precisely because of the good causes Cheng Susu and Xu Jiayi had planted before that the good fruits he had now had.From a certain point of view, it was not Li Haoxuan who saved him, but his two nephews.

"Thank you senior for your great kindness, I will never forget it!" Ke Feiyang saluted, bowed until he was waist level, and said to Li Haoxuan.After such a period of recuperation, his wound has healed and no more blood oozes out.

This is a supreme gift commonly used in the practice world. It is usually used to pay homage to senior seniors or the statue of the Great Emperor who has made great contributions to the human race. But now it is used by Ke Feiyang to treat Li Haoxuan. It is conceivable that he is in awe of Li Haoxuan How far has it come.

"Thank you for saving my life, senior." Seeing that Ke Feiyang had already saluted first, Xu Jiayi and Xu Jiayi came to their senses, stepped forward quickly, stood behind Ke Feiyang and bowed down.

"It's just a matter of raising one's hand, there is no need to be polite." Flipping the sleeves of the cloud, Li Haoxuan lifted all three of them up and said with a smile.

"Although we are wild people in the countryside, etiquette cannot be perfunctory, let alone forgotten." Ke Feiyang insisted on saluting, and said seriously.In his opinion, Li Haoxuan's words were just polite words, and he must do all the etiquette he needs, otherwise he would not be able to explain to himself.

In this regard, Li Haoxuan had no choice but to accept this gift, and then helped the three of them up.

In fact, what Li Haoxuan said was true. If it wasn't for the purpose of exploring the mysteries of Yuanshen soldiers, neither Huo Gang nor Huo Hui would be his enemies. Cheng Xuewu, it is not difficult to do this with his strength.

Moreover, Li Haoxuan's attack this time was not fruitless, the value of the two primordial weapons far surpassed those wasted spirit stones, and he didn't even know how many times more precious they were!Once you have a Yuanshen soldier, it is equivalent to creating a more powerful physical body for your Yuanshen, which can provide great protection for your life!

"What are your plans now?" Seeing that the three people in front of him were a little silent, Li Haoxuan asked.

"We came here to look for ambergris, but now Wufeng has been destroyed and Tangning is dead, hey." Xu Jiayi said a little lonely after hearing the words, and then looked at the vast and dilapidated land around him, and couldn't help but look at Ke Feiyang asked, "Master, what should we do now?" They rarely entered the world, and it was the first time they encountered such a thing that challenged their psychological limits. Now they are panicked and don't know what to do.

"I have to go back and talk about the matter now." Ke Feiyang pondered for a moment, then frowned and said, "I didn't expect Huo Hui to hide so deeply, everyone was deceived by him. Originally thought that Tianjian Academy, except for the teacher Wuchen, should be Huo Gang is the most powerful, but he didn't expect that Huo Hui had reached this level without a sound, and if Huo Hui had already reached this level, then Wu Chen, as the headmaster of Tianjian Academy, what kind of level should he reach? At least not lower than Huo Hui!" Speaking of this, Ke Feiyang's face became a little worried, and he continued, "If this is the case, what exactly does the Sword Academy want to do that day?"

He has to worry about this question. If what he guessed comes true, the balance here will be completely disrupted, because the strength of Tianjianyuan will be so powerful that it is outrageous. Not to mention other things, just the previous Huo Hui alone is enough to destroy their Pure Yang Sword Sect!Of course, this is just the worst guess, and other possibilities are not ruled out.

"Your sect is called Chunyang Sword Sect?" At this moment, Li Haoxuan suddenly opened his mouth and said to the three of them.

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